Director’s Legend

0063 【Crazy box office】

() "Many... much, how much?" Ning Hao tremblingly took the note with trembling hands.

"Thirteen million!"

Shao Shuaijun clutched his chest, feeling like his heart was about to jump out. Thirteen million is definitely not much in future generations, but this was 2005, and there were only less than 3,000 large screens in the whole country. In one day, 13 million, what kind of concept is this. It is equivalent to saying that almost all the theaters showing "Crazy Racing" have an attendance rate of 70% in almost every show in order to have such an exaggerated effect.

Today is Saturday, and apart from "National Treasure", which is scheduled to be released on the 18th, there are no major releases throughout March. But being able to get such data still made Shao Shuaijun and Ning Hao unable to recover. Years ago, "A World Without Thieves" and "Kung Fu" both swept the box office of more than 100 million.

Especially Zhou Xingxing's "Kung Fu" has a total box office of more than 160 million, but the box office on the first day was only 11 million. Feng Xiaogang's "A World Without Thieves" had a total box office of more than 120 million, and the box office on the first day was less than 9 million. As for "Crazy Stone", the box office on the first day was only worth 10 million.

13 million in the first day, I dare not call it the highest record, but it will definitely enter the top three. The top ones are "Hero" and "Titanic", which have not done detailed statistics. One has a domestic box office of 250 million and the other has a box office of 360 million. . According to this estimate, the final box office of the car is unimaginable.

"Haha, Xiao Shao, Xiao Ning, you are all here. Congratulations, the box office of the racing car is sure to sell well, especially Xiao Ning, you are about to become the fourth director with a box office of 100 million yuan in mainland China, and become famous in one fell swoop!" Wang Zhongjun didn't sleep either, He rushed over immediately after receiving the notice. Up to now, the mainland directors with over 100 million box office are Zhang Yimou ("Hero", "House of Flying Daggers"), Shao Shuaijun ("Crazy Stone") and Feng Xiaogang ("A World Without Thieves").

Ning Hao smiled embarrassedly: "Thanks to Huayi Brothers and Shao Shuaijun's studio for their support, congratulations to everyone for making a lot of money."

"Haha, Xiao Shao is the good fortune boy, we will follow behind to pick up money. Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner!"

At the same time, the first batch of viewers also began to leave messages on Tianya, Xinlang and other communities.

"Huang Bo, you're so handsome." - Meat Aci.

"Crazier than a rock, isn't it!" - Jun Jonson ak.

"Patch it together, cut it up and make it up, and it looks good." Lonely man.

"Rong Xiang is so talented...Gao Jie is super cool and dumb...Jiu Kong is a bit wretched...Huang Bo is also very handsome." - Bibabao.

"I don't think it's as exciting as Stone Comes, but it's still a classic comedy." ——Su Xiansen.

"There are too many layers, and the interweaving is not very good. Some places seem too deliberate, and the special effects are too fake. It's better not to do it, but it's quite funny, and it's not bad in domestic comedies." —— Ayumih .

"I feel nauseous for this kind of film that abuses montage. In the last thirty minutes, I completely started to babble, probably because I found that the story could not be told anyway. No matter how many lighters and urns were invented, it was useless." - Nine A fly hit the wall.

"I think it looks better than the crazy stone." - II.

"China needs directors like Shao Shuaijun and Ning Hao who are responsible for the film, not like some big directors who make movies just to cheat the audience. Hire some big-name actors, hype the movie countless times, and only discover the movie after watching it. It's really not good. Ning Hao, good job!"

"It's okay to be super-manly, even super-manly, and even super-manly... How did this director come up with it, it's absolutely amazing!"—Big beauty Little Watermelon.

"There is no novelty, but there is a bit of entertainment." ——Senior children of the older generation.

"I couldn't help laughing when I saw the stupid duo, it's so funny, I recommend you to watch it." ——Lao Liu.

"It's more complicated than the stone, and it seems to have more jokes, but it's still not as good as the stone. The grassroots and humanistic care of the stone can't be seen here. However, the racing car is still very good, cult, very Gehry Strange, very Shao Shuaijun, "The Big Smoking Gun" is my No.2 movie, so, how can I not recommend racing cars!" - Zhou Yu.

"How could a homicide case be investigated by a police officer! No, it was only necessary to move the car away, how could it be possible to drive it all night, and the thief followed it all night! The placement of advertisements is too obvious! There is still a problem with the logic, but the overall situation is Wonderful!" —— Amino, this guy must be from Hong Kong, and it turns out to be in traditional characters.

"Mobile phone ringtone, sorceress, tire blowout. The distribution of jokes in the three paragraphs is relatively even, and there is no chance for me to be cold." —— Huoyanshan.

"This one obviously follows the taste of "Crazy Stone", nothing new, and the jokes are not so good." - Dr. Chest Hair.

"Crazy Stone Jewel Jade is in the front, Crazy Car unfortunately has to endure more and harsher picks, but the strength is indeed not as good as the previous one, the jokes are rare and common, and the bonus points brought by the novelty are deducted instead, so unfortunately it falls into the ranks of bad movies. .Applause for the filming in Xiamen." - Boring.

"This movie lacks the warmth of the beach security guard and the couple cuddling in Crazy Stone, and it's fun even if it's not in the theater. It's a movie that would make me rate other movies lower." —— seamoon.

"The racing car lost one point to the stone, probably in the rhythm. Ning Hao actually has feelings for violence, freezing, blood drops, and sudden death spraying is very enjoyable. I thought it would be very unspectacular to continue the Chinese style guy ritchie, but every bit of it is very close. Guest star That part of "I saw Bai Lie early in the morning, I'm really excited" is probably the most simple and authentic Shanxi accent I have seen in recent years. There are no racing cars, no stones, and some are just that kind of sub-xing tune. Comedians make a show , solid and reliable.” ——Rui Xiurui.

"In this era when copycat products are flying everywhere, the social ethos of impetuosity, utilitarianism, lack of imagination, and laziness has poisoned this society into a sick society. Don't talk about grassroots and the like to put money on copycats. Although relying on Some petty cleverness and petty theft can taste a little bit of sweetness for a while, but it will not make a big deal in the long run." - Tom Ke is poor.

"Big Smoking Gun, Big Smoking Gun... Ning Hao and Shao Shuaijun, each with a big smoking gun." - Peasant Head.


With the release of the film, countless praises came, and the box office of the film continued to rise steadily. 13 million on the first day, directly becoming the box office champion of the week, and 14 million on the next Friday, leading the box office again. The total box office is 67 million, which is the data of the eight days of release.

In the second full week, "Crazy Racing" once again topped the box office, with 16 million in a single week, and a total box office of 103 million, successfully promoted to the 100 million box office club.

On March 18, Nicolas Cage's action blockbuster "National Treasure" was released, which once attracted the audience's attention. However, the potential of "Crazy Racing" has been consumed by more than half, and the two films are inseparable. In the end, "National Treasure" defeated "Crazy Racing" with a box office of 19 million and won the weekly championship with a slight advantage of 21 million.

At this time, the cumulative box office of the racing car has reached 122 million, successfully surpassing the previous "Crazy Stone".

In the fourth full week, "Crazy Racing" and "National Treasure" competed for the box office again. This time, after the vigorous publicity of Huayi Brothers, the racing team completed its counterattack in the fourth week, with 16 million, winning again. Won the championship of the week, and the cumulative box office reached 138 million.

In the fifth week, some theaters began to drop pictures one after another, but the screening period has not yet ended, and many theaters are still making contributions.

It is expected that it will not be a problem to win another 5 million box office.

"Crazy, one stone is 120 million, one racing car is 150 million, two young directors tell you why the world is crazy!"

The major media roared.

Crazy phenomenon reappears!

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