Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 99 Brother Yuan, I don’t want to be too rude.

Ritsuka didn't care. When Erika looked at her, she smiled back and asked the girl what else she wanted to do.

Eriki started to think, not because there were no options, but because there were too many options.

She hasn't done anything yet, so she wants to do everything. When the girl was confused, she naturally thought of recent events.

【I want to learn to ride a bicycle. 】

Eriki put the notebook in front of her face, her big eyes looking very serious.

Maybe it was because when she was playing with ants at the crossroads, she was looked at strangely for a long time by the road cyclists passing by. On the surface, the girl who ignored everyone had an inexplicable stubbornness building up in her heart.

". Then you need a driver's license - wait, ride a bike? A bicycle?" Fujimaru Ritsuka said after realizing it.

[Well, there is also the sea. I want to see the same sea as in the anime. 】

Japanese morning animations are all prepared for children, so they are full of childlike fun and fantasy. During summer vacation, going to the sea and shouting "Uh-huh!" is a common routine.

Eriyi is also a senior otaku. She was still playing games half an hour before leaving home. At this moment, she was talking about what she wanted to do, and she made no secret of the fact that she was a two-dimensional person.

As for cycling and the sea, it’s not that difficult.

".I have discussed the experience of road racing with many masters with excellent driving skills before, and I have gathered the best of hundreds of experts to understand it. I think I have some experience in this aspect. The owner of the family can rely on me." Although it was a bit unexpected, But Lixiang is probably omnipotent, and he is also convinced that

"As for the BMW under me, I saw a good model on the first floor just now. It has a red body and is made entirely of carbon fiber. It is light and practical. Although it is quite huge, it has a different kind of security. You can take a photo of it in a while." Ritsuka added .

Her small treasury is now full of martial virtue, and a mere bicycle can still be spent.

Then just ask Boss Yuan to reimburse you.

"Let's go after finishing this bread." Ritsuka said with a smile on her face, while Eri nodded slightly, her eyes very solemn, as if it was an invitation to the next SS-level dungeon.

Eriko continued to eat, while Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at her phone from time to time.

Not to confirm the time, but to guard against pursuing soldiers.

Now three hours have passed since the incident of running away from home. According to the resources of the Sheqi Ba family, it would have been impossible to spend such a long time without catching two people alive.

But if it were Fujimaru Ritsuka, this would be possible.

Modifying traffic routes midway, deliberately entering the flow of people to confuse people, turning on Trojans on mobile phones to change location permissions, avoiding camera blind spots, these things——

She didn't even do it!

In fact, she just changed her position and thought about what she would do if Minamoto wanted to find her and Eriki. Needless to say, she would send members of the Executive Board to conduct a large-scale search, and then look for Doraemon like Big Bear. It was just like a dream to go to Kaguya and ask for the target location.

But he naturally overlooks a blind spot.

Although Kaguya declares that the highest authority belongs to the master, because Kaguya invented it after Tachibana Masamune came to the Jakihachi family, it is actually more accurate to say that Tachibana Masamune was connected to one person.

So naturally, Ritsuka, who used [Word Spirit. Oracle] to pry open Herzog's mouth, is actually the one who holds all Herzog's authority.

Whatever the Doctor can do, she can do.

Otherwise, during the previous experiment, she would not have been able to privately send the video of the husky carp jumping to everyone's mobile phone.

But it's not difficult at all just to add trouble to Princess Kaguya.

The reason for the change of clothes was simply because Eriyi was eager for such a drama, so she went to an acquaintance's musical instrument store to borrow a cover, and then took Eriyi to change into a new fashionable item.

But then again, even Boss Yuan should have known something was wrong by this time, right?

Sure enough, as if he understood it, the phone suddenly vibrated at the next moment.

Ritsuka and Eriki looked at each other, looking at each other's hesitant and troubled big eyes without explaining, they just smiled and made a reassuring gesture.

Then, the call came through.


"Fujimaru, stop talking nonsense and take Eriki to the second basement floor. I have surrounded the entire mall. Don't even think about running away."

Inside the dark Ferrari, Yuan Zhisheng glanced at the tablet in Miss Sakura's hand with cold eyes. Countless green light spots in the tablet began to gather, and finally surrounded the entire mall, leaving only two tiny red spots in the center of the mall.

The man's expression was stern and his words were ruthless, as if he was playing chess with the girl on the other side of the screen. The black chess soldier had already advanced two squares, and the moves made a dull sound.

"I admit that I didn't expect that you changed Kaguya's camera system, but as long as Kaguya's main computer room is under control at Genji Heavy Industries, I can isolate your authority."

As he said, the flashing light spots in the tablet were the location information the man obtained by locating the girl's mobile phone.

"I won't blame you for hiding such a backdoor, but you should know the current situation. The commissioner of the Executive Directorate is watching you, and you can't run away."

Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking in one breath, and as he played all the cards in his hand, he expected the girl's soft voice to come from the other side.

But what annoyed him was that there was no movement at all on the other side, only the sound of breathing, as if he was suddenly stunned.

Why, could you be scared?

That Fujimaru Ritsuka?

Are you kidding me? (half annoyed)

Yuan Zhisheng was patient, and time passed by minute by second. Finally, an answer came from the other end of the phone.

【Um, sorry, you are】


Yuan Zhisheng was stunned.

There are two reasons. One is because the voice on the other side is not that of Fujimaru Ritsuka, but the voice of another girl who sounds younger.

The second reason is because the other party is not speaking Japanese, but Chinese.

Yuan Zhisheng's brows ached, but fortunately he could speak Chinese. He spent some time adjusting his language system and spoke.

"Who are you?"

【Oh, great! do you speak Chinese! Are you a friend of the owner of this mobile phone? I picked up this mobile phone and it was on the floor of the dessert shop on the second floor. 】

The voice on the other end of the phone was excited.

[I originally wanted to send it to the lost and found office, but when I saw you calling and the note was "Children's Brother", I thought you were familiar with the owner of this phone, so I planned to tell you first. 】

The words on the other end of the phone were shocking.

[Are you the younger brother or descendant of the owner of this mobile phone? I put my phone in the lost and found office. Please talk to the owner of the phone or help her pick it up. 】

After saying that, the phone hung up.

After saying that, Yuan Zhisheng also stopped.

Oh, the string is broken, the string of reason is broken.

Childish brother?

Yuan Zhisheng almost smashed the electronic product in his hand with a brute force comparable to that of a pure-blood dragon. His back molars made a loud friction sound. The man turned away from his usual calm and capable voice and roared in a calm voice.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka!!!!!!——————"


At this time, in the dessert shop on the second floor of the shopping mall, the girl let go of the hand on her neck and showed a twisted smile under the surprised gaze of the mafia princess opposite.

Haha, it turned out to be a lie to me.

If someone really stared at me, would I, Fujimaru Ritsuka, not notice?

It’s just a change of pronunciation. I had already mentioned in the interview that I had taken a ninja course, and even the kid from the Fengma family knew how to do this basic course!

And I have clearly introduced to you that I can establish a spiritual connection with objects marked with words and spirits to imitate comedians.

I can imitate comedians, but not a mere Chinese student? !

Even this three-layer game cannot be seen through

I’m afraid not even one thousandth of Dr. Herzog has arrived!

Brother Yuan, I don’t want to be too rude, but you should return the throne of the head of the executive branch and start practicing again as a servant of the executive bureau!

ps: I wrote about taking the ninja course in the interview article, but readers who read my first edition may not see it again, because when I first published the book on Qidian, I felt that the heroine's article would definitely be a dead end, and I didn't even read it. Look, it turned out later that the front part was full of garbled characters, the symbols were wrong, and there were many typos, so the whole thing was revised.

The imitation comedian comes from the original words spoken by Ritsuka in Chapter 92, and it is also hinted in the same chapter that Kaguya has permission. (as shown in the text)

It was specifically mentioned before that Eriyi was noticed by the road bike, and the time of riding home was arranged in the morning to correspond to the morning time.

These are all small details. I am afraid that when readers read this chapter, they will forget the previous content or read too quickly and not understand why I wrote these.

However, I have always said that it is quite profitable, so in the future, I will only mention some obscure jokes and corresponding foreshadowing.

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