Doctor’s Life Simulator

Chapter 134 Brand-new goal: the

City one.

In the wound treatment center, Qin Lang, Yang Yi and Yang Yue, and You Daren and Peng Yun, who were included in the research group, held a small meeting.

"According to the spirit conveyed by Director Wei, the entire National Wound Treatment Center project has requirements for scientific research results. Within three years, the entire treatment center should participate in publishing ≥3 national-level expert consensuses related to trauma, and publish SCI-received articles ≥ 50 papers, ≥10 papers with impact factor ≥3, and ≥50 academic articles published in core journals.”

"Director Wei has high hopes for our special research group, so I also set a goal for our team, that is, within three years, core journals publish more than 20 academic articles."

"These are the directions I have listed recently, and you need to start taking action, from the development of surgical procedures, the admission of patients, the collection of data, and the arrangement of papers."

As Qin Lang spoke, on the big screen in the conference room, he listed the various techniques he created and improved recently.

"Reparation and treatment of free skin flaps in the transverse striated region of the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery..."

"The retrograde blood supply pattern nourishes the free flap..."

"Ultra-thin anterolateral thigh free flap for repairing deep wounds at the distal end of the foot..."

"Pentagon Flap Syndactyly Modification..."



Looking at the techniques Qin Lang has created and improved over the past few days, each of them is a paper that represents the potential of a core journal.

Yang Yi, Yang Yue, You Daren, Peng Yun and others were all shocked, this Qin Lang is really too strong.

And Qin Lang took out these papers. Except for him as the corresponding author, everyone present had the opportunity to be a team member. Waiting for the opportunity to sign is a great opportunity for them, and for their future promotion and career Life has a profound impact.

Moreover, this is only the beginning stage of Qin Lang, and everyone believes that under the leadership of Qin Lang, their research group, which features skin flap repair for hand composite injuries, will be able to emerge a steady stream of new surgical techniques.

"I really admire it. Physician Qin is already the team leader and person in charge of a provincial-level characteristic project at a young age."

Yang Yi, Yang Yue, I am really glad that Tian Hua arranged them here.

For these few surgical procedures, these days, Qin Lang is also preparing to train the doctors of his research group, and then start to treat patients, collect statistics, and organize papers.

In addition to these, after the repair of Chen Mu's tendon in Zijingang First Hospital, Qin Lang also had a vague idea, that is, to sum up a new treatment plan for the sleeve-shaped avulsion injury of the hand.

It will be a comprehensive treatment plan for the reduction and fixation of systematic fusion fractures, tendon, nerve, blood vessel, muscle repair, and most importantly, skin flap repair.

At the meeting, Qin Lang also put forward his own ideas.

Yang Yi, Yang Yue, You Daren and Peng Yun are all a little incredible. Qin Lang's idea was too shocking.

This is a comprehensive solution for a brand-new system. If he really comes up with it, he can set up a faction.

For this inspiring new project, a name was given: "Qin Fa".

In this Qin method, there are already some prototypes, that is, for the repair of tendons and nerves, Qin Lang will use Chen Mu's repair method, which is to use photochemical tissue bonding technology, combined with amniotic membrane wrapping, half-knot locking tendon Suture and nerve anastomosis.

It can greatly ensure the tensile strength of early exercise, as well as eliminate inflammatory factors and scarring, and achieve the purpose of eliminating adhesions.

Then, the next step is to summarize an optimal flap repair method, which is not fixed, but flexible, but guided by a framework.

"Yang Yi, go and tell the head nurse Zhao Qiufang that in the future, as long as it is a patient who has a skin flap repaired with a composite hand injury, especially a patient with a hand glove, whenever there is one, send it to me. To carry out this 'Qin method' research and exploration.

For Qin Lang's crazy idea, Yang Yi and Yang Yue were secretly shocked and a little unbelievable, but she still cooperated fully. After all, Dr. Qin gave them too many surprises.

"Yang Yue, next, you will cooperate with me to do every operation, video recording, and comprehensive and timely data statistics and analysis, preoperative, postoperative, control group, observation group, hand function assessment, and postoperative follow-up.”

"Okay, Doctor Qin."

The twin sisters Hua knew that they would be very busy in the future, but being able to follow doctors like Qin Lang to constantly study and explore new possibilities was their dream life.

Soon, Qin Lang was an efficient and informative meeting, which was successfully completed.

The doctors in the research group all took their orders. Of course, it is only the start-up stage. With the passage of time, the talents introduced by Director Wei and Dean Hang will gradually be in place.

And after the birth of this 'Qin Fa' with a broken hand glove, Qin Lang will apply for the Hecheng Natural Science Award for this 'Qin Fa'.

After planning the short-term goals, Qin Lang was on duty in one of the outpatient clinics of the rotating treatment center according to Wei Guoqiang's latest arrangement.

After Qin Lang came to the outpatient clinic, he entered normal work.

Due to the large amount of publicity in the treatment center and the development of various new surgical techniques, word-of-mouth effects have already occurred after some cases were cured.

After a while, a patient walked in, a single mother in her thirties, leading her daughter to see the doctor.

This mother shaved a refreshing short hair, and her facial features were quite delicate. She was holding a baby of about one year old.

Seeing Qin Lang, the mother reported her daughter to Qin Lang and asked expectantly:

"Doctor, I want to ask my daughter about this syndactyly deformity. I originally planned to take her to Hangzhou for surgery. But I heard that our Hecheng No. 1 Hospital has now launched a brand new surgery. Is it true that it can take into account both functional recovery and aesthetic appearance?"

Qin Lang looked at the little girl, she was one year old, and it was recognized as the best time for syndactyly repaired.

Looking at the previous examinations and imaging data of patients in other hospitals, Qin Lang said confidently:

"Don't worry, the pentagonal skin flap syndactyly repair surgery now launched by our city's first hospital is the most suitable for protecting function and achieving aesthetic appearance. Moreover, compared with traditional hand surgery, our treatment center pays more attention to Wound recovery, scar treatment."

Qin Lang said, and after communicating with the patient's mother in a simple way, she eliminated her concerns.

"What about the cost?"

The single mother finally asked a little weakly, after all, you get what you pay for, and cosmetic surgery is generally more expensive than ordinary surgery.

"You can rest assured. The pentagonal flap syndactyly repair surgery in our treatment center is just an improvement in design ideas and techniques. The cost of the operation is the same as that of general hand surgery."

"Moreover, this procedure is the focus of our treatment center. Our guide desk and publicity wall have comprehensive sharing and introduction of cured cases."

"Okay, doctor, I trust you."

"Then I'll have my family operate at the treatment center."

Seeing myself pioneering improved surgical procedures brought confidence and hope to these patients, as well as their subsequent recovery.

Qin Lang is also full of happiness, which is the meaning of being a doctor.

ps: Thanks for the random and dangerous 1000 coins reward.


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