But everyone just hesitated for a moment, then immediately followed.

Not long after, Qin Yuan took them to a clean and tidy room in the No. 3 training building, where there was only a row of joined tables.

"What did the instructor bring us here for? There's nothing inside?" Zhai Qing looked at the crowd with a confused look on his face.

"How do I know, I'm not a roundworm in the instructor's stomach."

"Anyway, it doesn't look like physical training, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Cheng Ci said with a smile, his face looking a little relaxed.

"Hehe, who told you this? In the military region, training various skills is no easier than physical training."

"Shh, stop talking, hurry up and listen to what the instructor has to say!"

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Yuan turned around and looked at the people. Then, the door of the room was opened suddenly, and the four of them, Su Xiaoyu, each carried a dark green weapon box, striding over.

After opening the box, everyone saw at a glance that there were all kinds of weapons inside, including pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles and so on.

"The next thing you're going to do is disassemble and assemble the weapon, something like this."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he directly picked up a pistol, and under the curious eyes of all the recruits, he disassembled it cleanly in two or three strokes, and then reassembled it when they barely reacted. It looks exactly the same as before.

Li Man and the others were almost dumbfounded. They just felt that the pistol in Qin Yuan's hand was turned into parts and then assembled as if by magic.

Qin Yuan glanced at a few people, and then demonstrated again. This time, his speed was obviously slowed down a lot, so that they could see clearly.

After the demonstration, Qin Yuan glanced at Su Xiaoyu, who immediately understood, took out a few pistols from the weapon box, and handed them to Li Man and the others.

"Now, it's your turn."


The recruits responded with some excitement, and then came to the table, recalling Qin Yuan's actions just now in their minds, and moved quickly with their hands.

But different from what they expected, this kind of pistol that Qin Yuan played with casually, in their hands, is like a cat that hasn't been raised well, and won't cooperate at all.

In the end, it took nearly a minute for Zhang Qi and the others to barely assemble the pistol completely, and sweat even appeared on his forehead.

"Hehe, such a long time is enough for the enemy to kill you dozens of times, and this is still a special soldier? It's just wishful thinking!"

Qin Yuan mocked unceremoniously.

When everyone heard the words, they all lowered their heads, their faces full of shame.

"Dismantling the pistol is the easiest. The current passing score is about 15 seconds. I will give you ten minutes to get familiar with it as soon as possible. After the time is over, as long as one person fails to do it, everyone will be punished. Do you hear me clearly!"


A few people roared, their faces were full of firmness, they lowered their heads and started training quickly. Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of metal friction and spring crashing.

Qin Yuan didn't open his mouth all the time, he silently watched the movements of everyone's hands, and raised a few words from time to time. As time went by, everyone's skills became more and more familiar.

Ten minutes later, under Qin Yuan's order, everyone was inspected one by one, and finally they all controlled the disassembly and assembly of pistols within fifteen seconds.

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