Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1019: ice city mystery

It is well known that the pheasant country has been influenced by Chinese culture since ancient times. Let’s just say that the architectural style here has a little Tang style, but it has also changed a little.

Anyway, in Lin Mo's opinion, this kind of change is completely unnecessary, and the architectural style here is exactly the same as that of a crematorium in his hometown.

Especially this is the projection area in the nightmare world. With the environment here, it is more like a crematorium.

The power of the Yixie Society is very large.

When I was in the General Administration, I only knew a little from the data pictures. But when we really arrived in the country of the pheasant, we realized how influential the Yixie Society was. Basically, black and white had already taken all.

Without any ability, it is impossible to threaten to unify all forces in the pheasant country.

The people who came this time should all be heads and faces in the pheasant country.

The security force alone made Lin Mo frown.

it's here. He felt the breath of many top-level nightmares.

Under the pressure of the powerful breath, ordinary little nightmares dare not approach this place at all.

In addition, there are instruments arranged by priests of the Pheasant Kingdom everywhere.

In some places, it looks like a mourning hall, plus they like to wear black suits, and they are unsmiling, it is really no different from attending a funeral.

It's more down-to-earth to eat with the ceremony.

Or to say that the world is huge and full of strange things. In some places, a happy event is not as good as a funeral, and in some places, a funeral is the same as a happy event.

Lin Mo knew*, now his top priority is to find the old brothers and the veterans as soon as possible, and gather them together so that they can discuss the next move.

However, the headquarters of the Yixie Society is under tight security at the moment. Fortunately, there is a lot of confusion, so Lin Mo is not worried that he will be discovered and exposed.

In addition, brother, they are with Xiaoyu, Lin Mo and Xiaoyu have a symbiotic curse, within a certain distance, they can sense Xiaoyu's breath.

After Lin Mo wandered around for a while, he finally caught the breath of Xiaoyu keenly.

He turned his head and saw that there was a wall in that direction.

Should be able to bypass.

Lin Mo didn't want to go around.

He looked around, there was no one here, but there were a few guards in the distance, but the other party was looking around, as long as the other party was looking elsewhere. Lin Mo was going to go over the wall.

Going in a straight line is the most direct.

When the guard looked to the other side, Lin Mo immediately moved.

He jumped suddenly, using both hands and feet, and his strong physical fitness after being cursed and blessed allowed him to climb this four-meter-plus wall with relative ease.

Then it flipped over and fell to the ground on the other side.

As soon as he landed, Lin Mo was a little dumbfounded.

There is a dog below.

The dog was also a bit stunned, and he probably didn't expect it, and suddenly a man fell from the sky.

All of a sudden, human eyes met dog eyes, and no one said a word.

Or Lin Mo's reaction was quicker.

At the moment when the dog was about to bark, he reached out and covered the dog's mouth, then hugged the dog who was struggling frantically, and got into the grove next to him.

After a while, Lin Mo came out while sorting his clothes.

Look around, no one.


At the moment, he continued to walk in the direction of the light rain. . .

! As for the dog, no one will ever see it again.

Who made it bad luck and saw something that shouldn't be seen.

In the end, Lin Mo stopped in front of a rather quiet room.

There are gardens, pond bridges, absolute mansions.

Those who can live here must not be ordinary people.

The smell of light rain is in this house.

Lin Mo paused at the door.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, is it possible that Brother and Xiaoyu were caught, and then locked here, waiting for him to take the bait?

Just thinking of this, the door opened a crack, and Xiaoyu's smiling face showed half, and looked at Lin Mo inside.

Looking at the expression, it seems that he is asking Lin Mo, since you are here, why haven't you come in yet?

Forget the crazy thoughts just now. Lin Mo pushed the door and walked in.

He guessed wrong.

It wasn't that Brother and Xiaoyu were caught, but that they caught a master here.

There are several bodies in the house.

There is also a nightmare that was killed. It should be Sister Yue and Jun Xiwen.

Because there was a skinned ugly doll on the ground.

Obviously, there was a battle here, but it was not evenly matched, but Xiaoyu and the others made a sneak attack and killed the people in the house.

There is an old man in here.

Die badly.

When the other party was dying, he was holding a samurai sword in his hand, and half of his body was chopped open, like a firewood that was split.

"I cut it!"

The veteran was sharpening his knife beside him, showing a simple and honest smile.

The kind that looks very satisfied, just like the expression of the greedy person who drinks the old wine and smokes the good smoke and the meat and bites the elbow.

It seemed that the old man who was hacked to death was unusual.

When Lin Mo asked, it was really unusual.

The old man was actually over a hundred years old.

"Before, this grandson came to Huaxia, and what he did, I said, all stained my mouth, I hacked him to death, and immediately had to wash the knife, there was no way, I was afraid that my treasured knife would dislike the blood of this beast. ."

The veteran was obviously inferior to what the old man said on the ground.

Colin is clear. Some people are really not as good as beasts.

"An old devil over a hundred years old, he should have a high status, what's the relationship with Yixie?" Lin Mo asked.

At this time my brother said that this old devil is one of the founders of the Yixie Society.

good guy.

This directly hacked to death one of the founders of the Yixie Society.

"There is a top-level nightmare hidden in the house of the old devil. It is estimated that he is guarding people. He is afraid that someone will harm him, but he did not expect that our strength far exceeds the guarding strength on his side. As a result, that's it."

"My plan is to impersonate this old devil, and then let's mix in this supreme meeting, and then" the old brother made a gesture of raising his hand and falling.

Lin Mo nodded and understood.

"It's not difficult to kill all the high-level officials in the conference room. After all, our strength is very strong, but after that, we have to bear the counterattacks from all parties in the whole pheasant country. This is a troublesome thing."

The old man expressed a concern in his heart.

Lin Mo thought about it and said no need to worry. . .


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