In fact, you really can't blame Lai Zaiwen, if you want to blame Chen Nan!

Chen Nan's method of treating Sha poison just now was amazing!

Moreover, the reason why he took off the mask was because he was too shocked after seeing the Sha tendon on the head just now, which led to shortness of breath and blurred glasses.

He just had to take it off.

Indeed, he really did not expect that there would be Sha tendons on his head, and he did not diagnose it!

And then Chen Nan's treatment made him stunned and amazed, and he forgot about the mask for a while.

As the saying goes, the layman watches the fun, and the expert watches the doorway.

Lai Zaiwen believes that he has been immersed in medicine for many years, and even if it is the "extraction of sha" technique, he is slightly involved in it, especially scraping!

There are many ways to take Sha, and Chen Nan's treatment just now seemed simple, but it involved a lot.

Chen Nan's scraping does not use a scraping board at all, but relies entirely on fingers. Finger scraping, commonly known as "Zhi Sha", in order to use Zhi Sha, in addition to hand strength, you also need to have a good grasp of strength.

Finger sha is actually very difficult to do well, but if the level of finger sha is high, it is definitely a "miracle".


Because the scraping board can never replace the finger's grasp of the qi and blood of the meridians.

Although the head looks very safe in Western medicine because it is surrounded by the skull, Chinese medicine believes that there is influence and communication between the inside and outside of the skull, the qi meridians, and the inside and outside.

Therefore, during the period of finger sha, it is necessary to accurately grasp the area where the Sanyang meridian travels, and to use special acupuncture points such as heavy pressing, light tapping, and smoothing to achieve the effect of dredging the meridians.

The key to taking Sha is to expel the poison of Sha.

While Chen Nan used beryllium needles for bloodletting, the method used the meridian patrol and the use of special acupoints, which can be said to be a wonderful prescription.

King medicine: beryllium acupuncture to open sha tendons.

Chen medicine: Sanyang meridian scraping and purging method to assist in expelling sha.

The medicine of the assistant: focusing on special acupoints, linking the inside and outside, communicating the qi, and relaxing the qi and blood.

Traditional Chinese medicine not only needs to take into account the monarch, ministers and envoys, but also massage, scraping and cupping, moxibustion and acupuncture, all require the cooperation of the monarch, ministers, assistants and envoys.

This is the principle of Chinese medicine treatment.

Chen Nan's operation just now really amazed Lai Zaiwen.

The blood of the viscera is poisoned by the poison, and the blood stasis is not flowing.

The three-yang meridian purging method, combined with the expelling of sha, allows the poisonous qi of the three-yang meridian to have a place during the treatment, and the meridian patrol uses special acupoints to stimulate the operation.

After this treatment...

Maybe it really works!

However, when he was watching the rise, he was even a little excited for a while.

But I never thought that it was interrupted by Mo Yusheng who suddenly came in!

At this moment, everyone in the room was staring at him.

Lai Zaiwen suddenly felt uncomfortable!

Today, Lai Zaiwen has no doubts about his position in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yuancheng People's Hospital.

To put it bluntly, I am the one who has the same hatred here, hates it to the core, and wants to get rid of the skin and cramps. The corrupt morality, the self-interested, does not seek progress, specializes in domineering, misbehaves, cares about people's lives, and has no medical ethics... Review expert!

Lai Zaiwen wanted to say: "You have mistaken someone!"

However, at this time, Mo Yusheng came over cursingly:

"You bastard, Lai Zaiwen! For so many years, I have misunderstood you!"

"I thought you were still a good person and could do something for the common people, but look... what have you done!"

"Have you seen it? There are so many patients around, all of them are suffering from Sha!"

"Everyone's front-line doctors are working hard to treat patients. Xiao Chen worked hard, and I don't know how many nights he stayed up until he came up with a set of ideas."

"People don't want money, they just want to promote the treatment of diseases, and early detection and early treatment of Sha."

"You're good!"

"Reject directly!"

"What else are you talking about, what kind of sha is there?!"

"Open your fucking eyes and see, there are 62 beds in this Chinese medicine department, and now 29 of them are all patients with Sha!"

"There are dozens of people queuing up outside to be hospitalized!"

"Now the Pei Luoguo lying on your bed is also sick with Sha!"

"Is this what your experts call no Sha?!"

"Then tell me, what is this!"

Mo Yusheng looked at Lai Zaiwen angrily, the two originally kind eyebrows almost stood up, and the whole person was extremely angry!

"Just because of Xinglin Garden?"

"What's the matter, Xinglinyuan gave you money? Is Xinglinyuan your father?"

"You listen to them like that!"

"Don't look at what Xinglinyuan has become now, you..."

Seeing this, Chen Nan quickly comforted him: "Mo Lao, Mo Lao, please calm down first, go to the office to have a rest, I will come over immediately."

"There are still patients here, and the treatment will be ready soon."

While speaking, he gave He Duankang a wink, and quickly greeted Mo Yusheng to leave the ward.

And this time!

Lai Zaiwen stood in the ward, feeling as uncomfortable as he was sitting on pins and needles, and his heart was extremely anxious.

He was not worried about being recognized by Mo Yusheng.

He was blushing for himself!

Because Pei Lansheng lived in a triple room, the family members of the two hospital beds next to him stared at him fiercely.

At this time, the mother of the patient in the next bed, an old aunt in her sixties, came over with slanted eyes, and took the stool next to Mo Yusheng directly.

"Bah! I'm blind, I'll give you a stool to sit on because of your age!"

"Get out of here!"

The old aunt's face was ugly, and she gave Lai Zaiwen a vicious look in her tone.

The family member of the other hospital bed behind her, a middle-aged woman in her forties, also angrily walked to the table next to Pei Lansheng, and threw the fruit on the table directly into the trash can.

"That's right, the dog won't give you anything to eat!"


"You experts are sitting in the office drinking tea every day. Director Chen leads the doctors to work hard and work overtime until the early morning every day."

"You deny other people's efforts with just one word!"

"Open your dog's eyes and see, how many patients can't see a doctor now, and they are all boiled outside!"

"Also, the pain isn't on you, you can't feel it. After drinking tea, you arranged the following things, right?"

"What kind of expert, are you worthy?"

"Get out of here!"

"That's right, get out!"

For a time, along with the booing of the two family members, Lai Zaiwen's face was extremely embarrassed. Listening to the family members' words, he felt an unprecedented sense of loss and gap.

He thought he was doing a good thing.

He thinks that he is denying Sha, just like denying some medical staff who are very happy...

However, looking at these patients and listening to the abuse and accusations of their family members, his heart was like being stabbed deeply by a knife.



Blame yourself!

What have you done?

Lai Zaiwen just stood there, without saying a word, under the scorn of everyone and the yin and yang's strange abuse.

Chen Nan gave the nurse Xiaole a wink and asked her to maintain order.

after all……

If this is a riot, this old man Lai Zaiwen, don't let anything happen...

Xiao Leman was reluctant.

She even wanted to open the door at this time and let those patients listen and see this specialist.

At this time, a 16-year-old girl patient lying on the bed couldn't help but say:

"Grandpa expert, your own relative is sick, you can find Director Chen's uncle to see a doctor."

"But... our group is sick, but we can't find a doctor. Mom and Dad spent a lot of money and borrowed foreign debts to see a doctor for me... Mom hasn't bought new clothes for three years."

"Expert grandpa, it's not fair."

While speaking, the girl's face was full of tears.

An unfair sentence.

A lot of people who said it were heartbroken.


Lai Zaiwen's nose was sour, as if he had done something heinous.

Chen Nan said at this time:

"Everyone be quiet."

"Deniing a topic is not something one person says."

"Also, I didn't write the material well last time."

"Everyone, please understand."

"It's not easy."

After finishing speaking, Chen Nan continued the treatment. After the scraping was over, he handed over the follow-up work to Zhao Jianyong.

Then got up and left the ward.

He greeted Lai Zaiwen: "Lai Lao, please come here."

Lai Zai Wen Shen did not stay, nodded and left the ward.

At this time, Pei Lansheng on the bed said nothing.

Although he hates Chen Nan, even... at this time he doesn't want Lai Zaiwen to stay here.

He was afraid that these patients would drive him away.

this bitch...

As soon as the Sha treatment was over, he felt that his brain seemed to clear up a lot, and the heavy feeling was also much easier.

It made him feel hopeful.

He didn't want to leave so early.



Inside the Director's Office.

Mo Yusheng was sitting on the chair, breathing heavily, and his eyes were a little irritable.

And Lai Zaiwen also sat in the chair without saying a word, his eyes blank.

Chen Nan suddenly didn't know what to say!

Mo Yusheng suddenly stood up and asked Chen Nan, "Do you have scissors?"

Chen Nan was taken aback: "Ah? This... Calm down, Mo Lao!"

Chen Nan didn't expect Mo Yusheng to be so fierce, that he was going to be rough.

Chen Nan quickly appeased.

Mo Yusheng rolled his eyes: "What do you think!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to Lai Zaiwen and said righteously, "Lai Zaiwen!"

"I, Mo Yusheng, have known you for more than 30 years. I used to think that you were a good doctor and could do what a good Chinese medicine doctor should do."

"Today, I was wrong!"

"I, Mo Yusheng, today, want to cut off your robe with you!"

"From now on, no more contact!"

Mo Yusheng was really angry.

During this period of time, Chen Nan communicated and talked with them about Sha.

After Mo Yusheng retired to the second line, he was not busy at work, so he often came to help.

There are such famous and old Chinese medicine practitioners who have done a lot of research on the process of Sha disease.

In addition to Mo Yusheng, there is also Tao Xunyi.

Mo Yusheng has a wide range of research, and he also has some knowledge about Sha. In addition, he has a good grasp of the meridians and meridians, which helps Chen Nan a lot.

Tao Xunyi's pulse diagnosis is even more powerful, which facilitates Chen Nan's research on Sha from the perspective of pulse diagnosis, and greatly speeds up the progress!

During this time, Mo Yusheng saw how hard everyone worked.

Also, he is very motivated.

Because he finally found a place to contribute to the common people, he is naturally an old man.

Chen Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Mo Yusheng's words, this Mo Lao is really a man of temperament.

at this time……

Lai Zaiwen suddenly sighed: "Hey..."

"It's my fault!"

This sentence exhausted Lai Zaiwen's strength.

He smiled bitterly: "I admit that I underestimated Chen Nan and overestimated myself."

"You also know that starting a new discipline will not have many people's support for this kind of thing."

"Sha disease, originally... the scope is too wide. I originally thought that Yuancheng People's Hospital did not have such qualifications."

"And, plus, you should know how sensitive Chen Nan's identity is now."

"Xinglinyuan has an academic school, and it also cooperates with experts from the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

"This time, it's not just me who denied it. The five members of the expert group, except me, have three others who have denied it."

"It's so easy to start a discipline!"

Mo Yusheng shook his head: "Without inspection, there is no right to speak!"

Lai Zaiwen was stunned for a moment.

He was speechless.

"Xinglinyuan also greeted me, you know..."

Mo Yusheng sneered directly: "Xinglinyuan, haha... it's amazing!"

"Xinglin Garden is amazing."

"What's the matter, Xinglinyuan can refuse others, but others can't refuse Xinglinyuan? How can there be such a tyrannical clause!"

"Besides, what happened to Xinglinyuan!"

"Aren't you going to see what Xinglin Garden is like now?"

"Medicine is medicine, and you have to learn economic development. I have no objection to experts from other industries to join!"

"However, I am against treating Chinese medicine as a business!"

"Why, we also have to deal with chronic diseases? Tell patients that all diseases cannot be cured, and then make them take medicine for life?"

"Have you forgotten the couplet on Xinglin Garden?"

"I hope there is no suffering in the world, why not put the medicine on the shelf!"

"The current Xinglinyuan has no meaning at all. They can't wait to make everyone sick. It's best to start taking medicine for sub-healthy people."

"How good this is, business, all of China's billions of people are consumer groups."


"You are a master of Chinese medicine and an industry leader. Do you not know what your position is?"

"Lai Zaiwen, let me tell you, you only have one position, and that is to stand on the side of the people!"

"Other positions are fucking bullshit!"

"I put my words here today, if you, Lai Zaiwen, still have any conscience, go out and see those patients, you go and see their conditions, how many people, how much they spend, and if you can't cure the disease... ...come here, they have hope!"

Lai Zaiwen blushed, her eyes were a little cloudy, she sighed:

"I saw!"


"I was wrong about this."

"Xiao Chen, I'm here to apologize to you."

"It was me Lai Zaiwen who was wrong."

"In this matter, I was superficial and failed everyone's efforts and the expectations of the patients."

"Prepare the relevant documents on Sha, and I'll bring them back to discuss it and try to convince them."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up when he heard these words.

He smiled and said, "That would be troublesome."

Mo Yusheng said angrily: "What trouble is not troublesome!"

"It's like we begged him."

"This matter is a good thing for the patient, why should I thank him?"

"Being an expert is not a privilege, but a better way to serve patients."

"What have we worked so hard for so long?"

"Is it possible, is it for the sake of success?"

"Isn't it the hope that patients can find a place to see a doctor?"

"Our Yuancheng People's Hospital is a small hospital, and it lacks attention, so ... many patients have no way to seek medical treatment and can't find it."

"This publicity is a good thing for patients."

Lai Zaiwen did not refute: "Yes, Mo Lao is right!"

"I was taught today."

"As a doctor, I have no position, the only position is the patients and the people."

"This time I will go back and prepare well."



In the afternoon, Lai Zaiwen changed his identity and communicated with the patient in person as a reviewer of the expert group.

He no longer hides himself, he is very clear that he wants to find the real appeal of the patient.

That's the point.

It is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes instead of making decisions for patients!

This time, after collecting a large amount of information, he took the materials prepared by Chen Nan and set foot on the road back to Beijing that day.

And Pei Lansheng's situation has gotten better in the past few days.

During this time, Pei Luo did not break his promise, and began to seek cooperation with Xiling Pharmaceuticals to acquire the former Annan Pharmaceutical factory.

Before and after, after spending a lot of effort and paying a price of 35 million, the factory that originally belonged to Annan Pharmaceutical was completely acquired back.

Wait until the day Pei Lansheng is discharged from the hospital.

Pei Luo found Chen Nan: "Director Chen, thank you."

"This is what you want."

While speaking, Pei Luo handed over a document: "Annan Pharmaceutical Company."

"Back to you!"

To be honest, even if Pei Luo had thousands of reluctance in his heart, but... he had to do it.

During his father's hospitalization this time, he had a new understanding of Chen Nan's influence and ability.

This made him even more vigilant!

Chen Nan smiled: "You're welcome, this is a transaction."

Pei Luo sat in the chair, showing the bearing that a CEO of a listed company should have.

Since he dares to send it, he is not afraid of Chen Nan making trouble.

Now the industrial chain of the source city has matured.

Annan Medicine had a good development in the past, and it is a good time to catch up. Now...

The world of capital is not something you can just play around with.

Pei Luo smiled: "Hehe, yes, deal!"

"Director Chen is very atmospheric."

"In this way, I am relieved."

"However, since it is a transaction, it was also a transaction in the past. Director Chen, in this world, there are no permanent enemies, let alone permanent friends, only permanent interests."

"Annan Pharmaceutical wants to develop, I think... we can cooperate."

"Is it right?"

"The industrial park invested by Xinke Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has also begun to harvest. The first batch of Chinese herbal medicines has come out, including our own mature system in the field of terminal sales."


Chen Nan smiled and said nothing.

Right now, he doesn't want to think about so many things.

Looking at all the documents of Annan Pharmaceutical in front of him, Chen Nan was not careless. He went to a law firm to help witness, and then the contract was completed.

He looked at the stack of documents in his hand.

He suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

This is the blood of the parents.

Even if everything has to start all over again today, but... it doesn't matter anymore.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in my ears.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review award from Pei Lansheng, and the bad review level: Advanced!

Warm reminder, Pei Lansheng, as a character in Xinglinyuan (hostile faction), has a ten percent chance of triggering, and the bad rating has been raised to a serious level!

Congratulations, get a reward: expert-level Chinese medicine standard package (contains standard physical and chemical research of 33 traditional Chinese medicines...)]

Chen Nan was instantly overjoyed!

I rely on!

The reward has been upgraded again?

With a ten percent chance, this has already been triggered twice.

Chen Nan was immediately excited.


Since this system stipulates 10%, the probability is obviously stable, and the recent luck is obviously overdraft...

However, it doesn't matter.

The current expert-level reward made Chen Nan a little excited.

Expert-level Chinese medicine standard package!

The interior contains modern physical and chemical research of 33 traditional Chinese medicines, as well as standard evaluation.

In fact, most of the so-called Chinese medicine standards, especially the current standards, are formulated by foreign countries.

The main reason is because there are problems with the development of the field of physical chemistry!

Take, for example, the quality standard of salvia.

The main content of the determination is so several: tanshinone IIA, salvianolic acid B.

This is the current understanding of Western medicine for Chinese medicine.

They believe that the quality of traditional Chinese medicine depends on the amount of key substances.

As a plant, traditional Chinese medicine itself contains a large number of compounds, and it is definitely not a simple substance that can be identified.

Say something ironic.

China is the country where traditional Chinese medicine was born, and more than 95% of the standard of traditional Chinese medicine is not made in China!


Traditional Chinese medicine has now been recognized by various countries in the world.

Chinese herbal extracts have become an important research product.

The research and development of artemisinin, this is an example.

In fact, China has become the world's largest exporter of traditional Chinese medicine.

A lot of raw materials are sold abroad!

And our research on these drugs is not as good as abroad?


Because physical and chemical research is not in place.

This resulted in the loss of a large number of precious Chinese medicinal materials in the early years.

Why is the price of Korean ginseng much more expensive than our Northeastern ginseng?

Because Korea has this set of internationally recognized standards for Korean ginseng.

It has been approved by the European Union, the US FDA, and most countries and systems in the world for food, medicine, food supplements (DSC) and herbal preparations (HMC).

Therefore, South Korea has become the country with the largest export volume of Korean ginseng in the world.

However, where they ordered so much, where did they get so many Korean ginseng?

That is ginseng imported from Northeast China.

In the early years, everyone knew how hot the digging of ginseng was in the Northeast, but... the real reason behind this is that all these ginseng were exported to South Korea.

Then they re-standardized these ginseng and exported it to the world at a higher price!

Isn't this... an irony?

Are we just a planting base?

Our energy, our resources, can't be sold at a good price by ourselves, so we have to sell them after purchasing them abroad?

Isn't this ironic?

Looking at the reward in his hand, Chen Nan's chest was naturally depressed, and it was difficult to spit it out!

A long way to go!

And now this reward may make the Chinese medicine standards made by the Chinese themselves reach international recognition!


Later, Chen Nan continued to open another reward, from Pei Luo.

After Chen Nan opened the reward, there were not many surprises.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review from Pei Luo, the rating of the bad review: Intermediate, and the reward: Korean ginseng 500g! 】

Chen Nan was shivering coldly!

This fucking... purposely disgusting myself.

The name itself made Chen Nan somewhat dissatisfied.

Why can't it be called Northeast Ginseng?




ps: My wife's hospital is very busy today, so I can only have to... go back to see the child early, I'm here first, sorry!

Try to write more tomorrow.

Hope to understand.

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