Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 631 Lan Qi’s enemy, the gray-haired girl

"The first prize reward is a pair of bracelet magic cards made of Tianmu gold."

Juliana squinted her eyes, looked at the list on the open-air screen behind the stage and read,

"As long as you bravely participate, you will receive a commemorative Animal Forest chocolate gift box."

she said to herself.

Such limited activities often have good Golden Bee Coin rewards, as well as special prizes that cannot be redeemed with Golden Bee Coins.


Loren noticed that Juliana next to him was staring in that direction, so he took her closer.

What was specifically marked in the prize list was a set of cute little animal chocolates.

"Do you want to?"

Loren noticed Juliana's gaze, looked in the direction of the event stage, and asked.


Juliana shook her head.

Although she never expected to win the first prize because it was too difficult, she felt that the commemorative award should not be difficult to win.

Miss Love Assistant might like it.

Miss Love Assistant has helped me so much today, and I feel like I have to give her some kind of thank-you gift next time I go to Mr. Cat’s restaurant.

Loren looked at Juliana's face and her fluttering eyelashes, and suddenly remembered the words of the love instructor:

This kind of reaction means that she wants it a little bit, but it’s not too troublesome for you. You can consider whether you can help her get it depending on the situation. It’s similar to the fact that it won’t decrease your favorability if you ignore it, but if you pay attention and try your best And for you, no matter whether you succeed or not, your favor will definitely increase, and she will feel that you care about her.

"Juliana, let's go try it out."

Loren suggested.


Juliana turned her cheek sideways in surprise and looked up at Loren.

This was a game only for couples, and she didn't know if Loren had noticed it.

But looking at his firm eyes, Juliana couldn't help but blush slightly on her cheeks.


She lowered her head and nodded slightly.

Then he walked with Loren.

[Wait, that game...]

As if to prevent cheating, some activity areas in the amusement park have programs that interfere with communication magic.

At the entrance to the atrium of the amusement park, Lan Qi, who was leaning behind a stone pillar, patted the headset, but there was only noise.

He quickly walked around the stone pillar and looked in the direction where Loren and Juliana were leaving.

The reason why the rewards of the game are so high and no one wants to play it is because the challenge itself is quite unpleasant.

It will allow participating couples to answer a variety of sharp truth-telling questions, and the magic device will directly present the true answers.

It is said that after playing, even couples who are extremely in love, the breakup rate is as high as 90%, and death or even a fight on the spot is possible!

However, due to its excellent program effects, it often attracts a large number of viewers once it is opened, and is simultaneously shown on the magic screens throughout the Golden Bee Amusement Park.

Lan Qi immediately hugged the cat and ran towards Loren.

The 100-meter race has begun! According to the Public Security Management Law, you cannot use high-level magic or enter combat mode in the downtown area!

"Meow meow, what's wrong?"

Boss Cat felt the noisy wind blowing on his cheeks.

Lan Qi was so panicked for the first time today.

It seems that what he just said came true. Loren really only learned to imitate Lan Qi according to Lan Qi's instructions, but did not fully integrate it!

"Playing that game, the two of them will most likely be finished today!"

Lan Qi lowered his head and said to the cat boss.

However, when he looked up again, Loren and Juliana were almost at the gate.

"Oh! Finally a brave couple is here tonight!"

The activity manager noticed the two people walking over, and he clasped his hands on his face in surprise and said.

"We are not a couple yet..."

Julianne explained sheepishly, seeming to flinch a little.

"Come here, let's give it a try. It is said that the couple who can make it to the end of this trial will definitely be together for a lifetime."

The event manager whispered seductively, slyly.

"All right."

Juliana glanced at Loren, who seemed to have no objection, so Juliana nodded.

The event manager smiled with satisfaction.

Today we finally have another broadcast performance.

And it is indeed a great pleasure to watch couples having embarrassing moments.

He had to work alone so late at night. Whenever he saw a loving couple wandering around the Golden Bee Amusement Park, he felt that he could break them up!

Just as Loren and Juliana were about to arrive at the gate, a hurried figure rushed over and tried to stop them.

But it seemed that two figures, one on the left and one on the right, were trying to cut in front of them, so they bumped into each other and fell to the ground.

Lan Qi felt as if he had crashed into a mountain. His vision was blurred and blurred. When his vision returned, he found that he had collided with a gray-haired girl.

The other party seemed to be running over in a hurry.

"Are you two here to participate?"

The event manager in Little Bee Costume looked at the two people and asked.

He didn't mind if more people attended the event, the better.

Two pairs came at once, and he was extremely happy.


Lan Qi and the gray-haired girl said in unison.

After the two answered, they looked at each other.

The gray-haired girl noticed the black cat on Lan Qi's head.

Although Lan Qi's appearance has changed at this moment.

But that black cat was all too familiar to her.

And Lan Qi took a closer look.

This gray-haired girl has her long hair tied into braids, wears a pair of flat glasses on her face, and wears a white dress. She looks quiet and dignified.

She looks a bit cold and frosty, so she has a bit of a lonely literary girl temperament.

Isn’t this Thalia? !

Lanci's heart was shaken.

But it was too late for him to care about why he hit Tata here.

The key is that he has to save Loren here!

Lan Qi turned around and winked at Loren.

Loren looked confused and didn't understand what this gentleman meant.

Lan Qi felt helpless for a moment.

He could not expose the fact that Loren had found the coach in front of Juliana, and he had to stop Loren. But if Loren went further, Juliana would notice Ranchi.

Fortunately, Juliana also looked confused at the moment, and her attention seemed to be on Thalia.

"If you don't want to participate, please let the couple in line behind you participate."

The event manager said with some displeasure.

Finally, new people arrived, and there were two more people who made trouble and were stuck here for no apparent reason. They didn't want to participate, but don't scare away the two people who wanted to participate.

More and more spectators were looking around, making the two of them blocked at the gate more and more awkward.

"Tata, can you play this game with me?"

Lan Qi gritted his teeth and asked without hope.

The only way now is to demonstrate it in front of Loren to make him realize how dangerous this game is for lovers!

If it were him and Talia, two people with no tacit understanding, they would definitely fail. The game would be over after just a few questions.

But it's unlikely that Thalia would agree to this.


Thalia nodded nervously.

It seemed that Lan Qi's question made her feel relieved, and she even felt that it was exactly what she wanted.

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