Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 555 Lan Qi always likes to fulfill wishes

In the dark midnight, the deep clouds kept hiding the moonlight, and the stars in the night sky shone dimly.

The sound of the hooves of the underworld deer pulling the sleigh was particularly clear in the silent snowfield, as if beating a dark drum.

"Today might be my eleventh birthday."

Sigre looked up at the moon, her purple eyes reflecting the bright moonlight, as if she had thought of something.

Except when she was very young, when her parents were still alive, she had had decent birthdays, and later even she forgot about birthdays.

It must be past midnight now, maybe three or four o'clock.

It's a new day for sure.


Lan Qi blinked in surprise.

A child’s birthday can be said to be a very important event and must not be ignored.

But now that they are out of town, they can't buy Sigre a cake or a gift to celebrate.

"What do you wish for?"

Lan Qi leaned forward slightly and asked.

Since I can't celebrate her birthday right away, I might as well ask her what her wishes are.

After all, the essence of celebrating is to make the other person happy.

Sigre leaned on the back of the sleigh chair, her expression unchanged.

She thought about it for a long time.

I found that I didn’t even have anything specific that I wanted.


"I hope there will be no more people like me in this world."

She said softly, a white mist rising from the corner of her mouth.

"Everyone can live in prosperity."

“Having enough food and clothing, being content and contented, you can do whatever you want.”

Her slight tone also showed that she knew very well that this was a dream that was destined to be impossible to realize in reality.


Lan Qi held her chin and thought carefully about Sigre's words.

For a moment, he didn't know how to respond to Sigre.

Because he is actually not from this era.

And as history.

Everyone he met in this day and age.

In fact, the fate has already been decided.

"That's right, Rocky."

Sigre spoke, interrupting Lan Qi's thoughts.

"I will only take you to the Demon Realm, other things have nothing to do with me."


Lan Qi raised his eyes and responded.

They had discussed this matter before setting off, and now the journey was finally coming to an end.

"Whether you can come back or not has nothing to do with me."

Sigre continued.


Lan Qi hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Although having a companion on the road made him feel much happier from the bottom of his heart, the seven days also flew by.

But the journey always has a beginning and an end, and everyone has their own path.

Lan Qi never forces others to stay with him.

"But now I'm in a better mood."

Sigre said calmly.

The surrounding coniferous forest rustled in the night wind, and the shadows of the trees swayed.

Occasionally, there is a rushing sound of animals in the forest. Perhaps it is a nocturnal beast searching for prey, or it may be disturbed by unknown fear.

The sounds of the conversation between the girl and the young man on the sleigh were carried away and swallowed up by the night wind.


Before the words were finished, Sigre's eyes narrowed and he tightened the reins suddenly.

The underworld deer roared uneasily, and its breath condensed into clouds of mist in the cold air.

Sigre couldn't care about the out-of-control Minglu, grabbed Lan Qi's wrist in the back seat, and jumped out of the car with him.

The figures of the two drew a curve in the air, and then landed heavily on the snow.

The snowflakes were stirred up by their fall, like flying catkins in a strong wind. Countless white fragments rotated and danced in the air, and the sky was filled with snow and mist.

The heavy sound of wind and snow and the pounding of her heart made her ears and brain feel tingling and buzzing.

Sigre tried to stabilize her body again and again, but was constantly challenged by the slippery snow surface. Finally, more than ten meters away, Sigre finally stood firm and stepped firmly on the thick snow.

Snowflakes soon covered their bodies, as if they were freshly completed works on the winter canvas.

Sigre locked Lan Qi's wrist tightly, held him steady and dragged him behind her, breathing rapidly.

Snowflakes fell on her eyelashes, and her purple eyes flashed with determination and ferocity.

Lan Qi looked at the small figure in front of him with some surprise.

But under her firm gaze, all questions became irrelevant.

Look ahead.

In this dark snowfield, everything seemed to have solidified.

In the distance, dark clouds began to gather in the sky, slowly covering the starry sky.

These dark clouds are like a huge black hand, quietly reaching towards this snowfield.

"You are very keen, little one."

In the bottomless wind and snow curtain, a mysterious figure slowly walked out.

He was tall and thin, wearing a long dark cloak that fluttered gently in the wind. His face was almost invisible in the shadow, but his blood-colored eyes were particularly clear in the night. .

His delicate appearance, illuminated by the drifting snowflakes and moonlight, looked pale and noble, seeming to be out of tune with this world.

Behind him, in this eternal night snowfield, a sharp gap opened at some point——

The two sturdy bodies of the deer fell to the ground with a bang, breaking the silence and being swallowed up by the ice and snow. The snowflakes splashed and blood oozed, slowly spreading in the snow and turning into two blooming bloody roses.

Far away.

The oppressive feeling of that magical power made Lan Qi feel a little uncomfortable in the distance.

He felt Sigre's cold hands trembling.

Sigre said that she has nothing to fear at the sixth level.

The ancestors of the blood clan who are eighth-level marquis and above have been monitored by the demon world for many years. If any ancestor of the blood clan goes north, it will definitely trigger the first move from the demon clan.

So that Sigre could instinctively be on guard like this, it was obvious that the opponent was the strongest blood race existence under the ancestors, the seventh-level Earl blood race.

As expected, there are vampires who have successfully sneaked into the land of eternal night through the east and west sides.

"I followed you all the way. I thought I would never find a chance, but I didn't expect you to come towards the Demon Realm."

When Count Gregory appeared, the entire snowfield sank into a low pressure, the air became heavy, and even the sound of falling snowflakes seemed to be suppressed.

He took two or three steps, each step seemed to be following an invisible rhythm, making Sigre feel an indescribable fear.

The invisible and lingering magic power seems to be able to discern every movement on a person's body, and no tiny movements or thoughts can escape his prediction.

As if sensing Sigre's ferocity, which was ready to attack like a beast, Count Gregory raised his hands with a vain smile.

"Don't be afraid. Look, I haven't meant to hurt you for a long time."

Count Gregory had no further intention to attack, but stopped and stood in the distance.

There was a smile in his eyes that was both playful and sincere.

In fact, it makes no difference to him whether the other party resists or flees.

His power [Blood Chasing Shadow] can map a large area of ​​space in any environment, accurately capture any tiny movement and breath, and no trace, no matter how concealed, can escape his perception.

This is also the reason why he was sent to the Land of Eternal Night as a pioneer.

Whether it is to avoid strong demons or big orc lords, or to capture weak enemies, he will do it without fail.

According to the information reported by Sebas, the branch head lurking in the Shengshi Chamber of Commerce, this craftsman of the Paulante Empire has gained considerable trust from the great lord, and the distance between each two city-states is not that long. The orc lord.

If you intercept him halfway, if the delay is too long, you may be noticed by the orc lords and anger them.

In a head-on battle, as a Earl specialized in reconnaissance, he did not want to face those thick-skinned orc lords who would go crazy.

As it turned out, by coincidence, this imperial craftsman did not choose to turn back in Xiaoye City, but continued to move towards the Demon Realm.

Gregory observed the two thin human figures with interest.

At this distance, Count Gregory can believe that no matter what happens, the orc lord will not be aware of it at all. According to the "North-South Treaty", even if the demons on the border of the demon world are aware of it, they cannot interfere with the vampires.

Now that the blood tribe and the demon tribe are trying to negotiate peace soon, the fourth ancestor and the tenth ancestor will officially go to the demon world in the near future, and the demon tribe dare not offend him, a vampire count.

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