Do not die

Chapter 321 Prison of the Five Realms (2) (Happy Lantern Festival)

Qiyunfeng originally had no obvious seasonal changes. Regardless of spring and summer, or autumn and winter, the climate remained at the turn of spring and summer.

It is full of vitality and beautiful scenery all the time.

After Meng Zhou moved in, he deliberately redefined the four seasons when setting up a mountain protection formation covering the entire Qiyun Peak.

four Seasons.

The four seasons of the year are distinct and each has its own distinctive characteristics.

Perhaps, in the eyes of other monks, Qi Yunfeng's original state was the best.

The four seasons are like spring and full of vitality.

Whether it is the growth of spiritual plants, the growth of spiritual beasts, or the practice of monks, it has a subtle help.

But in Meng Zhou's eyes, such benefits were unnatural, even deformed.

To put it bluntly, when it comes to practicing and understanding the vitality path, Meng Zhou can no longer see anyone traveling with him within the five realms.

Let alone fellow travelers, even those a little one or two steps behind were rare.

The more he understood, the more Meng Zhou understood that the great truth does not mean that it is obscure and profound. It may also be hidden in the "common sense" that people are accustomed to but turn a blind eye to.

For example, "Spring brings growth and summer growth, autumn harvests and winter storage".

Another example is "One yuan begins again, and everything is renewed."

The four seasons of the year come again and again.

The cycle of birth and death, the unity of birth and death.

Only when there is birth can there be destruction, and only when there is destruction can there be birth.

At that time, Qiyunfeng was like spring all year round and was always in a state of vitality.

But in Meng Zhou's eyes, this was always a situation of neither improving nor falling, failing to participate in the great cycle of heaven and earth.

——There is no need to exaggerate too much about how great this equal power covering all living beings in the world is. Just look at how much help Meng Zhou's self-created three-pole cycle of energy, energy and spirit gave him, allowing him to compete with other people at the same level. You can imagine how big a gap the monk has opened.

With this concept in mind, Qi Yunfeng, who was rearranged by Meng Zhou, suppressed the spring-like characteristics of the four seasons brought by his spiritual veins, and regained extremely clear changes in the four seasons.

Winter passes and spring comes, the ice and snow melt, everything grows again, and the world begins a new reincarnation.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, late at night.

Seventy-four-year-old Meng Zhou ended his first retreat of the new year.

Since the introduction of "The True Picture of the Bright Moon in the Vast Sea", which has filled the last gap in the three-pole cycle, and the retreat practice has changed from once a month to once a season, Meng Zhou found that his perception of the changes in time has also slowly changed.

Because he does not need to constantly think about the retreat practice that needs to be carried out on time every month, it is easier for him to immerse his thoughts in his own world for a long time.

For him, this rhythm is more to his liking.

But on the other hand, time seems to have become shorter because of it.

It is very likely that it will only take a month or two for someone to be immersed in a certain thought and suddenly wake up.

But in his own feelings, this was just "a moment".

Meng Zhou couldn't help but think that he had vaguely felt this way now.

In the future, the period between one practice will become longer, and the great path will become more profound. One time of meditation and enlightenment is likely to take a year or even longer.

At that time, in his eyes, the world was as if he pressed an accelerator button. He could close and open it for a year or even several years.

"One day in heaven, one year on earth, that's probably what it means."

The world is still the same world, but because of the different perspectives, the gap is so big that it seems like two worlds.

In a daze, Meng Zhou shook his head with a smile and confirmed the gains from this retreat.

Everything else is imaginary, this is the real thing.

Cultivation progress +600, seventh level of elixir formation 3650/10,000;

The experience of Hanhai Mingyue's real picture is +10,800, and the minor success is 24,000/40,000.

After absorbing all the gains from this retreat, Meng Zhou flashed and disappeared into the quiet room.

A moment later, in the strong wind layer above the Qiyun Peak area, a spaceship blended into it silently and soared into the distance.

After staying away from Qinglin Peak and out of the range of Qingxuan Sect's power, the lightless spaceship quietly emerged from the Gangfeng layer.

After identifying the direction, the lightless spacecraft slightly adjusted its direction and sped towards the northern border of Qingxuan Territory.

The fast-moving lightless spaceship quietly activates its own lightless escape, blending into the surrounding void.

Meng Zhou stood alone on the deck of the spacecraft.

Half of his mind is in the real world, reflecting timely information within a radius of six hundred miles into his heart through the transparent moon mirror;

Half of my mind is in the spiritual world, while injecting timely information collected personally to partially update the "Deduction World", while using the guidance of the "Deduction World", a large map covering the five realms, to rush towards the destination of this trip. OK.

With the continuous collection, updating, and improvement, the "Five Domains Map" in Meng Zhou's mind became more and more detailed, but everything stopped at the "Five Domains".

The lightless spaceship soon sailed out of the central area, the middle ring area, and the outer ring area of ​​the Qingxuan Domain.

All the way north.

It passes through the edge of Tianqi Mountain.

Still not stopping, continue heading north.

After completely leaving Tianqi Mountain behind, the speed of the speeding spacecraft began to slow down.

The corresponding map in "The World of Deduction" becomes increasingly blurry as you travel further north.

When the straight-line distance between the lightless spaceship and Qinglin Peak exceeded 100,000 miles, and it completely drove out of the outer ring area, and all it saw was desolate, the corresponding map in the "Interpretation World" was blurred to the point where there was no outline at all.

An hour later, while looking at the monotonous desolate land below, Meng Zhou's heart suddenly moved. The lightless spaceship was taken into the spirit gourd space by him, and his true body appeared above this desolate land.

Meng Zhou's figure landed lightly on a barren hill that surged like waves.

Looking around, the land below is the same except for the ups and downs of the landforms.

From front to back and left to right, it looked like a solidified desert.

Meng Zhou bent down and dug out a piece of soil as hard as rock from the ground.

With a little force, the hard soil turned into fine sand as uniform as snow salt, flowing between the fingers.

Meng Zhou felt it carefully.

After all the fine sand flowed away from his fingers, Meng Zhou finally confirmed that there was really no life in the piece of hard mud he grabbed.

Not only the piece of soil under his feet, but also the land in front, back, left, and right, as far as the eye could see, was just like the hard mud in his hand, with no life at all.

In Qingxuan Domain, this is impossible.

Not to mention that there is no such soil in the spiritual veins, even in the evil veins, no matter how dirty and poisonous the place is, there will be no such situation.

What's more, evil veins are never the opposite of vitality.

Even in those larger areas that are neither spiritual nor evil, even in ordinary desert lands, the vitality will only become thinner, and it is impossible not to exist.

However, this discovery did not shock Meng Zhou too much.

He had already expected it before confirming it himself.

Although the information he collected through various channels such as Changle Chamber of Commerce and Mingxin Pavilion contained very little information about this desolate land, it was not impossible.

There is a special name for this land, "the realm of death."

Just like fish cannot leave the water for a long time, there are areas in life that fish generally cannot leave.

In this realm of death, life will die like a fish out of water.

As for whether one is a mortal or a cultivator, whether the strength is high or low is just different in speed.

Because everything you need for life is not available here.

Meng Zhou's figure flashed and appeared in the center of a slowly sinking valley in the distance.

Not long after, Meng Zhou's figure flashed again and appeared in a flat area...

I randomly checked eight or nine places in a row, and the results were the same.

Exactly the same.

Meng Zhou finally stopped and stood up like a cannon. He stood thousands of meters in the air, overlooking the land below and looking at the endless stretch of desolate land below.

It doesn’t require too much insight. Just based on everything you see, it is easy to think of the undulating water.

With a thought in Meng Zhou's mind, most of his consciousness was focused on the transparent moon mirror, and the entire area with a radius of 600 miles was included in this mirror.

The undulating land is so pure that there is no "impurity" at all.

Meng Zhou did not stay in this area any longer. After identifying the direction, Meng Zhou continued to rush due north.

It stands to reason that in this "realm of death", the front, back, left, and right are all the same barren land, undulating like waves, and it is impossible to distinguish the east, west, north, and south.

The sky also turned gray, without anything that could be used as a guide.

However, Meng Zhou has a "World of Interpretation". He started from Qiyun Peak, and his flight path along the way was clearly recorded in the "World of Interpretation".

This is an invisible and uncut "kite string" that allows him to never get lost.

And based on the changes in the curvature of this line, and the change in angle at each turning point, he can clearly know the position of where he is currently relative to the Qingxuan Domain.

This is also the reason why he, who is always cautious, dares to delve deeply into this despicable realm of death.

There are many monks who like to hunt for novels, or it may be due to other reasons. After entering this realm of death, they were completely trapped and died because they could not distinguish between east, west and north.

Meng Zhou set off again and continued heading north.

Because there is no spiritual energy in this "realm of death", in order to make this exploration more in-depth, Meng Zhou used the method with the least consumption.

He didn't use the most expensive Five Elements Escape, nor control a spaceship, nor even fly in the void. He only relied on a pair of physical feet, using the physical talent obtained based on "Inch Step" to flash forward step by step, all the way north.

In "The Interpretation World", Meng Zhou's own movement trajectory starts from the central area of ​​​​Qingxuan Territory, all the way north, and finally exceeds the scope of Qingxuan Territory, turning into a long line, all the way to the north.

Ten thousand miles, twenty thousand miles, thirty thousand miles...

Meng Zhou gradually frowned.

All around was an unchanging, barren land.

There's nothing strange about this.

But why did I, who traveled all the way north without looking back and drew a long straight line in the "interpretation world", see the law of cyclical changes from the changes in this straight line?

Because Meng Zhou, who is moving forward, has been using the transparent moon mirror to inject information within a radius of six hundred miles into the "deduction world".

Therefore, the long straight line he draws out with his own trajectory has width.

The width is one thousand two hundred miles.

Although, because the speed of travel is too fast and the time passed is too short, he cannot "print" all the information in this range into the "deduction world", but he can finally choose to enter some core features into it.

In the eyes of others, the barren land below that undulates like the waves of the sea is the same and lacks change.

But here in Meng Zhou, every ups and downs of the waves are different.

When zoomed into an area, it is as unique as fingerprint information.

But Meng Zhou discovered that everything became strange when he went 15,000 miles north into the Realm of Death.

When he was 16,000 miles deep, the information on the cross-section of the 1,200-mile trajectory was actually more than 40% similar to when he had just penetrated 1,000 miles into the realm of death.

At first glance, it doesn't seem surprising.

There is 40% similarity, but isn't there still 60% dissimilarity?

But when he passed these two places, the information he captured in a short period of time was limited. Among this limited information, 40% was consistent!

At first, Meng Zhou didn't realize this. It wasn't until he went thirty thousand miles deep that he suddenly realized this.

Meng Zhou paused for a moment, his eyes resting on the straight line in the "Interpretation World" that had extended 30,000 miles to the north in the Realm of Death, and then he continued to move forward.

This time, his speed was much slower.

Then, in the cross-section of 31,000 miles, which is 1,200 miles long, he found the same undulating land as the one thousand miles deep into the realm of death and the 16,000 miles deep into the realm of death.

At this point, Meng Zhou has basically determined one thing.

However, in order to completely solidify the answer in his heart, Meng Zhou did not stop there, but continued to go deeper north.

Every mile further north, Meng Zhou's thoughts became more and more determined.

After traveling 60,000 miles to the north, Meng Zhou finally stopped.

Looking at the long straight line in the "Interpretation World" that went all the way northward for 60,000 miles in the Realm of Death, Meng Zhou laughed "haha" twice in his heart.

This long straight line of 60,000 miles was broken into four even segments of 15,000 miles.

Falling from above.

When 60,000 miles fell to 45,000 miles, the information of the two cross-sections 1,200 miles wide overlapped. From then on, all positions within 15,000 miles were completely overlapped. Repeat.

Continue to fall.

Forty-five thousand miles overlaps with thirty thousand miles, and overlaps with fifteen thousand miles.

Since then, the long straight line that was originally 60,000 miles has shrunk to 15,000 miles.

"This is for me to do periodic exercise here."

At this moment, Meng Zhou no longer had any doubts in his heart.

Periodic movement, also known as "ghost hitting the wall".

It seems that he has penetrated 60,000 miles into the realm of death, but in fact, he has been going back and forth within the range of 15,000 miles.

So, here comes the question...

"This realm of death is only so big, but it is pulled into a 'Mobius strip' by some kind of force. In a cyclical way, it creates an infinite length in a limited space.

Moving forward in one direction is a cyclical movement that starts over and over again, one link after another, and it will never come to an end. "

"Or maybe this realm of death is far beyond fifteen thousand miles, but it is blocked by some kind of force, so that people can only circle within this fifteen thousand miles forever, and can never break through fifteen thousand miles. A thousand and one miles.”

Since he already knew that this was a ring, Meng Zhou naturally would not waste his energy in this direction.

On this trip, his goal is not just this.

Meng Zhou decided to turn back quickly.

Five elements escape, activated.

Meng Zhou's figure disappeared into the void.


The next moment, Meng Zhou's figure appeared again.

He fell to the ground awkwardly, like a ping pong ball that was hit hard back to the table by a racket.

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