In fact, Cheng Xu had long thought of the fact that there was no time limit.

He actually said this on purpose, this bet is more like a tacit date between two people.

Cheng Xu: Where do you want to play?

Miss Li: I want to go rafting

Miss Li: I took a look, these days are sunny days

Going to play Drifting Liu Xu is of course a hundred pleasures. After all, under normal circumstances, there are so many opportunities to "frankly meet". It was just an objective consideration. He still reminded him a little. After all, it is already autumn.

Cheng Xu: Go rafting now, I'm afraid it will be a little cold [dog head]

Miss Li: I am not afraid of what you are afraid of. I found a place when I was watching a short video. I heard that it is very exciting.

Miss Li: I have been thinking about it for a long time. If I don’t go this time, I will have no chance this year [unhappy]

Cheng Xu: Then walk up tomorrow [rush]

Just as he agreed to this, Cheng Xu immediately opened Huang Junjie's dialog again.

Cheng Xu: Well, I have something important tomorrow, so I won't accompany you to dinner

Cheng Xu: Next time definitely

Zai Jie escapes: ?

Zaijie can't escape: what can you do? Are you a single dog still running business on National Day?

Cheng Xu:......

Cheng Xu: You don't care

After finishing the chat, he started to search for strategies without stopping. It was quite miserable to say that this was the first time in his life that he had played this game.

"The Hengding Drift she mentioned seems to have only been developed in the past two years. It seems that you should pay attention. This thing is still dangerous."

Although Cheng Xu has never played rafting, he has always heard of it more or less. Yixia City is rich in mountains and water resources, and there are several famous rafting spots.

However, when there are more people playing, there will always be a few minor accidents. Old-fashioned tourist attractions like this naturally have rich experience, and basically they will not make the same mistakes again.

But the new ones are different. It can be said that many things are still in the testing stage, so the risk is still slightly higher.

After a search, Cheng Xu found that in addition to those bells and whistles, he only needed to bring a set of clean clothes and a mobile phone key wallet.

After all, many things needed for rafting, such as mobile phone waterproof bags, food and drink, rafting shoes, etc., can be bought on the spot, even if it is a little more expensive, but now he doesn't care about the difference at all.

This made him sigh that it is indeed more convenient to do anything when he has money.


"Dad, I went out to play with my classmates."

Li Mengqing didn't bring too much, just a small backpack, enough to put down a set of summer clothes and some small things.


Li Hengyun responded in a daze, his daughter had told him yesterday, and he didn't ask.

After estimating the time when she went downstairs, Li Hengyun couldn't help but stand on the balcony and look down.

But after only two glances, he withdrew his gaze, lay back on the sofa again, and let out a long sigh.

As soon as Li Mengqing came downstairs, he found that Cheng Xu was already waiting for her below.

Considering that she was going to go rafting today, she only wore a pair of denim hot pants and a pair of small black flip-leather sandals, with a simple cyan T-shirt on top.

"You got another Mercedes-Benz?"

Li Mengqing also planned to tease the local tyrant after hearing what his father said about Cheng Xu's company.

The last time he rode in his car, he was still driving a Mercedes-Benz coupe, but this time he changed to a more business-oriented car.

"That's a long way off. This time it's my own car. No, it's a car bought by the company. Strictly speaking, it's a public car for private use."

Although the price of this car is now about half that of the Mercedes-Benz C63, but at least it was bought with his own money, Cheng Xu is more confident when he jokes.

"Do I have to call you Boss Cheng from now on?"

"What's the name of the big boss, let's call me self-employed."

"Hahaha, it's true in the strict sense, but this doesn't sound good, so I'll call you Xiaochengzi."

After getting in the car, her mouth never closed with a smile, and a beautiful day began when she met Cheng Xu.

The two chatted about some recent interesting things while driving along the way. The originally long drive seemed to end without a few words.

There are not as many people in the scenic spots as in July and August, but because of the blessing of the small holiday, it cannot be said to be deserted.

In short, they are quite satisfied with the flow of people. Too many people make it difficult to queue up, and there are too few people and there is no such atmosphere. It's just right.

"Beauty, do you want shoes? You can't play with these shoes, or the kind that leak your toes."

"Handsome guy, do you want a water gun? It's expensive. I only need 20 yuan here."

"Mobile phone case, do you want a phone case?"


Walking all the way from the parking place, all these people selling small commodities, Cheng Xu refused one by one.

I learned from the Internet that many of these roadside things are more expensive than those sold in the supermarkets in the scenic area. That’s okay, and what’s more, even the shoes are picked up and sold for the second time that others don’t want.

Moreover, he booked two small packages in advance, which included some necessary things, and went directly to the ticket booth to collect them later.

"I remember you were wearing size 37 shoes?"

When I came to the counter I needed to report the yardage to get the shoes, Cheng Xu asked abruptly.

"Eh? How did you know?"

Li Mengqing was very surprised how he knew that, in her impression, it seemed that this topic had never been discussed.

"I remember what you told me in high school. I think you haven't grown taller in recent years, and your shoe size should not have changed."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Li Mengqing was very moved. He even remembered what he had said for so long. When she heard the second half of the sentence, she just wanted to beat him immediately.

"What you said, I don't even know whether to praise you or beat you."

"Okay, let's try to see if it fits."

Cheng Xu handed Li Mengqing a pair of selected shoes and said.


But when she took off her shoes, she didn't stand still and almost lost her balance. Fortunately, Cheng Xu's eyes and hands were quick, and he hugged her back.

"I'll help you take it off."

After Cheng Xu finished speaking, without waiting for Li Mengqing to answer, he untied her shoe buckle neatly, revealing a complete white and tender little foot.

"Just try it."

Li Mengqing blushed, and he didn't know whether it was because he almost fell and was embarrassed, or because Cheng Xu just hugged him. "

"Hmm... that's quite appropriate."

Her voice was several degrees lower than just now.

After depositing things, getting tickets, and completing these preparations, the two lined up at the water's edge and waited to get on the kayak.

"Lonely Step into a Fairy"

"Are you nervous?"

Immediately after getting on the boat, it was a very steep slope. Li Mengqing, who was just a little excited, couldn't help but his heart thumped violently when he heard the screams of other tourists. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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