[Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for collections]

"Pineapple bread, of course, I've got everything Dorame likes to eat, you see. "

Doraemon took out a red bag from behind and handed it to Doraemon.

Dorami, who got her favorite thing, hugged her in her arms like a treasure, and smiled coquettishly, "Thank you, brother, my favorite is pineapple bread." "

With the pineapple bread in hand, Dorami went to the side to play.

Lu Feng prepared a dorayaki for Doraemon, and thought that when Doraemon appeared just now, he said that he was here to help him.

"Doraemon, you said you came to help me?"

Lu Feng asked.

It was strange that Doraemon had disappeared in front of their eyes, but now that Doraemon has returned, he has come to help him as soon as he opens his mouth.

The problem must still be clarified.

Doraemon threw a dorayaki into his little mouth, "That's right, I'm here to help you, it's the future Lu Feng who asked me to come over to help the current Lu Feng." "

Your future self?

Lu Feng's eyes are dark, could it be that his future self will change Doraemon's fate?

So except for him who has the memory of Doraemon, the memory of Doraemon for other people has long since ceased to exist.

That's fine, as long as Doraemon is safe.

"Land Breeze, Land Breeze ......"

After eating the dorayaki, Doraemon saw that Lu Feng did not respond, and shouted his name several times.

"I was thinking about things just now, and now I know it, so you can stay. "

Lu Feng took Doraemon upstairs and arranged his room next to Doraemon.

"Do you like this room, if you miss anything, let me know, and I'll get it ready for you." "

Open the door of that bedroom, and it's all sky blue, which is very consistent with the color of Doraemon's body.

"I love this room very much, thank you Lu Feng. "

Doraemon smiled childlike innocently.

"Don't be so polite, since you're here to help me, then let's go to the department store with Doramei to help, it just so happens that the department store has been busy lately. "

In this way, it can also reduce the burden on Dorami.

It's also good for Dorami and Doraemon to be together.

"Department store?" Doraemon said in surprise, "Lu Feng, you are really amazing, I didn't expect to open a department store at a young age, it turns out that you have been so powerful since you were a child, don't worry, I will definitely help you run the department store very well." "

Doraemon said with great confidence.

"Then thank you in advance, the department store is full of robots, and everyone gets along very well. "

"Okay, I know, Lu Feng, I'll go to the department store with Doramei to help you tomorrow, and Lu Feng, can you give pocket money to buy dorayaki when the time comes, I really like to eat dorayaki!"

Lu Feng smiled softly, stepped forward and touched his head, "Of course you can, you can eat as many dorayaki as you want, as long as our Doraemon likes it." "

"Great, I can finally eat dorayaki again. "

It is estimated that Doraemon will be excited tonight and can't sleep.

After saying goodnight to Doraemon to each other, Lu Feng returned to his room.

Sitting in a chair and looking at the moon outside the window, a question came to mind.

Nobita: They have no memory of Doraemon, and Doraemon has no memory of them.

Otherwise, Doraemon wouldn't have said that he had come to help him.

Everything seems to be predestined.

He didn't think about these problems anymore, he still had department store matters to deal with and more powerful technology to invent.

Although a lot of science and technology have been researched in recent years, and the level of the super scholar system has also risen gradually, it is not enough to make people slack.

I went to bed after making a technical blueprint.

The next day, Lu Feng went to school early in the morning, because the school had just started, and there were still a lot of things, such as the student union, and clubs, these Lu Feng had no interest, to put it bluntly, it was just something to pass the time.

But Shizuka is different, she reported a piano set and a singing group.

Girls really like these things.

"Lu Feng, do you really plan not to participate in any clubs?"

Shizuka has already circled Li Qin in a big circle, and the newspaper's has already been reported, and it is found that there is no attractive club now.

"No, I don't. He glanced at the red banner in front of him, and what kind of psychological counseling training club there was, his brows furrowed, there were really any clubs.

Following his gaze, Shizuka thought he was interested in that club, "So you're interested in psychological counseling, so let's go and have a look." "

Holding his hand and walking in that direction, Lu Feng stopped her, "I'm not interested in this, I just think it's strange, I just took a few looks, no need, you see what other clubs you need to apply for." "

"In this way, I thought Lu Feng liked to consult the club in his heart, and I didn't have anything to look at, I have already reported two, and I don't plan to report the others. "

Shizuka also said that there is really not much interest in some other clubs at the moment.

And after they came to this club, the eyes of those girls stared at Lu Feng like wolves, as if they were going to eat him in the next second, which was quite scary.

Please, Lu Feng is her boyfriend, okay, how can she connect with them.

"Alright then, let's go back to the classroom, clean up and go home. "

"Good. "

When they walked to the school gate, they already saw the fat tiger doctor Nobita waiting for them.

"By the way, can we visit your department store?"

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu proposed in unison.

This woke up Lu Feng, and if you go to the department store, you can also reintroduce Doraemon to them.

"Well, I just have a friend to introduce to you. "


Everyone couldn't help but be curious.

"Let's go, go to my department store, and you'll know. "

The corners of Lu Feng's lips raised slightly, and Doraemon's return was not only a new beginning, but also a process of re-acquaintance with them.

It's like starting all over again.

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