
Zhao Pan'er was naturally confused about Sheng Hong's explanation.

"By the way, how is Yin Zhang's injury?"

However, she didn't dwell too much on this matter, and instead became concerned about Song Yinzhang's injury.

Sheng Hong used to be more reserved when talking to her, but now he has become more and more explicit.

They have begun to tease her openly.

This made Zhao Pan'er feel a little panicked.

After all, a person's desire gradually increases. If he dares to be so explicit today, he will dare to be so animalistic and let her show her body tomorrow.

"It’s not like you don’t know which compound our girl lives in?

Regarding Zhao Paner's abrupt change of topic, Sheng Hong said angrily:"Don't you know how to go see it yourself?""


"Then I'll go take a look!"

Zhao Pan'er immediately got off the donkey along the slope and ran out of the house quickly.

It was as if if he stayed for a moment longer, he would be devoured by a terrifying beast.

My sister? Who is following you? My sister?

You can't stay in Yangzhou City until we are beaten. After the war, she would go to Bianjing to find Ouyang.

But if Ouyang hadn't passed the exam yet... she might not be able to take care of the two of them by then.

Reading is a big deal for Ouyang. When the time comes, he will have pen, ink, paper, inkstone, books and classics. It all costs money.

This matter still needs to be considered in the long term.


"Leaving now?"

Sheng Hong looked at Zhao Pan'er's leaving figure, slightly absent-minded.

He always felt that he should do something?

I remember someone said that the fastest way to a woman's heart is...

How about twisting this melon first?!

But Sheng Hong thought about it and let it go.

He can still understand the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

Of course.

When necessary, Sheng Hong will still choose to forcefully twist.

If it doesn’t taste sweet once, it will last forever. Wouldn't it be sweet to make syrup for her?

【Ten Coins]


As dark as ever!

Since the last critical attack on Liu Yuru, I haven't signed anything good again.

Sheng Hong also deliberately tried it every time period.

But it's of no use



"You kind of think of the slave family."

Although Zhao Pan'er has a stubborn temper and is unwilling to give Sheng Hong a good look.

But it's not like he doesn't have obedient people around him!

None of the concubines around him are obedient to him!

Especially Lin Sushuang, no matter what

She will try her best to complete whatever request Shenghong puts forward.

For example, now……


666 hereby sincerely gives a piece of advice to people with insomnia. Proper exercise is very helpful for sleeping.

Pay attention!

What I’m talking about here is appropriateness, not the right amount.

Don't call Shenghong a fraud then.

For example, Sheng Hong slept very comfortably last night.

After washing up in the morning, I had a delicious breakfast.

Sheng Hong went up to the tower.

Although Gao Shun was supervising the battle on the tower, there were also Jinyi guards who conveyed news to him from time to time.

Even if Sheng Hong is sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, he can still ensure that Yangzhou City is safe.

But can Shenghong do this?

You can't maintain your personality at all times, and it would be bad if it collapses.

For this reason, Shenghong completely stayed away from women.

He stayed on the city tower every day, eating and sleeping with the soldiers guarding the city, and resisting the enemy's attack together.

A few days down.

The common people who helped build the fortifications knew about it.

The dirtiest mud monkey on the top of the city is the talented Tong San from some time ago.

He is simply a good official with both civil and military skills and a heart for the people!

I heard that Shanda is still a romantic figure.

It's a shame that I didn't give birth to a beautiful daughter, otherwise I would have given her to Shanda people as a concubine.


"Let the brothers eat pig meat tonight!"

Sheng Hong stood on top of the city with cold eyes.

After several days of fighting, he had killed many enemies.

This gave him an intimidating aura.

Wang Shanquan has been raising this pig for so long. , is ready for slaughter.

The scattered Jinyiwei have received the news, and reinforcements from the imperial court have been sent out one after another.

The first batch of reinforcements is none other than Wan Songbai, who has finished resting in Suzhou and plans to return to Beijing to receive the reward.

This It's not the credit of Mrs. Sheng's letter.

In fact, the old lady's letter has been sent out for more than a month, but there is no intention of replying at all. It's because Sheng Hong asked Lu Bu to lurk outside Yangzhou City early.

In Wang Shanquan's case , A few days before the soldiers rebelled, after receiving the news from Jin Yiwei, he directly presented the secret letter prepared by Sheng Hong in advance to Song Renzong.

Only then did Wan Songbai send troops to rescue


Wan Songbai's army arrived outside Yangzhou City faster than Sheng Hong expected.

Near noon, a cavalry force of a thousand people had already raided the rear of Wang Shanquan's camp and began to attack Wang Shanquan's camp.

Presumably It was because of the urgent march. What made

Sheng Hong even more confused was that the other party had no intention of repairing and directly launched a charge against Wang Shanquan's troops. Does this girl know how to fight?

Could this be the legendary Thousand Miles Sending?


"We ran for two days and one night in succession!"

"If we launch a charge at this time, the soldiers may be exhausted!"

In fact, before the thousand-man cavalry set off, there were disagreements among the leading generals.


"Yuan Yi! How could you not know what you are talking about?"

"But General Wan received news that Yangzhou was in danger and asked us to attack the city immediately without delay!"

Cheng Shi, the leading general of the cavalry, is a slightly overweight middle-aged man.

He looks very rich and looks like a blessed man.

Otherwise, he would not have married such a beautiful wife as Xiao Yuanyi.


"You said General Wan has always been steady, why is he so anxious this time?"

"I don’t think Yangzhou City is well defended??"

"It must be that the officials in the city were afraid of death and deliberately exaggerated."

Although Xiao Yuanyi still felt that it was very inappropriate, he could not disobey the military order. He could only lead the cavalry to charge with Cheng Shi.


"Madam, don't worry"

"The garrison of Yangzhou city is less than five thousand, but they can hold it for so many days."

"I think these rebels are just a bunch of rabble."

"We only need to charge back and forth a few times, and we will surely cause chaos in their position."

Cheng Shi didn't take it seriously, and was even extremely excited.

The cavalry! What I'm commanding now is the cavalry!

The Song Dynasty's cavalry was notoriously rare.

Before that, he had no chance to command the cavalry. He didn't expect this incredible wealth. It hit him on the head like this.

Cheng Shi was so excited!

He must be my good brother, Songbai! He always thinks of himself for any good thing.

When he comes back, he must invite him to drink and thank him properly.

"That's true."

Xiao Yuanyi did not refute after hearing this.

It is said that the person in charge of the defense in the city is Yangzhou Tongpan Sheng Hong, a scribe with outstanding poetic talent.

Faced with such a man who is not good at military skills defending the city, Wang Shanquan still cannot attack for a long time.

Thinking about it, he was also a low-class guy.

At this point, Xiao Yuanyi felt relieved a lot.

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