Although the haunted house adventure is just a false alarm, it is also a very meaningful adventure.

I know that the baby's cry is just a radio, and the so-called human figure is just a projector.

After the haunted house adventure, everyone went back to their homes.

Except for Nobita, everyone is still more fun with this haunted house adventure.

When I got home, I couldn't help but cry to Doraemon again.

"Doraemon, you don't even know what happened to me today?"

Nobita began to cry again, remembering what happened in the castle, he was scared and lay on the fat girl's body, and suddenly wanted to die.

"Then what happened to you?" Doraemon didn't care, he was used to what happened to Nobita, and wasn't that what happened to him?

"Woo woo, Doraemon, I originally thought that what happened to me in the future was enough to make my heart congested, but I didn't expect that I would continue to accept such a situation after I came back......"

"Nobita, you just went to the castle, what kind of situation is there?" Doraemon opened his eyes wide, a little puzzled.

"It's the fat tiger, he actually matched me with the fat girl, this ...... It's the hardest thing for me to accept! Even like this, I'm still beaten, woo woo, Doraemon, is there really no way for me to change the future?"

Nobita was sad and cried on Doraimun's body.

"Nobita, don't be too sad, there are not so many years left before you get married in the future, and enjoying it now is the most important thing. "

Doraemon patted him on the back with relief

"Woo woo, people don't want it!"

After Lu Feng sent Shizuka home, he returned to his home, and Doramike was curious about the legend in the castle, whether there were ghosts or not?

"Lu Feng, how are you doing today? Inside that ancient castle...... Is there really something incredible?"

Doramei opened a pair of beautiful eyes and asked Lu Feng curiously.

Because I'm still very timid about the castle, when it comes to going to the castle, Dorami doesn't go.

"Dorami, there are no ghosts in this world, the ancient castle we went to explore, all of them were pretending to be ghosts, that person was too much, if it weren't for the radio and projector with the sound of a baby crying in the attic, maybe we would still be in the dark now. "

"That's it!" Dorame didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"And we caught the thief, and he got the punishment he deserved, so it's not necessarily true that there is such a thing as a ghost in this world. "

"Yes, okay, Lu Feng, you should rest early, you have to go to school tomorrow. "

"Good. "

After saying goodnight to each other, Lu Feng read some books after washing up, and went straight to sleep.

The next day, Lu Feng and Shizuka came to school together, it was a miracle that they were delayed for so long yesterday to go home to rest, and this morning they were not late.

But Nobita didn't have that good luck, and after being late, he was punished by the teacher for standing as usual.

"Okay, classmates, don't talk about it now, don't be late like Nobita in the future, okay, let's start the lecture today. "

Teacher Cheng Rong took out the textbook and wrote a few words on the podium, the origin and development of human beings.

"Students, today we will talk to you about the origin and development of human beings. "

After the teacher finished speaking, everyone began to talk again.

After all, this topic is the first time that my teacher Cheng Rong has talked about it, and many students still don't know about the civilization and origin of human beings.

"Does anyone know how humans evolved?"

My teacher Cheng Rong asked.

But no one in the class said it, and although the students knew a little, it was still incomplete in the end.

In addition, they are just a group of children now, and they are not very reserved for some knowledge.

Seeing that no one answered, he always directly named Lu Feng's name.

"Lu Feng, let me tell me what the evolution of human beings is, right?"

Lu Feng stood up and answered the question under everyone's gaze.

"First of all, humans evolved from apes, which can be divided into four stages, early ape-man, who lived about 3 million to 1.5 million years ago, had the basic character of humans, and was able to walk upright. "

"Second, the late ape-man, about 2 million to 300,000 years ago, the body is like a man, the brain is larger, can make more advanced paleolithic tools, and began to use fire, the third stage, is the early treatment of man, gathering 100,000 to 200,000 years, at this time he has gradually begun to break away from the characteristics of apes and people are very similar, the last is the late treatment of man, at this time the speed of evolution has been significantly accelerated, and it looks similar to man.


The answers he had already answered were very detailed, and these things could be said to be very basic.

"Wow, classmate Lu Feng is really amazing, he can answer such a difficult question. "

"Yes, yes, Lu Feng is really a good student. "

The classmates in the classroom, you say everything to me, Lu Feng is used to this.

"The answer is very good, this is what the evolution of human beings looks like, Lu Feng, you sit down. "

I, Mr. Cheng Rong, am also very satisfied with Lu Feng's answer, this question is still a little difficult for the people here, but since Lu Feng, who is well-read, can answer it, it is not bad.

"Human development has indeed gone through these stages, students, I will give you an assignment now, and when you go back, you will review what I have said today, and I will check it next Monday. "

"Okay. "

After I finished speaking, the bell rang.

Today's class is over again.

Because today the teacher raised this question, it is very novel, Lu Feng and several of them are hiding on the playground and talking about the origin and development of human beings.

"You say that human beings can evolve from apes, then our ancestors must have been powerful in ancient times. "

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