Do not die

Chapter 350 The Four Pure Lands of Snow

Running quickly through the thick fog that has strong corrosive power and the ability to isolate spiritual consciousness, Meng Zhou is quickly approaching the area deep in the canyon.

Although his escape speed was fast, the thick fog wherever he passed was not affected at all.

Under normal circumstances, if a high-speed object passes through such a dense fog area, it will definitely cause huge disturbance to the dense fog area.

The faster the speed, the greater the disturbance.

But wherever Meng Zhou passed, the thick fog on the front, back, left and right was not affected at all. It was as if he who passed through this thick fog area was an illusory shadow whose real body did not exist in this world at all.

At this moment, Meng Zhou, who was running quickly, suddenly stopped.

Just in front, a high-quality protective formation blocked the front, like a pot lid, isolating the entire canyon spiritual land hidden under the thick fog from the thick fog with deep evil spirits.

If this is just a regular formation, no matter how high-end it is, as long as it does not reach the fourth level, Meng Zhou, who is speeding, can go straight through it and is confident that it will not cause any disturbance to the formation.

What made the formation in front of him different from the conventional formation was that Meng Zhou felt a faint aura of divine will from it, which had the same origin as the statue of Lihen.

If you ignore this point and crack this formation with the idea of ​​breaking the conventional formation, you will unknowingly follow the path of the Lihen Cult.

At the very least, what they thought was a silent infiltration would turn into a performance "in full view of the public", alerting the people within the formation early on.

However, this disguise had no effect on Meng Zhou.

He used "Five Elements Escape" to hide his true body in the interlayer between the real world and the real world. After staring at this formation carefully for a while, his body started to move again.

Just when his figure passed through the formation barrier, and the aura of divine will attached to the formation was about to quietly stick to him like oil floating on the water, he used "Five Elements Escape" to maintain the current state of his body. Meng Zhou suddenly sank deep into the real world.

It was originally going to stick to his body, but the "greasy dirt" that was difficult to wash off just slipped over his head, easily avoiding the situation of being stained by the oil.

When Meng Zhou's figure resurfaced from the depths of the real world to the interlayer between the real world and the real world, he had already left behind the exquisitely arranged formation barrier.

After passing through the formation silently, Meng Zhou did not take action immediately. Instead, he stood there and calmed down for a while. Only after his fluctuating state stabilized due to diving too deeply into the real world, did he start to continue taking action.

——Since acquiring the small magical power of Five Elements Escape, Meng Zhou can freely escape and shuttle between the real world and the real world.

This also made Meng Zhou's feelings about the real world more and more vivid.

It's like an endless, bottomless deep sea, a vast starry sky, or a dark abyss that doesn't know where it will lead.

Even through Five Elements Escape, he can travel freely between the real world and the real world.

But Meng Zhou rarely did this type of conscious, long-term deep dive.

On the one hand, the deeper you dive into the real world, the more difficult it becomes.

On the other hand, the deeper he dives and the farther he is from the real world, the more Meng Zhou will feel extremely panicked for no reason.

That has nothing to do with whether your will is strong or your determination is firm.

That's the nature of life.

He instinctively knows that the deeper he dives into the real world, the closer he will be to the "non-human". Gradually, he will no longer be "me".

"In the future, we should do less of this kind of thing."

Meng Zhou thought so in his mind while standing on the spot recovering his condition.

After his condition recovered again, Meng Zhou took stock of the canyon spiritual land in front of him.

With the existence of the small magical power "Transparent Moon Mirror", everything in this spiritual land has no secrets in his eyes.

He saw that deep in the canyon spiritual land, there was a stone palace that was almost integrated with the surrounding rocks.

The area of ​​the temple is not too large.

Meng Zhou's eyes were almost entirely attracted to an altar in the empty hall in the center of the palace.

This altar felt familiar yet strange to Meng Zhou.

The familiar part is that this is very similar to those altars hidden deep in other third-level evil veins.

At the first glance, Meng Zhou was naturally connected with other altars.

But if you look closely, you can see that it is very different from those altars.

There are three floors to the altar. The bottom floor is made of black soil, the second floor is made of white stone, and the third floor is made of red jade. On the top of the altar, in the center of the blood jade, is a small three-legged incense burner;

The altar in front of you has three floors. The bottom floor is made of red soil, the second floor is made of white stone, and the third floor is made of black jade. At the top of the altar and in the center of the black jade is a four-legged bronze square tripod.

Through the transparent moon mirror, Meng Zhou looked very carefully.

There are many differences between the altar in front of me and the altars found in other places.

But these differences are not unrelated. Instead, they have some kind of deep connection.

Just when Meng Zhou was thinking about the difference and connection between this altar and other altars, something happened that made Meng Zhou temporarily stop thinking.

Suddenly, a bright, dark red light flashed inside the bronze square tripod, just like a dark red light bulb appeared inside the bronze square tripod.

There are naturally no light bulbs in the bronze square tripod. Instead, there is only a dark red "gem" that is growing from scratch.

Meng Zhou saw this with his own eyes.

This is also a major difference between the incense burner on the altar elsewhere and the square tripod on the altar here.

Even if he had a transparent moon mirror, he couldn't see through the incense burner. He didn't know whether there was a Void God Crystal inside or how many there were. Before the phantom of the Lihen God Statue came and fished it out from the incense burner with his own hands, he didn't know. unknown;

But under the bright moon mirror, he could see through the square tripod in front of him at a glance.

He even saw very clearly the birth process of a dark red Void God Crystal from scratch.

And the moment the square cauldron emitted a dark red light, three figures appeared on the altar.

They gathered around the square tripod in the center of the altar, looking down at the Void God Crystal slowly taking shape inside the tripod.

The expressions of the three of them were all calm, as if they were accustomed to such things;

The eyes of each of them are very hot and hungry, which seems to show that even if they are "used to it", their desire for this thing has not diminished at all!

A faint red color, like blood mist, was constantly seeping out from the four walls of the square tripod.

They continue to converge and condense toward the center.

The colors are getting darker and the textures are getting more real.

The process of condensing the Void God Crystal from scratch does not take too long.

When the dark red light disappeared, a dark red Void God Crystal was lying quietly inside the square tripod.

The three people waiting around Fang Ding raised their heads and their eyes collided. One of them said with a smile:

"According to the order, I should pick up this Void God Crystal."

Someone next to me interrupted and said:

"According to its characteristics, this Void God Crystal is the most suitable for me. If you use it, it will be a complete waste!"

Before the first person spoke, the third person spoke:

"According to the progress, it is most appropriate for this Void God Crystal to belong to me."

The three refused to give in to each other.

There were smiles on their faces, but when the three pairs of eyes collided, sparks almost shot out.

Finally, the second person who said that he was most compatible with the Void God Crystal in the cauldron suddenly stretched out his hands, with half of the Void God Crystal lying in the center of each hand.

Among them, the half held by the left hand is black, and the half held by the right hand is milky white.

These two "half virtual god crystals" flew up from his palm, imagining the other two people respectively.

The two of them reached out and each held the half of the Void God Crystal flying towards them in their palms.

The two people holding half of the Void God Crystal stared at the other person, said nothing, took a step back, away from Fang Ding, and then disappeared from the altar in a flash.

At this point, there is only the last person left on the altar.

The monk who said he was most compatible with this Void God Crystal.

He stretched his hand into the cauldron, turned his palm downwards, and held his fingers in a grasping shape. The Void God Crystal lying quietly at the bottom of the cauldron flew into his palm with a "swish".

Soon, he also left the altar.

Meng Zhou's eyes also followed this person away.

After leaving the altar, the person came to a place next to the main hall of the temple.

This is a much smaller space than the main hall, but equally empty and quiet.

On the stone altar deep in this space, two statues of gods sit side by side.

One of the statues is an "old friend" that Meng Zhou is very familiar with, a statue of Lihen with three songs and three aspects.

The other one is very unfamiliar. It is a statue that looks very ordinary, so ordinary that it seems to blend in with the surrounding void, and its appearance is also ordinary - or it is more appropriate to call it a statue.

The monk who took the dark red Void God Crystal from the cauldron came here and flicked the dark red Void God Crystal towards this ordinary "statue".

Just when the dark red Void God Crystal was about to hit the cheek of this ordinary "statue", a strange suction force suddenly came out of "its" mouth that seemed to be opening and closing.

Under the suction force, the dark red Void God Crystal seemed to turn into noodles and smoke.

Finally, it turned into a long wisp of dark red smoke and disappeared into the "statue"'s mouth.

The change did not end when the entire dark red Void God Crystal was absorbed by the statue.

Two streams of dark red air were seen spraying out from the nostrils of the "statue". After making a circle in the air, they were sucked in by the mouth of the "statue" again.

Nine times.

The originally dark red air flow that appeared between the mouth and nose of the ordinary statue became more and more pure.

Seeing that there were no more changes here, the other two monks who had left the altar earlier sat cross-legged on the ground, as if they were meditating on something.

Where the two monks were, there were also two statues of gods.

One of them is in the form of a statue of Lihen.

The other statue is different.

Since then, the entire canyon spiritual land has become quiet again.

After this observation, Meng Zhou had many conjectures and many new questions in his mind.

But he had made up his mind not to wait any longer.

"It's time to act."

Thinking like this, part of his attention first fell on the "Deduction World" and paid attention to the situation in the other four domains.

Within the four realms of the Alchemy Realm, the Golden Cauldron Realm, the Spirit Controlling Realm, and the Hehuan Realm, where the Lihen Sect’s Alchemy Formation monks gather secretly, there are “transparent round mirrors” carrying special flying swords that have quietly disappeared. The assembly was completed.

Each "transparent circular mirror" has an observation field of view with a radius of one thousand miles. A large number of "transparent circular mirrors" are gathered together, coupled with the efficient screening and sorting of the "transparent Taoist Heart", allowing all targets to be attacked to be in ignorance. Under such circumstances, he became a "futures dead man" early on.

After confirming that there were no omissions in the four arrangements, Meng Zhou issued the order to "get started".

In an instant, in the four distant lands, strange flying swords flew out from the slots of the "transparent round mirrors".

These living poison flying swords, all of which were of the third-level high quality, did not fly directly towards the target stupidly after the official action.

Instead, it quickly faded and merged into the void.

Soon, a little white ice crystal appeared in the void, and then slowly fell, covering the ground below.

What a heavy snowfall.

Somewhere within the alchemy domain.

A monk from the Lihen Sect who was sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak, breathing and practicing, felt a cool chill seeping into his body from the top of his head.

He curiously looked up at the sky, and was surprised to find that the clear sky not long ago was now replaced by heavy snow.

"Hey, it's actually snowing?!"

He let out a surprised exclamation.

At this moment, more snowflakes fell on him.

He felt a palpitation in his heart for no apparent reason.

He wanted to do something, he wanted to get up and escape from here, but it was already too late.

He had the idea of ​​getting up and running away, but his body sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak was not driven by his thoughts at all, like an ice sculpture.

More chill seeped into his body.

From the top of the head, from the cheeks, from the shoulders...

The chill that seeped into the body did not stop, seeping into the skin, into the flesh, into the bones...

At this moment, the monk felt that his heart was also getting cold.

Not just scary.

But it's really cold.

His soul in the sea of ​​consciousness has also turned into an ice sculpture, motionless.

What he didn't know was that he was not alone in his experience.

There was a cave with formation defense not far from him. The formation defense had no effect. The snowflakes landed directly in the cave and landed in a room with people.

All monks who were touched by this snowflake were transformed into solidified ice sculptures from the outside to the inside at an extremely fast speed.

The ice and snow that covered the area was not very large, and it did not last long. Just as it came suddenly, it stopped suddenly.

What was left behind were the figures of the monks who turned into ice sculptures.

Then, a gust of wind rose out of nowhere and blew through the areas where the ice sculptures existed.

The wind seemed to have a spirit.

Those ice sculptures with low cultivation levels but the largest number in the Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm were blown by the wind, and their flesh and blood quickly turned into a cloud of powder and scattered on the ground.

Their various belongings, especially the statues of the God of Lihen, were blown by the wind, and were sorted into storage bags one by one, and then carried away together by the wind.

And those pill-forming monks whose bodies and souls were frozen into ice sculptures were not blown into powder by the wind, but were blown into special storage spaces.

A similar scene happened simultaneously in the four realms of Danqi, Jinding, Yuling, and Hehuan. (End of chapter)

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