“Father has a point, there is… I’ll see you when you have time… It doesn’t hurt to see him!” Spea was a little shy, spoke intermittently, and turned her head to look at the scenery outside the carriage window.

“Huh! Then when you get to the imperial capital, first go to the palace to visit His Majesty the Emperor, and then go to General Noer’s mansion!” Jolly smiled and looked at his shy daughter turning her head to look out the window, as if she didn’t really reject getting along with General Knoll, and she looked a little impatient.

And at this time, the coachman driving the carriage made the luxurious car stop sharply.

“What’s wrong?” Jolly frowned, and from the front window of the carriage, he could see two black figures, blocking the path of the carriage, and quickly asked suspiciously: “Is it a thief again!?” No matter how bad the law and order is, there must be a limit!”

“Break them separately like before, don’t be careless!” Spea grabbed the iron gun in the carriage, pushed open the side door of the carriage and shouted at the soldiers.

With an iron spear in hand, Spea stopped in front of the carriage with the soldiers to prevent people from suddenly attacking the carriage.

“Liva, are you sure this is the target?” Daidas asked his companion with a double-edged axe.

“Daidas, I have confirmed three times, and the person in the car is the former minister Joley!” Liwa said helplessly, when he hid next to him just now, he had already confirmed it three times, since he still asked.

Sbia didn’t know if the other party was a mountain thief, now she only knew that the two people who stood in the way, it seemed that they didn’t put her and many soldiers in their eyes at all, since they were still in the mood to chat there.

“Let’s go together!” Seeing the other party standing still, Spea shouted, following the soldiers around him to think that the two rushed over

“[Emperor Tool-Two Great Axes] [Belvak]” Daidas held the double-edged axe in his hand and cut off the oncoming soldier with a smile on his face.

The soldiers who were cut into the air could still see half of their bodies on the ground, and Spea escaped this fatal blow because the new iron gun was very strong, but the iron gun was also broken and a wound was cut in the lower abdomen, and it was pumped into the pile of corpses on the ground, completely falling into suspended animation.

Seeing that the oncoming people were dead, Daidas walked to the carriage and raised the axe to cut it in two, so the former minister Jolly rolled out of the luxurious carriage, and since the two people who attacked Sbia who fell into suspended animation were not found.

Seeing the former minister Jolly roll out of the carriage, Daydas turned to clean up the few hiding soldiers behind the carriage.

“You…” the former minister Jolly slumped on the ground, looked at the person standing in front of him, and said in surprise; You are a soldier of the Empire…!!”

“Exactly, I admire your political skills very much!” Liwa bowed respectfully to the former minister.

“That… Then why are you targeting me?” the former minister Jolly was puzzled, wondering why he was being targeted.

“Because of the master’s order, in any case, it is absolute!” After speaking, Liva cut a bloody blade in his hand and slashed the head of the former minister Jolly into the air.

“Did you kill 16 people in total?” Dajdas spun around in place, counted the number of people he killed, and said happily with a smile on his face: “Great, this experience point will definitely make me stronger!”

“Drop a flyer! Come and help Daedas!” Liva took two stacks of leaflets from his clothes and handed one to Daitas.

“The minister also uses such troublesome means…” said Daedas as he spread leaflets and complained: “If you want to exclude political enemies, plant stolen goods as before…”

“No way, planting a civilian official under the protection of General Bude, this trick will not work!” Liva explained.

“Ahhh That’s why it’s our turn to play!” Dayidas suddenly realized and said in surprise.

“… I should have explained it to you before…” Liva said speechlessly, seeing Daidas’ awakened expression, he could be sure that what he said before, this goods did not listen at all…

“Don’t care, hahaha! Go, go take out the next target!” Dayidas put his arm around Liva’s shoulder and slapped it a few times.

“Lighten up, your bullish wants my old bone to fall apart!”

After speaking, the two casually scattered the leaflets with NIGHT-RAID Peugeot and NIGHT-RAID Heavenly Curse in their hands, and quickly left the place of the incident to rush to the location of the next target.

But the two who left did not know that under the corpse of the soldier was hidden the daughter of the undead former minister Jolly [Spea], and the awakened Sbia heard all the conversation between the two in her ears, covering her mouth in order to find the minister to take revenge in the future, so as not to let herself release a little sound.

It wasn’t until the two left for a while that Speia crawled out from under the half-cut corpse, her whole body was stained red with the blood of the soldiers, and a large amount of blood continued to gush out from the wound in her lower abdomen, and she tore a piece of fabric to tighten the wound casually, and staggered towards the imperial capital with her hand covering the wound.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to go, and a large amount of blood loss made Spea faint directly on the side of the road.

Soon, when a handsome man led a large group of beautiful women to ride by, he happened to see the girl lying bloody on the side of the road, dismounted to carefully observe the injury, and found that the girl had just lost too much blood and fainted.

“Black Pupil, throw two snacks for me!” The man shouted to the black-haired girl behind him, who was on horseback.

The person who came was Noer, who led the Beauty Legion to fight, and simply checked the wound for the girl, as long as she was given two snacks in the black pupil bag, there would probably be no problem, but I don’t know when I can wake up.

“Lord Knoll gives it to you!” Black Pupil finally got the opportunity to break free from Esders’s embrace, and quickly jumped off his horse to come to Noel with a snack.

“Sayo took her to the woods next to her, cleaned the blood stains on her body, and changed her into a set of clothes!” Knoll shoved two pieces directly into the girl’s mouth and ordered his maid Shayo.

“I know, master!” Sha snorted, came to Noer’s side, and disappeared with the fainted girl again.

Sha You carried the fainted girl, shuttled through the woods at super speed, and soon found a water source, took the fainted girl to the spring water together, and helped her clean the blood stains on her body and hair, and the wound on the girl’s lower abdomen had healed after nibbling on two snacks.

“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for variety”, “Ask for collection”


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