Do not die

Chapter 213 Qingxuan Law Enforcement, Secret Law Past

Spaceships hovered over the original canyon basin, encircling the battlefield that had changed beyond recognition.

Each spaceship is like a moving formation base. When they hover in different areas, a formation barrier is automatically formed, cutting out the inside and outside.

From then on, no one, not even a mosquito, could get out of the battlefield area surrounded by the formation.

Any strange smell will immediately trigger everyone to be on high alert.

And these are just things done casually when the spacecraft arrives, just like law enforcement officers will immediately pull out the warning isolation tape when they arrive at a crime scene.

As soon as the spaceships came to a stop, figures jumped out of the spaceships and came to the sky above the rubble ruins.

But the person who lurks at the head of the crowd is a female cultivator with a hot figure, Xuan Xuan, the master of the law enforcement hall.

The other female cultivator following her was Ding Ning.

None of the other monks of the Law Enforcement Hall, including Deputy Hall Master Fan, were closer to her than Ding Ning.

The group of people stood above the rubble and looked at the messy scene below, and they couldn't help but frown deeply.

Xuan Xuan asked: "What is the original situation here?"

A middle-aged monk who looked to be in his forties said, "I'll go find out."

Xuan Xuan nodded.

The middle-aged monk turned around and returned to a spaceship behind him, while Xuan Xuan led the others to continue surveying the scene. After a rough circle, Xuan Xuan turned to the others and asked, "Have you discovered anything?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then one of them slowly said:

“Hall Master, this scene has obviously been destroyed, and what we see now is not the real scene at all.

From this huge destructiveness, the only thing I can confirm is that the warning of the Wanli Huntian Formation was correct. There was indeed a third-order high-grade destructive power pouring out here not long ago. "

No one else spoke, they just nodded silently.

Xuan Xuan looked at Ding Ning beside him who was also looking down at the rubble and rubble below. His stern expression suddenly softened and he asked:

"Xiao Ning, do you see anything?"

Ding Ning thought for a while and then said:

"The stone ruins we see now should be caused by someone using the power of the earth."

All the cultivators present had solemn expressions on their faces, but after hearing these words, some could not help but curl their lips inwardly.

Does this need to be said? Who can't see it?

Xuan Xuan nodded and continued to ask: "Can you do it?"

Ding Ning shook his head and said, "It can't be done."

Speaking of this, she paused and added:

“Not only can’t I do it now, even if my cultivation reaches the middle stage of pill formation, I still won’t be able to do it unless I let it brew for a long time.

To achieve this level in a battle scene, it must be at least the seventh level of elixir formation. "

Xuan Xuan nodded and said no more.

After waiting for a while, the middle-aged monk who had just returned to the spacecraft appeared again.

He handed Xuan Xuan a jade slip and at the same time distributed a jade slip to everyone else present.

Said: "Twenty years ago, the Deacon Hall sent a mission to get a detailed understanding of the situation in the Gray Mist Mountains.

Part of the mission is to use photographic stones to record the topography and mountain trends in various parts of the Gray Mist Mountains, including here.

The photographic stone is currently stored in the Deacon Hall, and the Deacon Hall has arranged for someone to deliver it. This is some basic information. "

Xuan Xuan read the contents of the jade slip, shook his head and said, "How credible is the information from twenty years ago?"

The middle-aged monk shook his head and said:

“Twenty years can indeed change a lot, and the credibility of the information about the distribution of monster beasts and spiritual materials is indeed open to question.

But there shouldn’t be any big changes in the mountains and landscapes, right? "

Xuan Huan shook his head, but did not stay at the scene any longer. He turned around and walked out of the formation formed by the spaceship.

Just when the spacecraft arrived and their group entered the scene to check the situation immediately, a large number of monks flew out of the spacecraft and quickly went in all directions of the Gray Mist Mountains.

At this moment, monks from the Qingxuan Sect Law Enforcement Hall were returning one after another with groups of monks half-invited and half-secured.

They just flew back and forth in the sky of the Gray Mist Mountains without any concealment.

The areas that were originally said to be extremely dangerous and full of demonic auras were always quiet. Not to mention a single demonic beast popping out, there was not even a larger bird.

Some of the monks who were half-carried and half-invited here were foundation-building monks, and more were small teams composed of Qi-training monks.

Xuan Huan came to the first team that was invited. This was a team led by a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, escorted by two in the early stage of foundation building, and more than twenty monks in the middle and late stages of Qi training.

When Xuan Xuan and other high-level officials of the Law Enforcement Hall looked back and forth at them, even the middle-stage foundation-building monks with the highest level of cultivation could only stand still, looking frightened and afraid to break out in sweat. .

"Did you come from Hongliang Bay?" After looking around, Xuan Xuan looked at the monks in the middle stage of foundation building and asked seemingly casually.


"do what?"

"Take the younger members of the clan to experience and hunt for some resources."

"There is something unusual here, have you noticed it?"

"I know... I know."

"Did you know it right away?"


"About what time?"

"More than half an hour ago."

"What about when it's over?"

" was more than half an hour ago."

The monk in the middle stage of foundation building thought carefully and replied honestly.

He looks like an honest kid who answers whatever he asks.

He has never been so obedient since he became a foundation builder.

He thought he was honest and obedient, but some people didn't think so. Xuan Xuan fell into a brief silence after hearing his answer.

But there was already a law enforcement officer Jiedan next to him, frowning and saying:

"What are you talking about? It started more than half an hour ago, and it ended more than half an hour ago. Could it be that the beginning and end were completed at the same time?"

There was a sudden awkward silence at the scene.

The mid-stage Foundation Establishment monk who was pressed by him opened his mouth to explain in detail, but in the end all the explanations were forced back by him.

Although this senior has a bit of a brain problem, he can crush himself to death with one finger.

And the more you face such seniors, the more you can't "make sophistry", otherwise, you will only be the one who suffers in the end.

Xuan Xuan glanced at this subordinate helplessly, motioning him to stand behind him, and asked: "How long did the abnormal time last in total?"

The monk in the middle stage of foundation building thought carefully and said, "About ten breaths."

Behind Xuan Huan, there was a sound of gasping. It was Xuan Huan himself. After hearing this answer, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and said solemnly: "Are you sure?"

The monks in the middle stage of foundation building also hesitated and thought about it carefully.

The cultivators in the Law Enforcement Hall didn't push him, inexplicably expecting him to come up with a more "reasonable" answer.

After a while, the monk in the middle stage of foundation building said:

"Or maybe only eight or nine breaths."

Come on, don’t ask this anymore.

At this moment, many monks working in the Gray Mist Mountains have been invited here. They have no objections to the answers given by the monks in the middle stage of foundation building, indicating that there is basically no big difference.

Moreover, people cannot lie about this kind of thing.

But the more this happened, the heavier Xuan Huan felt in his heart.

When the Wanli Huntian Formation sent out a warning and learned that the destructive power of the third high-grade level was pouring out of the Gray Mist Mountains, the Law Enforcement Hall immediately took action.

Coupled with the characteristics of the Wanli Huntian Formation, it can only detect the beginning in time, and the end time cannot be accurately determined, and it will be affected by the scale and quality of the power.

Simply put, the stronger the destructive force detected by this array, the greater its "sequelae".

Xuan Xuan said a few words to the deputy hall masters beside her and asked them to continue questioning everyone, while she herself returned to the spaceship.

When she got off the spacecraft, a group of monks who came to the Gray Mist Mountains for training were busy piecing together the appearance of the canyon basin.

The group waited for a while, and a spaceship broke through the strong wind layer and landed nearby.

This was specially sent to deliver the image stone. As the image stone arrived, some monks directly used exquisite methods to make an exact model of the canyon basin.

Then, based on various information obtained from other monks, some details were modified to make the canyon basin closer and closer to what it looked like before it was destroyed.

Although the mountains and landforms have basically not changed in twenty years, this is the Gray Mist Mountains, where battles at the foundation-building level often break out, and there are countless battles at the Qi-training level.

In the past twenty years, there may not have been any major changes, but there have been many subtle changes.

At this moment, another spaceship arrived, and a white-haired old man came out of the spaceship. Xuan Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him.

"Senior brother."

The old man she calls her senior is the master of the Talisman Array Hall, a third-level high-grade Talisman Array Master.

Behind him, there were many monks from the Talisman Array Hall.

Xuan Xuan did not greet anyone else and led the master of the Talisman Formation Palace into the formation barrier.

Looking at the almost filled canyon basin in front of him, the master of the Talisman Palace said: "You didn't clean it up without authorization, did you?"

Xuan Xuan shook his head and said: "This place has been destroyed once. I was worried that some traces would be damaged accidentally during cleaning, so I didn't let it go for the time being."

The master of the Talisman Array Palace nodded and said: "Not bad."

With that said, he directed the following Fu Zhen Temple Array Masters to take action.

Formation flags were driven into various places, some into the ruined mountains, and some into the void.

Some of the formation flags were taken out from the storage space and were obviously prepared in advance, while others were made on site by the master of the Talisman Formation Hall himself.

When he drove the last formation flag made by himself into the center area of ​​the rubble ruins, the formation flag disappeared into the void.

At this moment, more than three hours have passed since Xuan Xuan and others arrived.

The time has also changed from daytime to evening.

The master of the Talisman Formation Hall said to Xuan Xuan: "The formation has been enchanted."

It is very difficult for different formations to coexist harmoniously.

Mutual intolerance is the norm.

Therefore, in order to achieve the best effect possible, the formation barrier must be removed.

He took one last look at the canyon basin before it was destroyed, and began to play spells in his hand. Finally, a stream of mana penetrated into the void where the last formation flag merged.

In an instant, starting from that void, bits of mysterious aura enveloped the entire ruins of rocks.

The boulders floated gently as if they were weightless.

In the process of floating, many adjacent stones were pieced together.

Looking at the cracks, they fit together perfectly, as if they were originally connected in this way.

There are also many stones of different sizes scurrying back and forth in the air, as if they were separated children looking for the direction of home.

And just in this going around, they can always find the position that can accept them and that best fits their crack outline.

The questioning at the Law Enforcement Hall has ended long ago, but the monks who were forcibly invited did not leave.

When being "invited", they resisted in their hearts.

But when they arrived at the scene, they were questioned in detail by the law enforcement agency and told that they could leave, but they left in no hurry.

And as long as they don't seek death to the point of forcibly attacking the formation barrier, the monks of the Law Enforcement Hall will not drive them away.

At this moment, because the formation barrier had been removed, other monks also saw this magical scene.

At first, everyone was still watching on the ground. After discovering that the viewing position on the ground was not very good, the foundation-building monks flew into the sky one by one. Except for not daring to enter the area where the formation barrier had been removed, Each and every one of them was "unscrupulous" to the extreme.

In their eyes, the canyon basin that had disappeared was recovering bit by bit.

Start from the bottom and work your way up.

As the rocks gradually returned to their places, the canyon basin that had disappeared gradually revealed its original appearance.

Even the broken and completely reduced vegetation returned to its place.

However, a return is a return. They did not come back to life, but returned to the place where they should have stayed in the form of broken branches and debris.

The trees that were originally tens of meters high and grew out of the cliff still maintained their original appearance in this dilapidated form, which looked extremely weird.

At a certain moment, Xuan Huan, who was watching the changes in the canyon basin without turning his eyes, suddenly said: "Stop."

And at the same time she shouted "stop", the master of the Talisman Formation Palace also made a hand seal with his fingers to stop the formation.

Obviously, both of them came to the same judgment at the same time.

At this moment, if Meng Zhou were here, he would definitely be surprised when he saw this canyon basin.

Except for the weird shapes of the vegetation and the fine cracks in the mountain rocks, the topography of the canyon basin at this moment was exactly the same as the moment when he was about to destroy it with the surging waves.

No instructions were needed at all. The monks from the Law Enforcement Hall had already taken out the image stone and clearly recorded the appearance of the canyon basin at this moment from all directions and angles.

Xuan Xuan and several other senior officials of the Law Enforcement Hall were all focused on the huge pit in the center of the basin, as well as the similarly huge but different-depth marks around it.

There is also the ground with a wave-like texture, and there are densely packed sharp cracks in many mountain rocks.

These traces are obviously different from the traces of cracked rocks, and various auras are exuded in their induction.

Some are sharp, some are domineering and cruel...

And while Xuan Xuan and others were watching, discussing in low voices based on these traces, and restoring the battlefield, the master of the Talisman Formation Hall had already commanded a group of formation mages to take action again.

A handful of formation flags were thrown into the mountain or into the void.

This time, the quantity and quality of the array flags used were even better than the previous round.

You know, because the scope of the battlefield has been determined, this time, the scope of the formation is more targeted, basically surrounding the traces of the battlefield, rather than encompassing the entire canyon basin.

When the master of the Talisman Formation Hall raised the last formation flag, he said to Xuan Xuan: "Okay."

Xuan Huan nodded, turned around and looked at the foundation-building monks hanging in the sky in the distance behind him, and said to a monk next to him:

"Go cover it up."

The man nodded and left the place.

Soon, a thick white mist appeared in the original formation boundary area.

This white mist is very strange. Not only can it obscure the sight, but even the spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building monks will also be distorted and obscured.

When the consciousness enters it, all it sees is a meaningless mass of color.

All the foundation-building monks who were "hanging" in the sky and waiting eagerly sighed in disappointment.

Many of them even came down from the sky and led their children away from here.

Xuan Xuan looked around again and said: "All the monks who have not formed the elixir should go outside and wait."

The foundation-building and fake alchemy monks who stayed in the area, whether from the Law Enforcement Hall or the Talisman Array Hall, all withdrew.

Xuan Xuan said to several monks holding shadow stones:

"You guys will take notes later and try to choose some different angles."

After hearing the instructions, several people silently dispersed in all directions.

Xuan Xuan then nodded to the master of the Talisman Formation Palace and said, "Okay."

The Master of the Talisman Array Hall nodded slightly and fired another spell.

Soon, wonderful changes began to occur in the canyon basin.

The canyon basin that had been emptied was once again filled with all kinds of rocks.

However, if you look closely, you will see that this is not a real rock, but an image of a rock.

At the same time, the scene in the canyon basin area also returned to the evening scene, while outside the formation, the night was deep.

The sky within the area covered by the formation became brighter and brighter, as if it was daytime again.

At a certain moment, the rocky ruins retreated into an intact appearance. Compared to the perfection that was forcibly pieced together by the power of the formation at this moment, the canyon basin shown in the formation image was truly complete.

Everyone was shocked, knowing that the main show was about to come.

At this moment, a dark green gourd emerged from the soil and spit out something.

However, everyone knows that time in the formation image flows backward.

Therefore, compared to the normal timeline, the images they saw were equivalent to watching it backwards.

In a normal timeline, it would have been this dark green gourd that swallowed all the items on site.

Someone whispered: "Nakong gourd."

However, he only had time to say these four words, and nothing more happened.

The same goes for everyone else, all with their mouths wide open.

At this moment, their attention was all focused on what was "sprayed" out by the gourd.

Six spirit puppets, the corpse of a green wolf, the corpse of a mountain ape, the corpse of a man in green...

Even if the retrograde image is just an image, and there is no external aura that allows them to judge the strength level of these things, but as Qingxuan Sect's Danjie, there is naturally no shortage of knowledge.

They could easily tell that the corpses of the two spirit beasts and the six spirit puppets were all of third-level mid-grade quality. Each one of them could fight a sixth-level pill-forming monk for a long time.

In the image, these corpses that were "spit out" by the gourd quickly came to life, and the spirit puppets and spirit beasts fought together.

But all their attention was focused on the other two figures.

The man in green, who was originally a corpse, was now wearing a strange armor.

And an ordinary-looking man used a flying sword to create a downpour and airtight effect, and kept clanging on the armor of the man in green.

Most people's attention fell on this mediocre sword-wielding man, because the result was obvious. He finally won, cleaned up everything here, and turned this canyon basin into a pile of rubble. Man, that's him.

But a few eyes fell on the armor of the man in green, with surprise and suspicion in their eyes.

Soon, the image regressed to show a man in green walking slowly backwards in the canyon basin dozens of meters above the ground.

And just a moment ago, a flying sword flew out from between his eyebrows and disappeared into the ground.

When the figure of the man in green retreated to the edge of the canyon basin and disappeared, the canyon basin became completely silent.

Until this moment, the monks who had been holding their breath since the dark green gourd emerged from the ground finally exhaled a long breath and looked at each other with lingering fears.

There were also several monks in the middle stage of the alchemy process present, but they asked themselves, if they were in a different place, their performance would not be as good as that of the man in green who was ultimately defeated and his body was collected into a gourd.

There is a high probability that someone will drop you instantly.

This confrontation was unexpectedly brief and fierce.

From the beginning to the end, it was the man in green who was being pressed down and beaten.

Some people even couldn't help but think that if the man in green didn't have a strange armor with exaggerated defense, before he could react, he would have been shot in the head by a sword from the man who looked ordinary.

The process was so short and the power was so restrained that it might end without attracting the attention of Wanli Huntian Formation.

After a long time, Xuan Xuan asked the people around him for their opinions:

"You've all seen it, what do you think?"


"Very strong."

"Both sides are very strong."

"I can probably barely deal with a spirit puppet."


When she asked, everyone started talking.

Xuan Xuan frowned and said:

"I'm not asking you to evaluate their strength, but I'm asking you, why did this battle happen here?


Who are these two people?

What do we need to do? "

As soon as she asked these questions, the scene quickly became quiet.

Everyone looked at each other.

Why does it happen here?


Who are these two people?

What do we need to do?

No one could answer any of these questions.

At this moment, someone said:

"Judging from the results, the winner is the sword-wielding man who controls the six spiritual puppets. I think the answers to these questions will all fall on him."

Another person quickly agreed and nodded:

“Although the battle was short, a lot of information was revealed.

He is good at controlling flying swords, good at controlling spiritual puppets, and is good at controlling the earth's power. From the fact that he was forced out of the earth by the mountain ape, it can also be seen that he is good at the art of earth escape. "

Another person added:

"His movement skills are also very powerful. Qing Lang's attacks with such density did not hinder him at all."

"There is also the Soul Attack Technique... The last fatal blow he gave to the man in green should be a Soul Attack Technique." Another person added.

With everyone's words, they almost revealed one by one the methods that Meng Zhou had used through Linglian's clone in this battle.

But at this moment, a thin old man who had never spoken and looked about fifty or sixty years old said slowly: "I think that man in green is also worthy of attention."

Xuan Xuan, who was initially indifferent to the discussion, immediately turned to look at him and said:

"Xu Bai, what did you find?"

There are two types of alchemy monks in Qingxuan Sect.

One is a true member of our own family, a person with a generational name in "Qingxuan Yuanjing".

But upon closer inspection, there are actually two types of people like this.

One type is the monks who have formed a true elixir before the Qingxuan Sect was established. They follow the five elders of Qingxuan as true elixirs and conquer the country. By the time the Qingxuan Sect is established, these people are basically from the Xuan generation. Nominally, his status within the sect is only lower than that of the five elders Qingxuan, and the others are either peers or juniors.

One type is the monks who formed true elixirs after the founding of the Qingxuan Sect. For example, the monks of the Yuan and Jing generation formed true elixirs. Basically, they only formed true elixirs in the last ninety years.

But generally speaking, these are our own people.

There is another kind of guest, such as Ding Ning and Xu Bai who spoke at this moment. They are all in this category.

In the thirty or forty years since Qingxuanzong was first established, Qingxuanzong was still recruiting foreign monks because of needs. However, these monks could only serve Qingxuanzong as guests.

To be honest, Ke Qing's treatment is not bad. Except that important positions such as law enforcement hall master, deacon hall master, and hall masters cannot participate in the competition, and there is no share for them, the treatment in other aspects is not the same as that of our own people. Any difference, in some aspects even looser.

Inheritance methods, practice guidance, etc., as long as the strength reaches the corresponding level, everything that should be available will be available.

As Qingxuanzong's own system became more and more perfect, the threshold for recruiting guest officials became higher and higher.

Xu Bai joined the Qingxuan Sect more than 80 years ago when the Qingxuan Sect was first established, and became a guest minister of the Qingxuan Sect. Not long ago, he broke through from the early stage of Dan Jie to the middle stage of Dan Jie, and achieved the cultivation level of the fourth level of Dan Jie. .

He has always been silent and low-key in Qingxuanzong. Apart from doing his job well, he hardly pays attention to other things. He is immersed in his own practice. His presence in the Law Enforcement Hall is like an "invisible man". "Generally, the level of attention received by people is not as high as that of Ding Ning, who has just entered the Law Enforcement Hall.

Seeing him suddenly speaking at this moment, everyone was surprised and turned to look at him.

Everyone had always known what kind of person he was, and when he suddenly spoke at this moment, they all knew that this person must have something important to say.

Under everyone's gaze, Xu Bai's expression did not change at all, his face remained calm, and he said calmly:

"Does the Hall Master know some of my experiences before joining Qingxuan Sect?"

Xuan Xuan nodded.

Although Qingxuanzong has lowered the threshold for attracting guests for a while, it is also a necessary step to find out the other party's roots and eliminate some hidden dangers.

As the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, she not only knew some of Xu Bai's experiences before joining Qingxuan Sect, but also had a very clear understanding of his life trajectory from the time he started practicing to joining Qingxuan Sect.

Xu Bai nodded and said: "Then you should know that I have stayed in Cuiyu Lake for more than ten years."


"At that time, the Mo family was not in charge of Cuiyu Lake. At that time, there was only one big force in Cuiyu Lake, and that was the Yan family.

You should know the origin of the Yan family, right? "

Xuan Xuan nodded, "I know."

Her expression was still calm, but her eyes were getting deeper and deeper.

The cultivators beside them were a little confused when they saw Xu Bai bringing the topic to his own life path. At this moment, when he mentioned the "Yan family", the atmosphere became solemn unconsciously.

"I have had close contact with many Yan family foundation builders, and the biggest impression I have about them is that they all look very similar.

Not to mention that they are carved from the same mold, but the biggest difference is that they are at least eighty-nine points similar.

Moreover, this difference is basically caused by the difference in age, temperament, and acquired habits. In terms of bone structure, they are basically similar to twins.

Even the female cultivators, apart from their softer facial contours, are not much different from the male cultivators of the Yan family in other aspects.

There is a saying that the ancestor of the Yan family has a strong bloodline. He was able to give birth to a powerful foundation-building family on his own in just a few decades. He must have used some secret methods. "

Having said this, he paused and then said:

"This statement is not a random guess. Under normal circumstances, have you seen any Foundation-Building monks who can single-handedly reproduce so many Foundation-Building seedlings in just a few decades?

If foundation building was really so easy to cultivate, then there wouldn't be so many foundation building forces in the world that have declined or even been destroyed due to lack of successors. "

Everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

Some people couldn't help but mutter:

"Is there such a secret method in the world?... With this secret method, as long as a family has a foundation-building or pill-forming person, wouldn't it be guaranteed that there will be foundation-building or pill-forming seedlings born from generation to generation?"

Another monk said: "There may not be other places, but you don't want to think about the origin of the ancestor of the Yan family... Isn't it normal for there to be such a secret method there?"

Everyone nodded again, and many people could no longer hide the envy in their eyes.

If Dan Jie can also give birth to descendants with Dan Dan potential, even if the probability is very low, with their abundant physical strength and energy, wouldn't they be able to create a powerful force on their own?

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Xu Bai continued:

"However, this secret method that has been involved in the creation of life must have some unknown price, and it cannot be without price."

Although it feels like a dream is shattered, everyone has to admit that this makes sense.

"We don't know the other costs, but this high similarity in appearance should be an obvious characteristic of using this secret method."

"I have also seen that the second and third generations of the Yan family do not have this characteristic. They even show the other extreme, that is, their appearance similarity is very low. Even if they are brothers from the same mother, their appearance differences are not huge. Like brothers."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue has become very quiet.

Xuan Jue asked softly: "Xu Bai, does this matter have anything to do with what we are discussing today?"

Xu Bai said calmly:

"I just felt a little emotional. The first time I saw the man in green, I felt like I was in a trance, as if I was seeing those Yan brothers again."

Xuan Jue said: "Look alike?"

"Exactly the same." Xu Bai replied.

At this moment, the surroundings were so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop.

Suddenly, a monk gasped and exclaimed:

"Didn't you say that all the Yan family brothers are dead? Is there any fish that slipped through the net?"

Because of his words, the atmosphere that was originally so quiet that you could hear a needle drop suddenly relaxed, and everyone turned to look at him.

The person who spoke such wise words with profound insight happened to be the man who had previously criticized the monks for providing unclear information in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

Oh, since it's him, it's okay.

Xuan Xuan took a deep breath and immediately typed out several messages.

The two spaceships hovering in the air immediately took off, and soon disappeared into the strong wind layer of the sky, disappearing without a trace.

After dealing with these, Xuan Xuan looked at the master of the Talisman Array Hall:

"Senior brother, can you go against the path this person came from and trace his traces?"

The master of the Talisman Array Palace nodded and said: "No problem."

As he said that, a group of Talisman Palace Array Masters took action at his call, and they pulled out the array flags that had been driven into the rocks and the void one by one.

Xuan Xuan, on the other hand, started discussing with a group of law enforcement officials.

"You said, this Yanzhuang... is called Yanzhuang, right? Why does he appear here?" Xuan Xuan asked.

Everyone else was frowning and thinking, but the wise man woke up belatedly:

"Yan Zhuang? That ancestor of the Yan family is called Yan Zhuang, right?"

Xuan Xuan didn't even bother to explain to him. He turned around and glared at him fiercely, scolding: "From now on, shut up!"

The wise man closed his mouth in grievance.

Someone said worriedly:

"Hall Master, instead of discussing this, shouldn't we discuss why a disciple of his Xingxiu Palace appears here?

How did he get out?

Could it be that the mountain sealing formation in Xingxiu Palace has been opened?

Isn't that what matters? ! "

Xuan Xuan shook his head and said:

“Is this something you should worry about?

What are the results of our discussion here?

Isn’t it all just guessing?

In that case, why are you talking about these meaningless things? "

The man closed his mouth and continued to think seriously.

At this moment, the master of the Talisman Formation Palace who was busy at the side said: "Junior sister, do you know the origin of my formation?"

Xuan Xuan shook his head.

The master of the Talisman Palace said:

"You should remember that more than sixty years ago, we dug out a family that was loyal to Xingxiu Palace.

Because the other party acted decisively, although many people were killed, the harvest was not much.

One of the gains was that he obtained a magical soul technique called 'Retrospective Circle Light' from a broken jade slip, but it was too damaged to be practiced at all.

I spent decades using the talisman array method to complete it, and finally came up with this 'retrospective circular light array'.

You have also seen the effect, but the biggest disadvantage is the trouble.

But this is not the case when it comes to truly looking back at Yuan Guang. You can directly see the image of a certain place in a certain period of time in the past, and it is not so cumbersome at all. "

After he said this, there was another gasp.

Xuan Xuan said thoughtfully:

"So, senior brother, what you are saying is that if this person is really Yan Zhuang from Xingxiu Palace, then the reason why he appears here is probably to track someone who passed this route at some time in the past?

And the person who ambushed him knew this information before he did, and was waiting for him on the route he must take? "

"Zi Liu~~"

All the Dan Dans looked at each other. Although it was a bit nerve-wracking, except for a few, the other Dan Dans were not lacking in brains. They also quickly understood that behind the confrontation they saw, there was another, even weirder confrontation.

This this……

All the pill collectors looked at each other, completely speechless.

People also form pills, and we also form pills, but why do we feel that the other pill and this pill are not the same pill?

Don’t we cultivate to become immortals?

After all, we are still on the third level...

Forget it, just don’t mention it.

Xuan Huan, who came up with this guess, was calm on his face, but his heart was also filled with ups and downs.

She couldn't help but look at the Master of the Talisman Formation Hall who was nodding and twisting his beard, and said:

"Brother, can you find out who he is tracking?"

She had an intuition that this was the key to truly breaking the situation.

The master of the Talisman Palace who was twirling his beard suddenly paused when he heard this. He couldn't control his strength and tore off a few strands of his beard, and said quickly:

"Junior sister, you think too highly of me.

Let alone me, even if he finds another monk from the Xingxiu Palace who can also trace the light back, as long as he doesn't know what the purpose of Yanzhuang is, he won't be able to find any clues! "

Xuan Xuan fell into deep thought, but another person next to him couldn't help but ask:

"Why? Since looking back at Yuan Guang can uncover traces of the past in this area, as long as he is willing to work hard and compare them one by one, he can naturally find out who the target he is looking for is based on the movement trajectory of Yanzhuang."

Some who responded slowly couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"A tracker and a tracked person, their movement trajectories must completely overlap!" another person explained.

The master of the Talisman Palace said dissatisfied:

"The records of interrogating those monks are still there, haven't you read them?

This is one of the most visited sections of the Gray Mist Mountains. I don’t know how many people walk on this road every year.

Do you want me to track each of their movements one by one without knowing anything?

How is this different from finding a needle in a haystack? ! "

"But there is still a needle to be found after all!" someone whispered.

"You..." the master of the Talisman Palace blew his beard and glared, "Are you trying to exhaust everyone in my Talisman Palace to death?"

He thought to himself, if I had known this, I shouldn't have spoken so much.

Xuan Xuan stepped forward and pulled his sleeves, with a sincere and pleading expression: "Senior Brother!"

The Master of Fu Zhen Palace trembled and quickly changed his words: "I... Then you have to find out the trajectory of Yan Zhuang before he came, right?!"

He knew that the junior sister had been so gentle and begging, and if he continued to disagree, he might really die.

Just when everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall was full of expectations, a few days later, the master of the Fu Zhen Hall told everyone a very "bad" news.

At this moment, everyone had moved to another place. He pointed at Yan Zhuang who suddenly appeared in the backtracking circle light array, and said with regret:

"He must have used a small teleportation charm. At this point, the clues are completely broken."

Xuan Xuan sighed with regret, "Senior brother, where is the other person? Is there any way to track him?"

The master of the Talisman Array Palace said angrily: "Do you really think of this retroactive round light as a magical skill? If it was possible, I would have told you so." (End of Chapter)

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