Doomsday Armored Vehicle, Get Unlimited Ammunition At The Start

100: Frightened In The Rainy Night, Fleeing Desperately

In fact, Xiao Yi's food is quite enough.

5,000 tons of frozen goods, plus 19 supermarkets, no matter how much the whole team eats, they can't finish it in this lifetime.

Meat and vegetables are enough.

But wheat and rice are also indispensable, so we choose the grain from the strategic material warehouse.

Especially table salt.

This is the most important material, because even if the virus disappears in the future, food can be grown.

Salt cannot be grown.

Without professional salt workers, Xiao Yi had to fumble around for an unknown amount of time.

So the more salt the better.

One ton of salt is enough for 100 people to consume for 10 years.

Looking at the mountain of salt, Xiao Yi was so excited that he rolled up his sleeves and continued working.

two hours.

Xiao Yi swept away a full 500 tons of salt, and Curry estimated that there were two to three hundred tons left.

I won't take it for now.

Leave some for the survivors of Silver Screen Mountain.

These 500 tons of salt are enough for 2,000 people to consume for 100 years, and Xiao Yi simply can't afford that much.

But I like the feeling that I can't finish eating.

In the grain area, the team members are still working hard to carry.

Their strength is much smaller than that of Xiao Yi, so each time they use the instant delivery skill to carry, they can only send three to four hundred catties at most.

Efficiency is much slower.

Xiao Yi also went to move together.

After another three hours, only the vacuum-packed parts remained of the piled up grain.

It accounts for about 40% of the total amount of grain.

In other words, Xiao Yi's people removed 60%, about 4,000 tons.

The team members are very tired.

But the mood is very cool.

Unlimited ammunition Curry has an endless variety of meat, vegetables, fruits, and eggs.

Now there is also food.

There will be no shortage of food in the future.

"Okay, the vacuum-packed ones are reserved for the people of Yinpingshan."

"Next we're going to move the fuel."

Xiao Yi checked the time, and it is currently around 1:00 in the morning, and the fuel storage in the strategic material depot is not particularly large.

It is expected to be completed within an hour.

Then Xiao Yi prepared to leave Yinping Mountain and drove the convoy to Rome Road, because as soon as the light came on, he could follow this road to Rongdu at high speed.

Then spend at least twenty days on the highway.

As long as a month.

Fortunately, the scale of the fleet has expanded, the supplies are abundant, and the accommodation conditions have also been improved.

Even if it stays in the car for a year or so, it will be fine.

Xiao Yi led the team to the fuel area.

All fuel oil is packed in barrels, which is very convenient for handling. This is also considering the emergency, so it can be put into use more conveniently and quickly.

If it is packed in a liquefier tank.

Once the power fails, it will be more troublesome to quickly put the fuel into use.

All the fuel is neatly stacked.

Each barrel of fuel is 200 liters and weighs 344 kilograms, and the team members can move it.

"Go ahead, hurry up.

the other side.

The hinterland of Nanmen Mountain was already in chaos.

Even though An Qiming had become alert through chatting with Xiao Yi, he did not take the initiative to contain him and survived.

But there are still more than 10,000 people gathered in the hinterland of Nanmen Mountain.

After the virus mutated, more than 5,000 people turned into zombies, and it mutated at night.

Plus storm cover.

These zombies kept biting people around them, and then infected them into zombies.

According to preliminary estimates, there are at least 7,000 zombies in the entire hinterland of Nanmen Mountain.

They attack fleeing people everywhere in the rainy night.

Intensive gunfire continued.

It was also mixed with screams and wailing, and the night blocked the sight, but made the screams more permeating.

The rain is now lightening.

But the mountain road is muddy and muddy, and you will fall if you are not careful.

An Qiming took his wife and daughter and hid on the top of the mountain a long time ago, protected by a group of soldiers.

They are safe now.

Because two hours before the virus mutated, Xiao Yi sent a message to Sharapova, reminding her that the virus was about to mutate.

She told An Qiming and Anna about this.

Originally, An Qiming had been hinted in his conversation with Xiao Yi before that the mutation of the virus would cause more people to change.

At that time, An Qiming was already alert.

Coupled with his wife's reminder, he was even more convinced of Xiao Yi's words.

So he took his wife, daughter, and a group of soldiers to hide on the top of the mountain overnight.

It was around 8 o'clock in the evening.

The virus did mutate. Fortunately, the family of three did not change into corpses, and more than a dozen soldiers who followed them turned into zombies.

But there are Sharapova and Ana.

With the joint efforts of the two, the soldiers who turned into corpses were cleaned up, which made An Qiming even more puzzled.

It's normal for Anna to like to wield knives and guns.

After all, she has always been like this.

But when did my wife become so powerful?

With a gun in his left hand and a dogleg knife in his right hand, killing zombies is like chopping melons and vegetables, and it is still a manic zombie at night.

What puzzled An Qiming even more was why did Xiao Yi know his wife's phone number?

Send a text message to remind her?

Reminiscent of Sharapova's changes in recent days, An Qiming has vaguely guessed that his head has turned green.


No wonder Xiao Yi left those weapons and ammunition for himself before leaving.

"Did he put a hat on me and give me some compensation?" An Qiming thought secretly.

And the wife gets younger.

become powerful.

It seems reasonable to use Xiao Yi to explain all this, because he is very mysterious, just because he can make the things he touches disappear, it is enough to show that this person is not ordinary.

As for how it is unusual.

An Qiming didn't know either, and asked Sharapova to no avail.

Get rid of all this mess in your head.

An Qiming withdrew his mind, the most important thing now was the Battle of Guimen Mountain.

The secretary has also turned into a zombie.

Everything has to be done by yourself.

An Qiming called the high-level command post over and over again, but unfortunately there was no signal.

Now it's all on their own.

Fortunately, another group of Warriors fought their way out and rushed to the top of the mountain where An Qiming was.

There are more than twenty people in total.

A few more people came up one after another, but there were more zombies chasing after them. Just hearing the dense roars made my scalp numb.

Sharapova shone a flashlight.

All I saw were ferocious zombie faces, climbing up like a Shuluohan.


"hurry up!"

Anna immediately crawled over to help, and everyone kept shooting down the mountain.

But the zombies at night are too manic.

The power is also much greater.

Grabbing the thorns, she rushed up quickly, and the soldiers in front were constantly being killed. Sharapova saw that she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Anna, let's go."

"Qiming, why are you standing still, hurry up."

An Qiming's calves were already trembling with fright, and he was carried away by two soldiers.

"Follow me," Sharapova reminded.

A group of people ran down the mountain along the path. It was pitch black at night, and the limited number of flashlights could not provide more lighting.

Someone always falls behind.

Some can even get up.

Some fell directly into the thorn bushes, and there were zombies chasing after them, so they had no choice but to give up.

Sharapova can shoot while running.

I accidentally fell, but fortunately I didn't roll into the thorn bushes.

Anna helped her up.

Everyone continued to run forward.

"Mom, it's not a solution for us to run around like headless chickens."

Sharapova turned back and fired two more shots.

"We're not running around, this path goes down to Mine 270 Spring Water Factory, where Xiao Yi left an armored vehicle.

She didn't say much, but Anna got it.

It was just a converted van, and although the armor was tough enough, it was small.

No more than ten people can be seated.

There are more than a dozen Warriors behind, and some of them will definitely be abandoned.

This kind of thing cannot be said too bluntly.

Otherwise, the soldiers behind might take the lead in rebelling, and even hold An Qiming hostage to threaten them.

The rain is getting lighter.

The roaring zombie sound became clearer and clearer.

While running, Sharapova felt that something was wrong. She shone the flashlight down the mountain, and her scalp felt numb.

A large group of zombies rushed up.

There are zombies in the front and back, and there is only a single road. There is no choice but to run into the thorn bushes.

Sharapova made a decision immediately.

"Quick, hide in the thornbush."

Although the unscrupulous growth of thorns will make it difficult for them to move, it will also make it difficult for zombies to move.

Basically, it can only move by rolling and crawling.

Not long after a group of people rushed into the thornbush, the zombies in front and behind also rushed in roaring.

Sharapova underestimated how violent the zombies can be at night.

They are painless.

Even though his body was bruised all over by thorns, his fighting power remained undiminished.

But humans have pain.

Once the body is stabbed in many places, it will seriously affect the speed of movement. Gradually, some people are chased by the zombies, and they are pressed to the ground and bitten crazily.

Sharapova and Anna looked back and kept pulling the trigger.

But the number of zombies was increasing, and the soldiers were pushed to the ground one by one, and they pulled the trigger with roars.

It is difficult to kill effectively with random shooting.

The soldiers were quickly overwhelmed by the corpses, and Anna grabbed An Qiming.

"Dad, get up!"

"If you don't get up again, you will be eaten by zombies!".

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