Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Doraemon: My Nobita! Join the chat group Chapter 251

"No, he's not real, I'm the real one, didn't you recognize me just now?"

Doraemon listened to the words of the nobita next to him, but he didn't say anything.

He knew that what Nobita actually said was not false. In fact, he wanted to admit that it was true.

917 But he still had a voice in his heart calling him, telling him that it wasn't true.

Among the two nobility, in fact, the silent one is the real one.

For Doraemon, Doraemon knows very well that his sixth sense is very accurate.

"Now you don't talk. I hope you don't talk when I don't let you talk, because I'm sure you are fake."

"Besides who told you, I'm sure you're real, and I didn't think you were real?"

Doraemon looked at the Nobita in front of him and felt that Nobita was not what he thought.

Chapter 586 Nobita of silent resistance

What Doraemon said, let the Nobita who was talking a lot beside him just now keep silent.

He knew that Doraemon was actually very smart, otherwise how could Daxiong swear that this Doraemon has certain abilities.

Now it seems that Doraemon's ability is actually beyond their imagination.

In fact, for them now, they must know this matter now. In fact, if they want to control it now, they should actually start it together.

But when he looked back, in fact, all Nobita except for him and the Nobita in front of him, in fact, the rest had been fixed by Doraemon with a magic wand.

All Nobita have now been fixed by Doraemon's magic wand, and it is actually the only thing left that can move.

He looked at himself and realized that he was not actually Doraemon's opponent.

"Now you need to know that none of you can challenge me. I am a Nobita with a certain ability. In fact, I will not let me destroy you. I understand his thoughts." ""

For Doraemon, in fact, Doraemon now knows in his heart that this Nobita is not willing to let him destroy all Nobita.

Now it's just that Nobita feels that what Doraemon has done makes Nobita dissatisfied, so now this Nobita is silently resisting.

Sometimes Nobita solves problems like this. When he is dissatisfied with a problem, he will actually choose to resist silently.

"Okay, now you don't have to silently resist me. I won't destroy them now, but if they say they want to control you in a delusional way, then I won't agree."

Doraemon now actually knows that this is the real Nobita when he looks at the unreincarnated Nobita in front of him.

This Nobita is used to looking like this in front of him. In fact, for Doraemon, Doraemon is not used to this Nobita's way of doing things.

But there was no way, he found Nobita because of his way of doing things.

So now in fact, for Doraemon, he is also glad that Nobita actually has such a habit.

If it is said that Nobita does not have such a habit, then it is impossible for him to find the Nobita in front of him.

The silent Nobita looked at Doraemon now. He didn't expect Doraemon to be so smart.

In such a short period of time, he thought that he was real.

In fact, for him, he is indeed doing silent resistance. He wants to see if there is any tacit understanding between Doraemon and him.

If there is a tacit understanding, then this matter is actually not that difficult to solve.

"¨ˇ Of course, I can't make you agree to this matter. If you can't even find me, then you are too incompetent. The instruments you invented are not good enough, and you can't find me."

(Nord Zhao)

Nobita is looking at Doraemon now. Doraemon, who has a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, actually invented the instrument and failed.

This is for Nobita, Nobita is very dissatisfied. He is looking at Doraemon now and he knows Doraemon. In fact, what he is doing now makes him very dissatisfied.

Doraemon, if it is said that this matter can be solved as soon as possible, in fact, for them, they can leave here as soon as possible.

Chapter 587 Nobita's Growth

"Then why are you pretending to me? Now that you want to do something, can you just tell me no? You're still pretending to be deep with me now."

What Doraemon is doing now is actually very dissatisfied to Nobita.

He felt that the device invented by Doraemon almost harmed him.

If it is said that Doraemon is capable, then he may have been replaced by these Daxiongs now. For Daxiong, he is very dissatisfied with this matter now.

"Can you blame me for this 917? If not, and you feel dissatisfied with yourself, will I invent this machine?"

Nobita's words made Doraemon feel like his hair was blown up, and now he looked at Nobita and he felt that Nobita was too much.

Is his instrument really that easy to use, but isn't Nobita also dissatisfied with himself, so he did something evil?

So now, in fact, for Doraemon, he and Nobita and the two have resumed the process of talking and laughing in the past.

Nobita next to him felt that he knew the interaction between Nobita and Doraemon. It was a matter of time before Nobita was found by Doraemon.

If it was him, if he actually got along with the people around him like this every day, then he would actually take care of it.

So now in fact, for this Nobita, he also chose to remain silent.

Fortunately, Nobita will protect them now. If Doraemon chooses, he will definitely find a way to destroy them.

But Nobita has maintained them now. In fact, for them, they are actually quite free now.

Although it is said that they are trapped in this body, but they have actually achieved Consummation.

Just like what Nobita said, in fact, they can be reflected in Nobita's character at any time.

"Okay, Do (cgah) Ramen, let's get out of here now. I came here, and I actually have a lot of emotions in my heart."

Nobita is very comfortable now, and with Doraemon's tolerance, it becomes much easier for him to solve this matter in time.

If it is said that he does not solve this matter, in fact, he also knows that in fact, it is not so difficult to solve this matter in his mind.

If it is said that this matter is not resolved, he may just exist in his soul, and it is not so simple for other souls to destroy him.

"Yes, in fact, this is also a part of your growth. Seeing these heroes also made me think about one thing. In fact, you are a compound, a three-dimensional person."

In fact, Doraemon also wants to understand one thing now. Human is actually a complex person, and it is impossible to be single at all.

Just like what Nobita said, these Nobita in front of him may actually be part of Nobita's life.

This is for Doraemon, Doraemon is also here before he understands Nobita, who can understand this, and it is not in vain for them to come here.

This actually made Nobita understand one thing after a tossing, and it was actually worth it.

"I saw so many Daxiongs after I came in once, and I understood, but they actually bullied me before.".

Chapter 588

Nobita pointed to these Nobita who were locked by Doraemon and told Doraemon that in fact, these Nobita had bullied him now.

These Daxiongs actually wanted to control him and not let him go out.

So now they have played Doraemon, but before, they actually wanted to control Nobita and prevent Nobita from going out.

When they were at their worst, they actually wanted to kill Nobita.

"Yeah, they are actually lack of people's hearts. They can exist now because of you. They can't exist without you.-"

Doraemon glanced at these Daxiongs - and didn't say anything.

In fact, for these Daxiongs in front of them, they are actually very afraid of Doraemon now.

They know that Doraemon has certain abilities.

Doraemon was holding the soul-destroying instrument in his hand. In fact, they knew that the instrument could actually destroy them.

Don't look at these, they are actually souls, but for these fake Daxiongs, in fact, their ability to perceive this danger is still very strong.

In fact, they have already felt the danger, and it is slightly dangerous. In fact, for them, they actually want to avoid it carefully.

But I didn't expect that these Daxiongs have now been given by Doraemon.

These Daxiongs actually knew at the time how dangerous they were now.

This danger is actually not that easy for them, if they now know this kind of thing and they want to get rid of it.

They actually wanted to get rid of Nobita before.

They felt that after Nobita was removed by them, they would be able to occupy this body.

They could have the final say, but they didn't expect that not only did they not get rid of Nobita, but they were also wanted to get rid of by Dora A's dream.

This made them very nervous, and now they all knew that Nobita was interceding for them.

But they don't know what the outcome of this matter will be.

"Really? I thought they could get rid of me. I was very nervous at the time. Now it seems that they can't get rid of me unless we disappear together!"

Nobita didn't expect Doraemon's words.

He didn't expect this matter to be like this, he thought that these Nobita would be able to get rid of him at that time.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

This is actually very nervous for him.

Now after listening to Doraemon's words, he knows that this matter is actually for these souls, in fact, it is not so easy for them to get rid of him now.

Now it would be too absurd to say that these people wanted to get rid of him.


What these spirits wanted to do at the time was actually to get rid of him.

This is for Doraemon, the reason why Doraemon is eager to come is because he is worried about these souls.

If you think that Nobita is an eyesore, if you want to get rid of Nobita, it will actually hurt Nobita along with it.

"That's because they don't understand why I'm in such a hurry to come in. In fact, it's because those souls think you can get rid of them."

After Doraemon said this now, in fact, for Nobita, Nobita now understands how dangerous this matter is for him.

He actually thought that if it was those souls, even if it occupied his body, he was still him, at least his body was still him, as long as it was like that, there was nothing wrong.

Chapter 589: The Epitome of Character

But what Nobita didn't expect, if these souls left him, it would be impossible for him to exist.

Now that Doraemon is in those souls, he can't get rid of him.

These personalities of his actually exist in this world, and there is no way for Doraemon to easily start with these personalities.

"Why do I have so many personalities all of a sudden, what's going on?"

"September 17" Doraemon did not expect so many personalities to appear suddenly.

For Doraemon, what he really did not expect was the appearance of so many personalities of Nobita.

In fact, for Doraemon, he didn't want to be like this.

So now Nobita knows about this. In fact, for him, the most important thing for him now is to find a way to stabilize these personalities first.

At the same time, what Doraemon wants to do now is actually to help Nobita to find a way to solve these personalities first.

Now, in fact, for Doraemon, there are not many things that Doraemon can do. In fact, all things have to be done by Nobita himself.

"This is actually a microcosm of your character. Sometimes you may think that this matter should be done, and your character may have the upper hand, so this character appears."

In fact, this is a kind of stress response. For Nobita, Nobita may not understand.

But for Doraemon, he felt that was the case.

Because he did not have a specific and detailed check.

If it can be checked, then in fact, for him, he also has to check what is going on.

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