Dimensional Tour

Chapter 99 - I am ashes

“I’ll ask you again, where is my wife’s wife!” The spear in lancer’s hand collided with the ash sword shield, rubbing sparks, and they were both shot.

“I’ll say it again, I don’t know, I’m too lazy to know, I’m here to fight today. My goal today is not your lord, nor his wife, and now I only have your head in my eyes!” The ash narrowed. Squint your eyes.

Looking at lancer’s angry expression, he continued helplessly, “Well, although I don’t know where she is … but come and defeat me, I will return her to your lord, how? I, ashes, do it! “

Lancer’s eyes lighted up and was soon replaced by endless fighting intentions. “Great! Beat you, and then you return the lord’s wife! Finally there is a breakthrough!”

Ashes laughed aloud. “Ah, do you think I am a soft persimmon? Can you beat it if you beat it? Some are … too arrogant!”

“It’s arrogant, self-confident, this is the only way for me to devote loyalty to my lord!” Say Ling Ling’s eyes to the ashes. “Come on, let me see your power, that breathtaking power!” “

The long and short gun in his hand flicked, rushed towards the ashes, blocked, thrusted, dodged, counterattacked, short soldiers joined, sparks collided between weapons, and the sound of breaking the air roared around, the already broken building was violently set off by the two people fighting Blowing shakyly.

Lancer grabbed a neutral gear, and his short yellow gun pierced the ash abdomen straightly. His move was not a killing, but a feint, and the power used was not very large. The real killing was after the ash dodges. Sweep the red spear in hand!

To lancer’s surprise, the ashes did not evade or block, so let the yellow gun pierce his abdomen, and there was a trace of doubt in lancer’s eyes. This person who fought against him, whether it was martial arts or strength, was equal This is not all he has.

Is a complete mystery, but the martial arts he showed before are no longer inferior to himself. Why can’t he escape now? Or, simply do not want to avoid?

Lancer thought of this, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, do you look down upon me like that? I will make you pay! A glimmer of magic light flashed on the short gun that was galloping in hand, and it was the magic flow that released the treasure!

“Caught you!” Lancer burst into tears, and the short gun in his hand suddenly accelerated, turning from a feint into a kill! Just stabbed into the ash belly!

Lancer suddenly felt something was wrong, there was no familiar touch of flesh and blood, no fresh blood, no reaction when the body was attacked.

Raised his head a little, and saw ashes looking at himself with a smile, “Me too, caught you!” The shield disappeared in his hand during the speech! Grab straight to lancer’s wrist holding the short gun!

The long sword in the other hand was raised above his head, and he slashed fiercely towards lancer. Lancer had no choice but to dodge in a hurry. The lancer’s arm that could not dodge lancer was cut by a long wound with an ashes sword.

After letting go of his grasping arm, lancer hurriedly withdrew and retreated, but instead of rushing over again, he stood staring at the astonishment and looked at the ashes. “How can you, my fellow … My indestructible Huang Qiangwei should be … wrong, You should only bleed, me, I did pierce your abdomen! “

“Oh, you said this, uh … you can see for yourself anyway.” Saying this, Ash put out his hand and opened his clothes, letting lancer cause any harm.

Lancer frowned and looked at Ash’s abdomen, but was surprised. A wound did exist in Ash’s abdomen, but there was no blood, no blood flesh in the wound.

“This … how is this possible? Are you not a human?” Lancer asked in astonishment, looking at the ashes still indifferent expression.

The ashes, as human lives are, are the dead awakened by the flames. Such existence is basically made up of the residue left by the combustion. Naturally, there will be no flesh and blood. The ash knows that he has already tried it, Black Soul. In the world, I have been dismembered more than once, beheaded, beheaded … but there is no blood, and every time I die, I return to the campfire, and I am what I was before.

Oce broke a hand once and returned to the bonfire. For the first time, I saw how the bonfire recovered itself … but the ashes under the bonfire rushed to my amputated limb and then condensed into my body.

I am different from the Fire Girl, I am reborn from the dead, the Fire Girl is really flesh and blood, until she walks into the darkness with her, after this resurrection, she is just like herself, I have to say, Ash feels sorry for the Fire Girl of.

These points, of course, Ash knows, but how to answer the lancer of the curious baby in front of me?

In lancer’s curious eyes, Ash smiled and grinned and said to him, “Do you know why I am called Ash? My blood, it has already dried up …”

Lancer who looked at the ashes didn’t have any deep feelings, but only felt more curious. What do you mean, this guy’s words sound strange, and the blood burned out? Is he a zombie?

Different from lancer’s curiosity, the guardian who has been monitoring the palace here has fallen into contemplation, ashes … Is this what it means? What did you see in your dream? Flames, missions, burning sky, extinguished flames, these are all the ashes experience …

“That’s it … save the world? No wonder I will do this kind of behavior. It seems that I still have a lot to learn about saving the world …” Chedi sighed and shook his head helplessly.

“Don’t you have blood? It’s really tricky. In this way, Huang Qiangwei’s curse doesn’t do much to him, and so does Red Rose …” Lancer didn’t think much anymore, he couldn’t think of it, he just didn’t want to, anyway Just know the result.

“It seems that he can only be defeated by pure martial arts, which is really a bit difficult, it is really a headache”, lancer thought of it in his mind, but the ashes were visible, and his face was indeed full of smiles at the moment.

“It’s a really good expression. Even so, do you think you can beat me?” Ash again summoned the shield, posed, and looked at Lancer and asked.

“I don’t think it is a must! The mission of the protagonist in the lower body! I must defeat you anyway, and only then can I prove my loyalty!” Lancer looked at him, and the spear in his hand once again cut the distance between the two.

“It’s not good to learn, you have to know that sometimes the enemy is the one who can understand you, and your lord … was scolded before …” Ash put his lips down and reached out to block the lancer’s spear ~ www. wuxiax.com ~ kicked lancer off and kicked at him.

“I know, I also understand the truth. Since you understand me, you should know my purpose!” Lancer stood still in his hands and looked straight at the ashes, his eyes full of war.

“Ah, I know, isn’t it loyalty and proof of my worth? I understand, but I don’t agree that such you live for others, not yourself.” Ash put his lips down, his sword in his hands. He hurriedly chased lancer.

“I never need anyone else’s fellowship, as long as I agree with myself, as long as my lord agrees, that’s enough!” Lancer evaded the block and answered the ashes, while still waiting to fight back.

“Oh, then I got it wrong! This kind of will is not just for others, but also for yourself. You are different from that little girl, ha ha ha!” Although the lancer was praised, the long sword in Ash’s hands was not satisfied, Once again brought some scars to lancer’s body.

The two separated, and lancer was covered with scars of all sizes, but his eyes became brighter, and his fighting spirit reached its peak now!

“I like your eyes. I used to fight as a hunt before. It seems that you are completely awake now, then … then, the duel is duel!” Ash grinned, Suddenly put away the long sword in his hand and looked straight at Lancer not far away.

“Oh! I’m really honored to be able to fight against a strong man like you. It’s not an honor to be under!” Lancer put his foot on the posture, but the hand holding the gun was shaking slightly, and he was already a bit injured. By the way, coupled with the constant fighting, the physical strength can no longer keep up.

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