Disaster Artist

Chapter 650: right angle turn

Clues and lies, one after another, like a stormy sea, pressing step by step, surrounded by groups.

Even Wang Ge discovered that Wang Si had been lying to her, and she was the only person in the world who believed in Wang Si.

Under Wang Ge's aggressive confrontation, Wang Si also admitted that he hated Ai Qing to the core, and his distorted face pushed Wang Ge to his opposite.

The suspense is like peeling an onion, slowly peeling off layer by layer, and all the audience in the entire auditorium are following the advancement of the camera and approaching the truth.

Even Tomson and Su Changting couldn't help holding their breath, time and space had lost their meaning, and they all followed the camera.

"...I'm going to try to believe that my husband still loves me and loves this baby, this baby, maybe really saves our marriage..."

Accompanied by Ai Qing's unhurried voice-over, the two-line editing of the scene pushes the suspense to a climax step by step.

Meanwhile, the detectives went to Wang Si's father's cabin to explore.

Meanwhile, Wang Si finally unlocked the secret of the third clue of the wedding anniversary scavenger hunt.

Ai Qing's narration, so calm, revealed a sadness, a touch of coldness, and a touch of desolation, penetrating the fog and shining into reality.

Wait, didn't Wang Si just say that Ai Qing doesn't want children? So, is Ai Qing's pregnancy accidental? Or did Wang Si lie to Wang Ge again?

But there's no time or space to think, as the film's sharp and quick editing erupts with a powerful force that drags the audience into a sprint.

"...but I could be wrong too, because sometimes the way he looks at me makes me feel like...my dream lover, my child's father, my man..."

Detectives, found a diary that was not completely destroyed in the incinerator in the basement of the cabin -

Ai Qing's diary!

Wang Si, dashing all the way to the brown cabin, seemed to finally be able to unearth Ai Qing's hidden secret, sprinting profusely in the thick night.

Walking through the woods and lawns, overcoming thorns and thorns, the sound of Wang Si's sharp gasp permeated the eardrums, and the dense drum beats made the audience's heart beat stronger and faster, almost bursting.

The police detective, Wang Si, and Ai Qing, who wrote the diary, are intertwined.

She turned her head to look at the lamp on the bedside table. On the bed, she was alone. All the sounds disappeared, only the sound of games in the living room surging.

There was no sound, no sound, or even breathing, which made the sound of video games clearer.

Then, Ai Qing turned off the lamp, and the voice sounded in the darkness.

"... Might kill me, he might actually kill me."


A wheezing sound could be heard above the eardrum.

At the same time, wow, Wang Si suddenly opened the door of the brown cabin, the lights poured down like a waterfall, and the world was bright again.

But the scene was all over. The detective opened Ai Qing's diary and flashed the words on it with a flashlight. The two were stunned.

After everything, Wang Si looked at the objects in the brown log cabin. It turned out that the real brown log cabin was not the log cabin of Wang Si's father, but the log cabin in the storage room behind Wang Ge's residence. Then, Wang Si was like this In shock and astonishment—


Full Dangdang are all objects, gifts for their fifth wedding anniversary, but also all the objects purchased by credit card max.

So, what the heck is going on with these objects?

Could it be that... it was Ai Qing who maxed out his credit card? Did you buy these gifts in Wang Si's name to create the illusion that Wang Si was heavily in debt?

Or is it Wang Si himself? Ai Qing discovered the things he had squandered and bought, and then hid in the cabin, waiting for the detectives to find out?

No, no, no, logic doesn't make sense.



Shock and astonishment continued to roar in my mind, the entire auditorium, all the audience involuntarily followed the dizzy soundtrack and dazzling scene scheduling, holding their breath, the heartbeat had stopped, the messy thoughts in my mind surged out, making A sensation comparable to the Big Bang.

what happened?

what happened!

But his brain had crashed and he lost his ability to think. Following Wang Si's line of sight, he was stunned, and countless question marks filled his entire head in an instant.

The screen is black.

The screen lights up.

"The day the eucalyptus was released", the subtitles appeared, and then, Ai Qing also appeared.

Ai Qing, who was driving, was munching on a hamburger, as if he was on his way to vacation.


A 90-degree right-angle turn, all breathing was cut off, the dizziness of the camera was like a heavy punch, slamming into the stomach of the audience:

want to vomit.

However, the brain is still not functioning, there is no idea, and there is no way to think.

Then, the narration appeared again.

"At this moment, I'm already dead, and I'm so happy."



The entire screening hall was surging with blood boiling, even Tomson and Su Changting were no exception.

"Technically, 'disappearing', and about to be presumed dead, to disappear."

"And my lazy, lying, cheating, forgetful husband is going to jail for murdering me."

What... what?

"Wang Si took my pride, my dignity, my hope, my money, and he asked me for anything until I ceased to exist. This is murder! Let him get what he deserves!"



Astonishment is a better adjective than shock. Just when all the clues and all the evidence pointed to Wang Si's murder of Ai Qing and the forgery of the disappearance, the story took a sharp turn, not even a 90-degree right-angle turn~www .wuxiaspot.com ~ but a 180 degree U-turn:

"Organizing a convincing murder requires discipline..."

It turned out that the real "murderer" was here.

Indeed, everything was directed and acted by himself, but the audience guessed the "director" completely wrong, not Wang Si, but Ai Qing.



The screams surged deep in his throat, but he couldn't shout at all, all suppressed in his chest, so that the shivering trembled one after another.

Like falling into an ice cellar.

The movie, step by step, made the audience feel the fear of cold hands and feet. For a while, the wind was messy, and they didn't even know whether to sympathize with Wang Si or fear Ai Qing. The intricate emotions continued to blow out in their minds. Couldn't find any sound.

Ai Qing, in this way, slowly, slowly, and progressively revealed the secrets to the audience, revealing how she started to lay out, how to write a new diary, how to silently manipulate Wang Si's "suspect", and finally. How to carry out a crime that looks like disappearance is actually murder.

"...Under the fury of the crowd, when I'm ready, I'll go out on a boat with lots of pills, my pockets full of rocks. When they find my body, they'll know:

Wang Si threw away his dear wife as trash. "

"She floated and sank, drifting past other women who were also abused, abandoned, and useless, and then Wang Si also died."

In the picture, Ai Qing is slowly sinking to the bottom of the clear lake, with bags of "garbage" floating underneath, like a huge and silent cemetery between the water and grass. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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