Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 545 Lan Qi and the Girl’s Journey to the Snowfield

The snowfield at the entrance to the land of eternal night is quiet and vast, as if it is an untouched corner of the world.

The antlers of the snow deer are tall and bright, as crystal clear as ice sculptures, emitting a faint brilliance.

"Hey, are you rich?"

After Sigre had memorized Lan Qi's request, she suddenly asked, putting away her pen and notepad with one hand.

The sled left a clear track on the snow, accompanied by the sound of the running deer and the slight sliding sound of the sled.

She put one hand on the backrest and looked back at Lan Qi.

It's rare to see such a big man who can command respect from his entourage. The person who seemed to be his secretary earlier looked frightened.

Although she didn't know much about the upper class society in Helsalem, she felt that the customer this time was a powerful person that she didn't usually see.

"It's okay, but if you want to make money, it should be faster."

Lanci replied.

He didn't mind having someone to chat with on the road, just like traveling with West Germany was much more enjoyable than traveling with Tata.

Of course, staying with Tata now is a new kind of fun.

"But could you please hold the reins with both hands and look at the road ahead?"

He raised his hand and pointed forward.

Hearing this, Sigre turned her head for the time being, but only half of it.

"what is your job?"

Sigre asked again.

"I'm a painter, and I know a little bit about sculpture and landscape design."

Lan Qi was a little helpless, seeing that Sigre's driving habits seemed to be like this, and he couldn't change it for a while, so he thought that he could only remind her more in the future.

For now, it may be better to answer her questions first so that she can drive with peace of mind.

The other party's attitude was indifferent, but she seemed to be very talkative and not a quiet girl.

"No wonder you are rich."

Sigre nodded, as if she understood a lot of things.

"I'm quite interested in paintings. For example, the painting in your study just now showed a group of children sitting around a fire. Although I didn't look carefully, I remember that there seemed to be a child whose hair was accidentally burned by the fire. Now, all the friends around him are saving him."

She still wasn't paying attention to the road ahead, and said to Lan Qi.


Lan Qi thought for a while and felt that what Sigre said was a little wrong.

Or rather it took him a moment to figure out which painting Sigre was referring to.

"That painting comes from the Devil's Opera. It's not a child sitting by a fire, but a group of demons cheering in purgatory."

Lan Qi explained to Sigre.

He really likes to chat with people about art topics.

Although it was not his painting, he could understand it.

"Oh, it turns out there is a follow-up story. They were all burned to death. The devil will indeed be jumping for joy."

Sigre shrugged regretfully.


Lan Qi choked up and couldn't speak for a long time.

Boss Cat was a little nervous in the shadow.

It was hell.

Lan Qi doesn’t even know how to answer your words.


Sigre called Lan Qi again,

"I noticed on the itinerary that you need to return to Helsalem within four weeks at the latest. Can you please try to be earlier? I don't want to be away for a month."

Lan Qi, who was silent for a few seconds, nodded.

"Is it because your family will worry about you?"

Lan Qi thought for a while. Parents would definitely be worried about such a young child going out for a month, even if she is indeed very strong.


Sigre didn't answer immediately.

"Roughly the same."

she said.

Although she no longer needs to live in an orphanage to support herself, she will always go back to the church orphanage in the small town to help the nuns and priests who originally rescued her, and most of the money will be sent back.

Children younger than her will cry terribly if they don't see her for a month.

Nowadays, the entire Paulante Empire is in panic, and the Holy Rite Church is a thorn in the side of the Horning Empire. If they really negotiate peace with the Horning Empire, those noble lords will definitely eradicate the church as a way to please the Horning Empire. Sincerity.

In fact, she didn't want to leave the orphanage during this period, but she really needed money. She needed money for everything, and the price offered by the other party was extremely generous, so she finally agreed.

However, it is impossible for her to tell her customers these things, otherwise the customers will definitely lower her price.

"Then I'll try to return as early as possible. I actually hope to go back as early as possible."

Ranch responded.

Sigre nodded, finally turned around and stared at the road ahead.

After driving for a while, she picked up another wine naan from the stool, twisted it open with one hand and took a small sip into her mouth.

Lan Qi's eyes widened.

"Can you really drink at your age? And you're driving."

He immediately leaned forward a little and said to Sigre in the front row.

"I didn't drink."

Sigre answered very calmly.


Lan Qi didn't say anything, he just felt that Sigre was lying to a fool. He could smell the alcohol wafting from the wine bag through the air.

If this continues, he will become dizzy.

Sigre glanced back at Lan Qi and read his eyes.

"Damn it, got caught."

She clicked her tongue.

"Why can't I drink? There is no drinking age limit in the Paulante Empire, and I don't drive a vehicle driven by magic energy. What's more, this is not within the borders of the Paulante Empire at all."

she retorted.

"I suggest you have some goat's milk wine that can warm you up in the snowy fields."

Sigre put the wine bag back and motioned for Lan Qi to take a sip as well.

"No, although it is not illegal, I have an obligation to order minors to stop drinking and prevent alcoholism. Premature drinking will not only have a negative impact on the body, but also affect physical and mental health and learning. Therefore, I need to guide minors Establish a correct concept of life.”

Lan Qi waved his hand and lectured her.

"Tsk, there are so many things to care about."

Sigre hesitated reluctantly for a long time while holding the wine bag.

Although no one had ever taught her about this kind of thing, she honestly envied those children whose parents could be nagged all day long.

Hearing such words made her very uncomfortable.

Finally, she closed the lid of the wine bag and threw it aside.

The front and rear rows of the sled were quiet for a long time.

As the sled progresses, the scenery of the snowfield gradually changes. The snow-capped mountains in the distance are looming, and the soft sunset shines through the clouds from time to time, adding a bit of warmth to this world of ice and snow.

"By the way, Sigre, how strong are you?"

Lan Qi had wanted to ask for a long time, but more importantly, he wanted to confirm whether it was similar to what he had judged.

Asking her early might make her feel like she's questioning her abilities.

After getting to know her a little bit, she wouldn't feel rude to ask this question.

"As long as we don't encounter a very strong Level 6, it's no problem to take you away."

Sigre said without looking back.

She doesn't want to reveal how strong she is to her clients, she just wants to give them a general reference and tell the truth.

"Then I'm relieved."

Lan Qi estimated that she was stronger than her fifth-level teammates at the Templar Villain Dinner.

"Miss Sigre, I heard that you are a master at dealing with trouble?"

He chuckled again and asked.

According to the secretary, the reason for recommending Miss Sigre was not only that she was reliable, but also that her business ability was quite strong.

If this is the case, he may be able to hire her to help him with the affairs after returning to the Paulante Empire.

“I know how to deal with public relations in a difficult situation and am good at persuading others.”

Sigre said with extra confidence while driving the car.

"Then it's up to you, but you have to protect me."

Lan Qi asked with a natural smile.

The cat boss in the shadow felt a chill.

Why does this guy always look like he has the heroine's script?

"Remember, don't cause trouble. If you take the initiative to cause trouble and cause trouble that shouldn't be included in the contract, asking me to do extra work will require extra money, and I may not be willing to take action."

Sigre neither agreed nor denied, but reminded her again.

"Under what circumstances would you take action?"

Lan Qi asked curiously.

"It depends on my mood."

Sigre responded briefly.

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