Doomsday Queen Has Ignited

Chapter 545 I will grow taller

"Aren't you sad?"


Mu Jing's pace slowed down a bit, "I used to question my existence because of their disgust towards me, but then... I looked away."

"This kind of thing is not so easy to look away at, right?"

Yin Ze pursed his lips and said, "You must be working very hard."

"What? Do you feel sorry for me?"

She turned slightly sideways and turned to look at him. She found that there was no playful look on his face, but was very serious and even a little angry. After that, she snatched the flower back from his hand and pinned it to his ear. , said: "You have learned some things about me just now, shouldn't it be your turn now?"

The person who felt a little itchy on the tip of his ear because he had a wild flower pinned to him reached out to take the flower off, looked at her speechlessly, and said, "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about your past?"

"It is nothing special."

Yin Ze originally wanted to make up something to cover up his past, but when he thought that she hated deceiving, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth, which made him hesitate.

"You can't possibly not be special just because of your appearance."

Mu Jing took a step back and walked side by side with him on the path that became wider. "Tell me about it? I'm bored now anyway."

"Even in the forest, you can't let down your guard."


She glanced sideways at him and said, "I told you why Qiu Ziran doesn't like me, but you really don't want to tell me about yourself?"



“I’ve been learning and training since I can remember, so it’s nothing special.”

Speaking of the past, Yin Ze's expression became a little stiff, "The amount of study and training was huge, so I knew a little bit about many things, and then... I have some memory problems. I will follow the same rules when I come to your school. Follow the clues."

"It means that you knew that you had lost your memory, and after using the knowledge you learned to find clues, you started a series of actions in order to retrieve the lost memory?"

She didn't expect Yin Ze to have such a secret, so she asked curiously: "At that time, you asked me to take you to the hospital to get the medicine. Is that medicine related to your memory?"

"That potion should be what caused my memory loss, but I had to inject it due to physical reasons, so..."

He looked at her with some uneasiness in his eyes and said, "So if I continue to stay in the team, I will probably get you into trouble."

"Anyway, I have enough troubles, and I won't miss yours."

Mu Jing thought for a moment and said, "Do you know what to do to get your memory back?"

"The thread was broken after the last potion was injected. It depends on fate."

She nodded in understanding. There might be clues, but after the communication ability was cut off, she couldn't contact the people who were acting with him, so it was cut off.

He followed her towards the big city without any objection. It cannot be ruled out that he had already made an appointment with his partner before the communication was cut off.

"You...why are you looking at me like that?"

Yin Ze was a little nervous by her eyes.

"You look good."

Mu Jing stared at him for a while and said, "You used to agent? A killer raised by a dark organization?"

"...Read less unrealistic novels."

"You can't be a special police officer, right? With your small body, you don't meet the height requirements."

Yin Ze felt depressed, "...I will grow taller."

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