[Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for collections, ask for everything.] 】

One second it was in danger, but then the danger was directly lifted.

However, they still think it is strange for the sudden disappearance of zombies.

"The zombies are gone, Lu Feng!"

"Yes, there are no zombies in sight now, does this mean that our danger is gone?

Lu Feng told them not to be happy for too long now, and said seriously: "The zombies left suddenly, there must be something strange in this, don't think about things too simply." "

It's better not to gloat.

"Lu Feng, did you say that someone was deliberately manipulating those zombies behind their backs?"

Lilulu said suddenly.

"It's unlikely, would anyone make such a terrible thing as zombies?"

Minamoto Shizuka was incredulous.

Lu Feng's eyes flashed, and he pondered: "It's not impossible for this matter, I originally thought that the zombie virus was too weird, it didn't look like this era at all, and it was impossible to say if someone really controlled these zombies!"

Moreover, when everything is good, those animals are suddenly infected with the zombie virus, and it only takes a little time to infect people.

That's what makes people feel terrible.

Lu Feng didn't say anything more to them, and he had secretly made up his mind to find an opportunity to find the source of the zombie virus, I'm afraid he would know what the reason for all this was!

That's it.

But don't let them know about this first, lest Lilulu and them worry about it.

There was no electricity in the villa, so they went back to their rooms to rest.

After Lu Feng took care of the matter, he opened the door of the villa and was about to leave, when Lilulu, who was heavily armed, called Lu Feng to stop.

"Lilulu, what are you ......" Lu Feng frowned, looking at her pink hair tied into a high ponytail, and carrying a lot of powerful weapons.

"I'll go out with you, Lu Feng, as I said, don't let you go on an adventure alone, or we'll go together!"

A smile appeared on Lilulu's face, and she stepped forward and grabbed Lu Feng's hand.

"But, it's too dangerous for you to follow me, isn't it?"

Lu Feng pressed her shoulder, how could he casually let Lilulu take an adventure with him at such a critical juncture!

"No, I'm not afraid of danger, we have already agreed that we will face all the difficulties together, so we have to go together. "

"In that case, let's go together. "

Lu Feng took Lilulu's hand and walked out of the back mountain to the uninhabited road.

At this time, it was night again, and the wide road looked extremely cold.

There was a chilly feeling when the oncoming wind came out, and the two of them wrapped their coats tightly and walked forward.

A figure crept behind them.

After walking for a while, Lu Feng felt a little strange.

This street is deserted and inhabited, and not a single zombie can be seen?

Isn't that strange?

Seeing that he had stopped, Lilulu asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with Lu Feng?"

"I found that this road is very strange, there are no zombies!"

"Could it be that the zombies are asleep?"

"If they don't come back, the zombies' eyesight may not be good during the day, but at night is when their mobility is the sharpest, and it is impossible not to be there, unless they ......"

I immediately looked around, but I didn't find anything moving.

"Unless it's a trap, right?"

"It's also possible, I remember the news reported that a dog was found in this place with symptoms of vomiting and vertigo, so I came to this place to think if I could find the dog that caused the zombie virus. "

"That's ...... so"

Aru, who followed behind them, heard their words in his ears, and the corners of his mouth drew a trace of scenographic arc, "Sure enough, all of this has been guessed by the doctor, and Lu Feng has really started to have fun, so let's do it according to the plan!"

Aru let one of the dogs next to him out towards Lu Feng.

The dog lunged at them, and Lu Feng saw it, blocking Lilulu behind him.

"Lilulu, be careful. "

Lu Feng threw out a paralysis bomb and froze the dog.

"Lu Feng, you're scared to death, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I've fixed him with a paralyzing bullet, even if it's only for five minutes. "

Lu Feng said solemnly, the dog's belly emitted a light blue light, which was particularly strange in this silent night.

"Lu Feng, look, this zombie dog looks strange?"

Lu Feng had also noticed it a long time ago, and said thoughtfully: "The reason why this dog can shine is that it is the source of the zombie virus?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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