Disaster Artist

Chapter 295: cut-in method

"...that's too much!"

"We can color grade and keep the filters within acceptable limits, why not?"

"Because the choice of filter is a big mistake, not only rigid but also superficial! It completely destroyed the coldness and arrogance of the film itself! Lu Qian! You should be smarter!"

"This is my movie and it should be shot the way I want it!"

"This is my movie too! Do you think my reputation won't be damaged if such photography goes out to the public?"



The air was burning, and the entire conference room was silent, as if the sound of the blood gurgling could be clearly heard, so that the mind was also tense, and before he realized it, he held his breath and tried his best to hide his existence.

Ji Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He calculated one thing, but not another—

Chen Mu.

In fact, after the "raid" filming was over, Chen Mu, Ji Xu, and Bai Cheng all eased a little, even if they weren't friends who went out for a drink in private, but at least they were no longer tense when they met on the set, except for Lu Qian.

To be precise, Chen Mu still doesn't like Lu Qian, and Chen Mu still refuses to "shake handshake" with Lu Qian, so the two are still incompatible.

Ji Xu was very, very surprised that Chen Mu was willing to take pictures for the "tourist" again. He thought that if he could be fooled once, he would definitely not be fooled a second time.

But obviously, Ji Xu's judgment was wrong.

During the production meeting in the afternoon, Lu Qian seemed a little irritable.

The script reading session in the morning lasted for nearly four hours, and the production meeting for the "Human Removal Project" lasted another three hours in the afternoon. After that, the daily schedule for the filming of "Visitors" took up a full hour of the meeting, until the production officially started. During the discussion session, night had fallen outside the window, and even dinner time had passed.

Don't talk about Lu Qian, even Ji Xu felt that his brain was about to explode, and then the conflict happened.

In the film "Tourist", Lu Qian hopes to present a minimalist and mechanical style. From a photographic point of view, the composition and focus need to be changed.

Lu Qian asked to use a medium shot as much as possible to complete the shooting, placing the actors in a frame, just like a scene appearing in a picture frame or a TV screen, and the whole frame needs to be slightly larger, consciously making the actors appear small, even is oppressed by a huge frame.

Then, through some close-up and close-up cuts, a kind of follow-up camera drills into the pores of the actor to spy on the details of the expressions and the real thoughts in the mind.

Such visual effects need to be oppressive and aggressive, but they must remain smooth and mechanical, quietly affecting the audience's viewing experience.

This is undoubtedly very, very difficult for the camera crew, as they need to find the exact shooting point in each scene:

The first is the medium shot with the distance, and the second is the scene that forms the frame.

To this end, Chen Mu and Lu Qian launched a bayonet-seeming debate.

Chen Mu believed that Lu Qian asked the photography team to complete the composition too harshly, because Lu Qian did not have the ability to tell stories through pictures.

Lu Qian believes that Chen Mu has no understanding of the information conveyed by the entire script and the whole story of "Tourist", and it is undoubtedly stupid and arrogant to make such a superficial judgment on photography.

In the debate between you and me, Lu Qian finally persuaded Chen Mu. Those seemingly mechanical compositions are themselves one of the ways the film conveys the message, and every scene fits perfectly with the script.

But then the filter question raised by Lu Qian was strongly opposed by Chen Mu——

According to Lu Qian's idea, he hopes that the film can be superimposed with a layer of blue filter to create an alienating and cold visual effect, further enhancing the perception of the ice and snow, and quietly hinting at the relationship between Ma Wen and Tao Li.

But Chen Mu thinks this method is very cheap and very cliché.

Filters are also very important for movies.

For a simple example, why can some directors pick up a smartphone to shoot a movie-like work, but ordinary people can't shoot any quality pictures with the same mobile phone or even a professional camera?

Composition and lighting, which are crucial keys; the other is the filter.

In horror movies, the red filter was once a smash hit, because it can bring a retro and strong color effect, especially in lead yellow movies is widely used -

The so-called "lead-yellow film" does not refer to filters, but a horror movie derived from the horror and mystery of the lead-yellow cover in Italy in the 1940s. is its label, and heavy-duty filters are often the first choice.

In another category of thriller movies, blue filters are very common, because blue can often create a cold and alienating visual effect, such as "The Grudge", "Sleeve", "Conjuring" and so on.

A correct and good filter can convey different psychological feelings through color, which is very important for film.

However, filters often require post-adjustment, and top colorists are rare.

"Tourists" are a little bit special, because the shooting environment is full of white, in order to facilitate the color adjustment in the later stage, they need to make a good idea when shooting, and make certain coordination through lighting and photography, so as to avoid the color adjustment in the later stage. distortion.

In Lu Qian's mind, it's like "Manchester by the Sea". The "tourist" uses a blue filter to show the diffuse alienation and indifference, which is a very appropriate way of presentation——

Of course, there are many kinds of blue, and which one should be used to present it should be discussed slowly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mu's opposition was so strong and fierce.

In Chen Mu's opinion, the blue filter is a "stupid" choice. It is not only cliché but also clumsy. Compared with the cleverness and profoundness of the script, the choice of the filter is like the idea of ​​a college student's practice, which completely ruins the movie. His own quality, lowering the grade of the movie, is something he absolutely does not allow.


Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the two sides fell into a stalemate.

If it were normal, Lu Qian would never be able to argue so simply, rudely and so straightforwardly, but now his brain is in a state of chaos, and the protests from his hungry stomach are constantly interfering with judgment, and then the development of things gradually out of control.

To be honest, Ji Xu hasn't seen Lu Qian's gaffe for a long, long time, at least not since the "Master of Time Management" incident.

However, Chen Mu also refused to give in an inch. He did not lose his confidence because the previous arguments were unsuccessful, and he still firmly adhered to his point of view.

The tense atmosphere is almost suffocating.


Suddenly, Bai Cheng stood up without warning, and all the eyes of the audience were projected over in an instant, only to see Bai Cheng clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth.

"...It's dinner time!"


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