Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 173: Alpha, Beta, Omega

When he truly saw the true appearance of the person in front of him, Bai Wu understood where that feeling of dissonance came from.

This person in the real world was so cowardly that Bai Wu couldn't remember it for a moment when his eyes as pure as lambs showed evil and domineering.

"Bai Xiaoyu."

"Are you surprised?"

"Yes, after all, your human body has a very weak sense of existence in the real world."

"Let's change the name. I am indeed his evil body, and he is indeed my human body, but we are not him. Only when he completely becomes the evil body will the barrier between me and him disappear. You can Call me Omega.”

Bai Wu frowned, what kind of name is this?

Omega joked:

"If you don't call someone Alpha, then call me Omega. Others will call me Commander, so you don't have to."

"Why is it said that the harder it is to become an evil person, the stronger the evil body in this world is?" Bai Wu asked.

Omega explained:

"It's very simple. Once our human body becomes evil in the real world, it will cause us, as evil bodies, to leave this world..."

"Once you leave, except for you who have a certain file reader... it is basically impossible to come back." Omega said.

"So the longer you stay, the stronger you will be. Of course, this is only one factor. The other factor is that the harder it is to become a bad person, the greater the obsession you need to become a bad person. Naturally, he The corresponding evil body is also more powerful."

Bai Xiaoyu is indeed a very difficult person to become evil.

Whenever Cain tortures Bai Xiaoyu to the point of collapse, Bai Xiaoyu will stage a period of emotional bottoming out.

In your mind, you will create a fictional person who can take you out of your suffering.

But now Bai Wu thinks about it, Cain didn't kill Bai Xiaoyu, but he didn't give up on Bai Xiaoyu either...

It's really suspicious.

Bai Wu said: "Your personality is completely different from the Bai Xiaoyu I know."

"Of course it's different. As I said, I am me and he is him. Only when he becomes evil can we be considered one and the same."

Bai Wu understood that in essence, as long as Bai Xiaoyu did not become an evil body, then the evil body in this world and the human body in that world...their respective personalities and behavioral logics would be independent.

"So, my evil also different from my character?"

"Your evil depravity?"

Omega really gave Bai Xiaoyu's timid face a different temperament. He seemed to have encountered something that was difficult to describe:

"For a while, we even thought...your evil depravity, the legend of this world, was about to leave."

Omega's expression was complicated:

"For a moment, we didn't know whether to cheer or mourn."

"Why are you cheering?" Bai Wu was a little curious about his evil deed.

"The reason for cheering is... let's call your evil depravity Beta."


In alphabetical order, he is second only to Alpha, so Bai Wu just casually mentions this Omega.

"It's a tyrant."

Good guy, someone Bai called him a good guy.

"That's interesting."

Omega shook his head:

"No, it's not interesting at all. Anyone who offends him, whether it's the Seven Financial Groups in this world or a villain, will be tortured crazily, squeeze out some pitiful negative emotions, and then be brutally killed."

"..." Bai Wu had nothing to say.

Is my evil body so cruel? But I am obviously a Bai person whom everyone loves.

Omega looked at Bai Wu:

"Actually, you don't need to tell me, you should know that you are a monster."

"Then you should tell me why I am a monster." Bai Wu refused.

Omega continued:

"A monster without negative emotions, although you rely on your own learning to make yourself as close to the public as possible."

"But essentially, Bai Wu, you are not a good person. Indeed, through constant self-suggestion, constant resistance to Bai Yuan's expectations, and constant conformity to everyone, your logic and world view are, in the eyes of most people, It’s commendable.”

"But we all know that if your childhood experience is more tortuous, you may become a monster without human empathy and no sense of morality."

Bai Wu did not agree with this statement, but Omega also said:

"But there's no what if, your particular experience has turned you into a monster without negative emotions, rather than a monster without human emotions, and that's fine."

"Those people on the flight, the mechanical dog named Xiao Jing in the Baichuan City Zoo, and what I saw in my human body... are all a respectable existence."

It seems that the giant mechanical dog in Baichuan City Zoo whose obsession dissipated and then turned into nothing is also in this world.

Bai Wu said:

"I understand what you mean. I'm not a monster, but I might have been. So in my evil form, I was a complete cruelty?"

Omega smiled and said:

"That's not the case, after all, Beta... is cruel and principled."

"He has his own territory and his own resource points. If you don't provoke him, he rarely takes the initiative to cause trouble. But if you accidentally provoke him... then..."

As Omega spoke, he untied his black robe, revealing his well-toned muscles.

Bai Wu thought that the other party was suddenly going to do something extremely joyful, and then looked at Omega pointing at a scar that could not be erased and said:

"Once I went to ask for help and brought a lot of resources, but I disturbed him and was beaten by him."

The scar appeared black and spread from Omega's shoulder blade to his waist and abdomen.

It looks like a ravine.

Bai Wu probably understood.

Just can you say hello before you take off your clothes next time? It felt like I had escaped a hero.

Bai Wu frowned:

"You can't beat him? I feel like I wasn't that strong when I became a demon."

Because of my evil fall, I almost didn't beat the Lake God. If the anger hadn't suddenly replenished, the car might have overturned that time.

Since Omega rules the Evil Fall, he shouldn't be able to defeat his own Evil Fall.

Omega actually rolled his eyes at Baiwu.

How inconsistent is it to roll your eyes against Bai Xiaoyu's face?

Just like a second ago, someone still had Xu Sanduo's style of painting, and he said naively: Living well means living meaningfully, and living meaningfully means living well.

The next second, he raised his eyebrows and turned into Feng Yuxiu, saying in a sultry voice: It is a matter of life and death.

Baiwu didn't complain, but Omega kept the look of burying Baiwu and said:

"That's because you took a shortcut yourself."

"Huh? Shortcut?"

"You and Gu Qingyu are both people with high emotional thresholds, but your degeneration was accomplished through props. Props are shortcuts."

Bai Wu was stunned and suddenly realized something.

Normal people become evil because of emotional breakdown.

But that's not the case for him and his captain. He and his captain became villains because they wore spiritual watches.

The spirit watch indeed turned myself and the captain into villains, but it lacked real emotional feedback.

So, although that watch has snatched Ayan's MVP title several times, it has also limited his performance to a certain extent?

Omega saw Bai Wu's expression and guessed that Bai Wu had reacted:

"It seems you already understand."

Bai Wu really understood, he exclaimed:

"But this is Schrödinger's evil body... If I didn't rely on the spirit watch, I wouldn't be able to become the evil body. And I don't seem to be able to become the evil body."

Omega shook his head and said:

"As a human being, you can definitely complete the evil transformation. The reason why you will not become a evil person is just because you drank the water from the well and got the opportunity to use the power of the evil evil system. But this does not mean that you have obtained your evil transformation. physical strength."

"His power is not simple."

It’s a bit interesting, Bai Wu said:

"You went in such a big circle and mentioned the captain, so what happened to the captain?"

The conversation is back on track.

Omega said:

"His evil deeds were caught by people from the seven major financial groups. It should be for you, or for the weapons on your body."

Bai Wu said nothing, and Omega continued to explain what happened:

"Not long ago, people from the seven major financial groups spent a lot of manpower and material resources and captured Gu Qingyu's evil deeds with heavy casualties. Well, he also has his own name. We call him Crimson."


Bai Wu still remembered the captain's depraved posture, and his first reaction was - the captain was very tall.

The second reaction was that the whole body was wrapped in red crystal walls.

The deep red color is quite appropriate, just like the name of the mecha.

Bai Wu asked: "Is his character very different from the captain's character?"

Omega shook his head: "No... Gu Qingyu and Crimson... have highly overlapping personalities."

"That's right, heroes are always similar, and villains have their own evils." Bai Wu quickly accepted this.

Omega sighed:

"I told you before, the evil fallen in this world are divided into the camp of the dead and the original camp. The camp of the dead mainly protects the original camp. Crimson, as the evil fallen of the original camp, often protects other evil fallen."

"He is considered the knight among us."

This is very captain, Bai Wu said:

"We need to save him."

"Yes, we do want to save him, but you also have to be prepared."

"What preparation?"

"He could die."

Bai Wu's index finger trembled slightly, and he asked in a calm tone:

"If...the evil body in this world dies, what will happen to the human body in the real world...?"

"It will become a permanent evil. And it cannot be... redeemed by the pieces of the doomsday puzzle."

In fact, Bai Wu guessed that the captain in the real world might be in trouble.

Because he allowed the captain to avoid disaster, but just as time has logic, so does cause and effect.

Those who play with time will be played with by time, and so will cause and effect.

But Bai Wu didn't panic in his heart, because he thought it wouldn't matter even if the captain turned into a villain, Baichuan City had already collected enough regional fragments.

As long as he is in the Baichuan City shelter, the captain can be restored to a human being by the pieces of the doomsday puzzle.

But Omega's words made Bai Wu panic instantly.

"Without further delay, take action immediately." Bai Wu directly pressed Omega's shoulders.

Omega was not surprised by this reaction:

"Monsters also have their own friends, which is great. But it is impossible to attack now. If we attack now, countless villains will die. Not only Gu Qingyu, a native villain, will be caught, but there will also be many other villains."

"The information we have received so far shows that Shen Hong is not dead yet, but is just being tortured, but it is estimated that... Gu Qingyu has become evil. If Shen Hong dies, Gu Qingyu's evil transformation cannot be reversed by the puzzle pieces. "

Depravity is actually not a bad thing in today's world.

Gu Hailin, Nie Chongshan, these predecessors of the Survey Corps can all be restored, but in order to protect mankind, they chose to live in a corrupt manner.

Gu Qingyu undoubtedly also has this realization. Perhaps in the real world, after Gu Qingyu became a villain, she would just express a few words of emotion.

Then he will decide to bear a heavier future because he has gained stronger power.

Most heroes are very simple, and Bai Wu sees people like the first generation and Wujiu... too clearly.

But he doesn't want to be like this. If he was born in the era of the first generation, he would hope that the first generation can live well.

And being born in the captain's era, he also hoped that the captain would not have to carry too many things.

Omega said:

"Perhaps the monster's emotion towards humans is the embodiment of the tyrant's principles?"

"With our current combat power, it is difficult to deal with the alliance of the seven major consortiums. They have set up a trap and are waiting for us in order to take away your weapons."

Bai Wu asked:

"You and I are no match?"

"We will deal with the members of the board of directors of the seven major consortiums, and we may even deal with the Seven Sins themselves. Just relying on the strength of you and me is indeed not enough." Omega's tone was calm.

Calmness means confidence, Baiwu understood:

"So you focused on me and the captain. On the one hand, you wanted me to save the captain, and on the other hand, you wanted me to... persuade the tyrant to help?"

"Yes, no matter how cruel he is, he will not kill his own human body, right? In that case, his level will change from the original evil to the dead, and from the free to the guardian." Omi Jia looked calm.

When Bai Wu heard this, he completely understood.

Everything happens because of yourself.

Entering the world of the well caused a series of butterfly reactions.

The first is "No. Zero". Because of what happened seven hundred years ago, "No. Zero" wavered, and finally in the Eternal Bank Building, he fulfilled himself by death and went to the third floor.

Successfully robbed the Eternal Bank and wiped out the majesty of the seven major financial groups.

So the people of the seven major financial groups quickly decided to take revenge on themselves in the Deep Well World, which is the third level.

Use the captain's evil depravity to try to get back the Seven Sins Weapon.

At the same time, the evil degenerates led by Omega saw the benefits.

As long as you can persuade yourself, you will have a chance to persuade the bone tyrant, and you may join forces to take down the camps of the seven major consortiums...

In this way, Omega may lose a lot of evil, but it can gain a resource-rich stronghold, severely damage the Seven Financial Groups, and join forces with the Bone Tyrant to lay the foundation for future cooperation.

Kill multiple birds with one stone.

"It seems that you have been waiting for me to show up." Bai Wu sighed.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Crimson will still have to be tortured for a few days. Next... please come with me to the location of the tyrant."

In my human body, I go to convince my evil fallen body to save my good friend’s evil fallen body, in order to save my good friend’s human body.

Although this is a bit convoluted, it is actually quite simple.

Although Omega is using himself, cooperation means using each other to achieve a win-win situation.

Bai Wu didn't pay too much attention, nodded and said:

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to... have a chat with my evil fallen body."

(There will be double monthly tickets on the 29th... I guess it will be around that day, the details are not yet certain, but there will be explosive updates anyway. In fact, it is not that there were no explosive updates before, it was just that the explosive points were not there, but the period of rescuing Crimson The plot still has an explosive point.)

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