Helicopters were circling in the sky, and gunshots were heard from time to time in the distance. Under the heavily armed federal rescue team, even the mutant zombies could not withstand a round of gunfire.

The crowd was still running at a trot at first, but after gradually feeling that there was no danger, the speed slowed down, and even those with weaker physical strength fell out of the team.

"How are you? Are you tired?"

Lin Qi deliberately kept walking in the center of the road, so that if there were changes in the road on either side, he could make timely adjustments.

"It's not tiring. It's much easier than when we were camping before."

Zhao Tuantuan was leaning on the steel pipe. At some point, she smeared some black dirt on her face to cover up her cute face.

She was indeed not tired, and she even felt a warm current spreading from her chest from time to time, making her body stronger and stronger.

Occasionally, one or two zombies appear in front of them. Before they can sense the presence of humans, there are people with bows among the survivors who can’t wait to take aim.

Some unlucky zombies survived several arrows, squirming on the road like hedgehogs.

Suddenly, a scream came from the edge of the crowd, and a yellow shadow jumped out of the green belt and bit the nearest person on the neck.

The people around him dispersed in a hurry, and when they saw the yellow shadow clearly, the man on the ground had already been torn open with a wound on his neck, and even a section of his trachea was exposed!

"Dog! It's a dog!"

The yellow thing was a half-grown dog with a slender body and yellow hair, especially a pair of dog eyes that were scarlet in color.

"Mutated creature!"

When Lin Qi, who was not far away, saw the dog at first glance, he knew that this dog was extraordinary and not a stray dog ​​in the city at all.

When the city was under lockdown, the city dispatched a professional team to capture the animals in the city, almost killing all the stray dogs and cats in the city, and even all the animals in the zoo were transported to other places.

A man slowly approached with a homemade spear. Before he could attack, he heard a whining sound coming from the throat of the yellow dog. The yellow dog that was licking the blood suddenly raised its head and glared with bared teeth.

"Damn! You scared me!"

The man trembled all over, and goosebumps instantly crawled all over his body. When he reacted, he felt that he couldn't lose face anymore, and suddenly stabbed the dog's head with the spear in his hand!

"Be careful, this dog has mutated and its eyes are red!"

The reminder from his companion did not make him stop. Instead, he moved closer. His sleeves tightened instantly, and the spear in his hand almost turned into an afterimage before he stabbed it.

However, the mutated yellow dog just jumped a few meters and moved away a few meters. The spear stuck straight into the ground, and the tip broke instantly!

The mutated yellow dog seemed to be shocked by this blow. It slowly clamped its raised tail between its legs and backed away slowly.

But he still grinned and his eyes were fierce

Even though he has become a mutated creature, dogs are still subconsciously afraid of humans, especially those with weapons in their hands. 6̳̳

"A dog is a dog! How dare you bare your teeth with me!"

Seeing the yellow dog being knocked back, the man's aura became stronger and stronger, and there was a faint feeling of being different.

At this moment, Zhao Tuantuan nervously held Lin Qi's hand and moved closer.

"Brother Lin, this person must have awakened his genes, he is very powerful!"

The man's sleeves were tightened just now, and Lin Qi also noticed that at the moment when he exerted force, the muscles in his arms swelled, which was indeed different from ordinary people.

With him holding the front, several more people with long weapons surrounded him. At this moment, they were not only driving the mutated yellow dog out, they were even considering killing it.


The air trembled, and the huge impact caused the mutated yellow dog's body to fly instantly, half of its body exploded, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

At this moment, everyone's hearts tightened, as if they felt the breath of death.

"It's all gone, don't get close to the mutated beasts!"

There were shouts in the distance, and a heavily armed combat team ran out of the intersection with a clear division of labor to block everyone from the corpse of the mutated yellow dog.

"You are so brave. You dare to provoke mutant beasts. Fortunately, it is a dog. If it had been anything else, it would have bitten you to death!"

A member of the combat team quickly stepped forward to disperse the crowd. One of them walked up to the mutated dog, took out a dagger and scratched the corpse a few times, then poured some liquid on the corpse and lit a fire directly.

"The bloody smell of mutated beasts will attract other similar creatures. These creatures are more difficult to deal with than zombies. If the number exceeds a certain level, it will be difficult for us to stop them. You must speed up and head to the central street, where a strong defense line has been built."

The squad leader shouted loudly in the crowd, urging everyone to move forward. Only by sending this group of people to the central street could they free up their hands to help others.

"Brother Lin, did you see that man cut something from the mutated beast?"

Zhao Tuantuan had been staring at these rescue teams just now. From where they were standing, they could just see the soldier's movements.

"I saw it. It should be something unique to mutant beasts. It seems that the federal government has hidden a lot of secrets."

Lin Qi subconsciously thought of something like genetic crystallization. Lin Qi didn't find it in the mutant zombies. Maybe it was something unique to mutant creatures.

With the urging of the rescue team, everyone unknowingly quickened their pace. Every fifty meters, a rescue team was guarding the edge of the road, guarding against intersections along the way.

The firearms they are equipped with have been silenced. Even if they are fired at close range, the sound will not travel very far.

The sound of the sniper rifle that had just killed the mutated dog was also very dull. It only caused the tremor in the air to make everyone feel shocked.

Ordinary people may never feel the impact of a sniper rifle at close range in their entire lives.

After half an hour of uneventful journey, everyone finally arrived at the central street. Before they even got close to the core, armored vehicles appeared on both sides. Heavy machine guns with a mechanical feel were arranged in rows at the intersection, blocking the central block. Airtight.

The buildings on both sides had long been requisitioned by the federal government and used as temporary military camps. Heavily armed soldiers guarded the streets and simple fortifications were built nearby.

At this moment, there were many survivors near the camp. These people were closest to the central street. When they noticed that the rescue team was building fortifications here, they immediately entered the safe zone.

"Some more survivors are coming. Someone will guide them and let them go to the isolation safe area."

A busy officer saw a large group of people approaching and waved to the soldiers beside him to help.

The soldier performed a military salute, quickly got out of the queue, and ran towards the crowd of survivors.

"Everyone, please be quiet. This is a special period. Please abide by the rules and do not move around at will. After everyone reads the announcement, if anyone has any questions, I will patiently answer them."

The soldiers came to a huge billboard, which had already laid out the city's defense plan and the route to the isolated safety zone.

Everyone crowded forward and gathered around the sign to study it.

This is a city planning map, a very clear satellite map, and the name of the city has been named District 32.

Thirty miles east along the central street is the federally planned isolation safety zone.

That location used to be a factory, and it was surrounded by tall walls, which basically prevented ordinary zombies from entering.

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