“In the face of collapse, this era can be a brilliant achievement, and because of this… You are always too naïve. ”

“Naive enough to forget that it’s just a fragment of reincarnation. ”

“Chess games laid out by others. ”

“In that case…”

“I’m just Kevin…”

The heavenly fire in Kevin’s hand was wrapped in an unparalleled deterrent and slashed towards Teresa.


Not surprisingly.

The gap between the two can be described as heaven and earth.

There is an unbridgeable chasm.

It is the insurmountable heavenly graben!

It’s just time to blink.

The Great Sword of Destruction, which carried the power of the Ultimate Destruction, had already fallen on Teresa.

Followed by…

A breaking wind sounded.

Teresa flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line.


It’s a battle without suspense.

To be exact…

It was a one-sided crush.

Kevin, Teresa…

It was not originally an existence of an order of magnitude.

[Pardo: Boss Kevin, what’s going on?

How can I use the power of the end?

And this form?]

[Alicia: It seems… A lot of interesting things happened to Kevin!】

[Kiana: Great aunt…

Woo hoo…

You’re miserable…

Lao Zu really is, and he must not know to keep his hands. 】

[Teresa: …. Shut up. 】

St. Freya College.

The corners of Teresa’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch. 16

He was beaten in the video.

It was already very unpleasant.

Right now…

Kiana also spoke in the group like a mourner.


Is my Teresa really that weak?

Can’t beat Kevin Laozu…

Isn’t that what it should be?

After all…

Old Ancestor Kevin is the strongest human being!

Can play tricks with him, are very awesome existence, why don’t these people understand?

Teresa thought secretly, looking at the big screen.

And at this time –

Something happened suddenly.

At the moment when Teresa was about to fall to the ground.

A figure suddenly appeared.

Catch Teresa steady.

Stigmata Will!

I saw a person exactly like Kevin appear in the picture.


But a little more gentle than Kevin.

“I am the will of the Stigmata of Kaslanna. ”

“Kevin. ”

“You leave me with no choice. ”

Listening to the words from the mouth of the stigmata will, Kevin couldn’t help but smile, holding the heavenly fire and approaching them step by step.

“You… Can’t help her!”

Blazing flames filled the big screen, forming a swirling vortex of flames.

In the center of that vortex.

A terrifying force condensed into a point of light.

Finally, it turned into an arm-thick beam.

Carrying the power of destruction.

It fell Kevin.

After a loud bang.

The powerful aftermath caused Stigmata Will and Teresa to jerk backwards.

[Kiana: What’s going on with Kevin?

Has the conscience repented?

Why do you still beat yourself?】

[Pado: Uh…

What the hell is repentance of conscience?

Boss Kevin didn’t do anything bad.

He did this…

There must be his reasons. 】

[Teresa: That… The will of the stigmata is the real ancestor of Kevin, right?

It always felt strange that Kevin, who had fought me before, was very strange.

It’s so paranoid!】

[Honji Kokolia: Battle?

Isn’t that a hanging?

How can you say it’s a battle?]

[Bronia: Bronia wants to know why Kevin hit himself up?]

[Meilin: Broken and born, if I guessed correctly, Kevin will appear in a more powerful posture!]

Mei Lin’s words just fell.

Kevin in the picture has completed the transformation of form.

A brand new Kevin appears in the picture.

Short white hair stands upside down like a needle.

Two sharp horns grow on the top of the head.

A black four-pointed star emerges on the forehead.

The robes on his body had faded for some time, revealing Kevin’s strong body.


None of this is much.

At this moment, the biggest change in Kevin…

There is nothing more than the tail that grows behind him, and the pair of irregular ancient wings on his back.

All this…

None of it should be something that a normal human should have.

But… They all appear in Kevin.

Artificial caving, karmic demon Kevin!

[Alicia: Kevin, he is going to collapse artificially now?

Why is this?

He can obviously beat these two people!】

Man-made caving –

The super fusion warrior of the former civilization actively induced the Honkai Beast gene in his body, thus entering the form of the Half-Avalanche Beast.

Put it in the usual.

The fusion warrior needs to rely on willpower to suppress the Collapse Beast gene in the body to ensure the clarity of consciousness.

Once the situation is irreparable.

They will then voluntarily enter the “artificial caving” form for the final battle!

[Pardo: Boss Kevin once said that if he had to enter the “artificial caving” form.

That means the world has come to an end.

But now…

A Teresa and the Stigmata Will ….

This doesn’t have anything to do with the end of the world, does it?

Boss Kevin…

What is he trying to do?]

[Honji Meilin: Do you want these two to see the power of the end?]

[Vilvie: Feeling… Kevin shouldn’t be so idle. 】

[Honji Kokolia: Don’t guess, just keep watching?


Teresa and Stigmata Will are going to be beaten!] (Read the violent novel, go on the Feilu novel network!)

In the expectant eyes of everyone.

The screen continues to play.


Kevin looked at Teresa and Stigmata Will, intuitively amused.

They have not seen real cruelty …

Still naïve to think that if you work hard, there will be a solution to the problem.


There are things that cannot be achieved with effort and faith alone.

“You guys… Nothing about Honkai!”


Stigmata Will chuckled.

Placing Teresa on the ground, he took a step forward: “But you don’t know anything about your descendants. ”

The words fell.

Kevin didn’t speak.

The Stigmata Will Cloak did not speak again.


Eerily quiet.

The eyes of the two constantly intertwined in the air.

It seems to be about to spark.


The battle is fought between the two of them!

The Stigmata Will held the Great Sword of Destruction and continuously slashed at Kevin.

Kevin did the same.

The two Great Swords of Annihilation collided continuously, and blazing flames filled the entire stigmata space.

As the saying goes, people are more dead than popular.

Seeing the battle between the two of them, he realized how rookie Teresa was before!

“In the past, I was just like you, just as a cold-eyed bystander executing the real name of the machine, I hated your fate, disgusted with their weakness. ”

“Until a man who lost the name of Kaslanna, her indomitable one in fate, made me discover my own stupidity. ”

The attack of the Stigmata Will became more and more violent.

Towards Karma Kevin step by step.

In the mind…

The figure of a blonde girl emerged.


The real Kiana.

Someone stripped of Kaslanna’s name, but… The girl made such an impression on him.

It was also the appearance of Lauderdale.

It made Kevin think of many things that he had not figured out before.

For example: mission, duty, guardianship…

“Kevin, your descendants are not anyone’s pawns, not dispensable lives!”

“You don’t have any reason to put any of them to death!”

The stigmata constantly questioned Kevin.


Kevin, who has already started the implementation of the Stigmata plan and has already started the artificial caving form…

How could he be persuaded by these words?

He does not deny that those words of the Stigmata will are true.


In order to overcome the collapse and save all of humanity, some sacrifices are necessary.

After figuring it all out.

Kevin also didn’t want to listen to the stigmata consciousness and lecture him again.

Those noisy words…

It doesn’t change his mind, it just makes him more irritable.

Karma Kevin slowly opened his arms, his wings flapped and his temperament changed abruptly.

The strength suddenly climbed to the peak!


The gap in strength between the Stigmata Will and Karma Demon Kevin was like a heavenly barrier that could not be overcome.

A battlefield for two.

Also under the guidance of Karma Kevin to the high heavens.

Even though Stigmata Will knew that he was not the opponent of Karma Kevin, he still fought with Karma Demon Kevin again and again.

Deafening sounds kept ringing.

The aftermath of the battle between the two turned everything around 860 into powder!


The battle didn’t last long.

After all, this was an unfair battle, and Kevin the Karmic Demon, who stole the power of the Ultimate Dynasty, easily defeated the Stigmata Will.

After the end of the last collision.

Karma Kevin inserted the ice-covered calamity into the chest of the stigmata will.

He smashed his body to the ground.

The battle is over.

Karma Kevin has won an absolute victory!

At the last moment, the Stigmata Will injected all the remaining power into Teresa.

With the blessing of that force.

Teresa slowly opened her eyelids.


What greeted her was the shattered stigmata space.

and Kevin, the demon who is high in the sky.

This moment!

Teresa panicked, anxiously looking around at the scene.

It’s a pity…

She did not see the presence of stigmata consciousness.

“Kevin, you…”

“What did you just do?”

Teresa stumbled to her feet from the ground and questioned Kevin helplessly.


Kevin didn’t care about Teresa’s mood.

Still indifferently answered.

“That’s not important, you better pay attention to yourself first!”

The blazing flames flared up again.

The Great Sword of Destruction was wrapped in terrifying power and slammed straight towards Teresa!

The will of the stigmata has faded.

No one will come to Teresa anymore.

No miracle will happen.

As Kevin said, in the face of absolute disaster, will and faith alone are not enough!

People of this era …

No real despair has been experienced.

I don’t know the power of the end and don’t understand the true meaning of collapse.

Naively thinks that with their current strength, they can fight Honkai.


This is not the case.

The final strength is far beyond their imagination.

And Kevin chooses to save the world at the right time and in the way he thinks is right!

Project Stigmata, unlimited monthly reading.

And this…

It’s Kevin for 50,000 years…

A goal that has always been adhered to.

From the beginning to the end, there is no deviation, and there will be no change! .

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