Standing in front of a mirror-like lake.

Looking at the reflection of the orange sub-small small beast in the lake, Ao Guang couldn’t help but show a wry smile, and touched his bare brain door with a depressed expression.

Although it has been almost two hundred years since it has been into this world.

But until now, Ao Guangdu has often been unable to adapt to the fact that he has become a Digimon, although his memory as a human being is only nineteen years, but the impact on Ao Guang is greater than the life of a Digimon for two hundred years!

Just because the two hundred years of living as a Digimon are too scary.

Two hundred years ago, Ao Guang, an outstanding young man on the earth, came to the digital world inexplicably in an accident, and after six months of incubation, he gradually had a complete body and was born in the posture of a black ball beast.

But it was good to die, it was in the era of the most fierce dispute between human and beast types in the digital world! In the Digimon world outside the Founding Village, countless Digimon are divided into two camps, adult and beast, according to their own forms! Fierce battle! Every day, I don’t know how many Digimon lose their lives in this dispute, even if they are as strong as the extreme, they will inevitably be involved in this catastrophe, and they will die one after another.

At that time, hundreds of Digimon were born every day in the founding village where Ao Guang was located, some were bred in the founding village, but more were degraded by Digimon who died in the dispute between humanoid and beast.

Therefore, in order to avoid becoming cannon fodder for humanoid and beast-type digital warfare, Ao Guang decisively survived in the founding village for more than fifty years, and only evolved into a juvenile rolling beast.

Because once it evolves into the growth period, it will not only be regarded as an adult and driven out of the founding village, but also inevitably have the appearance of a human or beast, and become an insignificant cannon fodder in this war that has any meaning.

Against the sky? Combat Evolution? There is no such thing, when Ao Guang was born, it was already the time when the dispute between humanoid and beast-type Digimon was the most intense, and the Digimon in the growth period did not have any living space at all, compared to the rapid evolution of devouring data in battle, the possibility of being killed in the middle was definitely more than ninety percent! And even if it evolves into an extreme polar body, it doesn’t make any sense, in this war, I don’t know how many ancient polar bodies have been killed to extinction, who dares to guarantee that Ao Guang will definitely be able to have the last laugh?

Gou is Ao Guang’s only choice.

More than fifty years! The administrators of the founding village have changed three waves, and Ao Guang is still going.

Until one day, the divine light shines on the earth, and a Digimon who claims to be a light beast is born from chaos, ending the chaos that has been going on since ancient times! Bringing order to the digital world.

Ao Guang, who felt safe, evolved into an ancient beast and walked out of the founding village…

Then it was found that the world was really peaceful and somewhat unspeakable, the management of the Digimon Beast was absolutely harsh to the point of cruelty, any fight between Digimon was absolutely forbidden by the Digimon Beast, countless angel Digimon patrolled the entire Digimon day after day, and all Digimon who violated the decree of the Light Beast were severely punished.

Without strife, Digimon lost the channel for rapid evolution, and Ao Guang, who only relied on eating and accumulating data, had been mixed in the digital world for more than a hundred years, and had not been able to evolve from the growth stage to the mature stage.

But Ao Guang doesn’t care about this, he doesn’t have a strong desire and ambition to become stronger, he just wants to live a stable life, even as a Digimon, being able to live well is Ao Guang’s biggest wish.

It is a pity that the times are changing too quickly, and even such a small wish cannot be fulfilled by Ao Guang.

Over time, power and arrogance gradually devoured the once just and selfless beast of light! His rule over the digital world becomes increasingly cruel, requiring not only Digimon to be free from strife, but also what Digimon should and should not do every day! And the punishment became more and more serious, and even invented the death penalty, a punishment that only existed in human society.

This is not the most serious, more serious is that the light beast seems to regard the digital continent as his own private property, in order to obtain stronger power and higher power, he ordered his subordinates to absorb the data of the digital continent everywhere to strengthen himself, countless digimon were displaced, and they had to accept the harsh rule of the light beast, and over time, finally the unbearable Digimon brazenly set off a rebellion against the light beast.

Although it was quickly suppressed.

However, Ao Guang, who is familiar with the plot, knows that this time the resistance has become the fuse that ignites the explosive barrel of the Digital Continent! It won’t be long before more and more unbearable Digimon will rise one after another, and eventually even the three angels of the Light Beast will carry him! The Ancient Ten Fighters will lead all the Digimon in the Digital Continent to fight a battle even more terrifying than when the humanoid and beast-type wars are in line with the gods of the Light Beast!

This time, Ao Guang is really unavoidable, in the plot, this big war will break the entire digital continent apart, the original huge continent will be scattered into several pieces, more than ninety percent of the Digimon are all in this catastrophe, the digital world has entered an extremely long winter period, until a thousand years later, it has not been able to return to its former appearance.

If you want to be in this catastrophe, the power of the growth stage is no longer even qualified to survive, and you must evolve into a mature stage, or even a complete body, in order to have a greater chance of survival.

To this end, Ao Guang came to this tranquil lake, holding in his hand the ‘Blue Diamond’, which he had collected with all his strength for more than a hundred years and was said to be able to purify the dragon-type factor in the Yalong-type Digimon and evolve it to a pure-blood dragon type, in an attempt to use the power of diamonds to make up for the gap in data, so as to break through the growth period and evolve to maturity! Even a small extravagant hope to transform into a powerful nuclear dragon beast!

“So, you must succeed!! It’s a dragon or a worm, it’s all in one fell swoop! ”

Holding a huge amount of blue diamonds in both hands.

Ao Guang closed his eyes, and with an extremely decisive gesture, he stuffed all the diamonds into his mouth! Swallow in one gulp.

‘Ding~~! ’

With the blue diamond into the belly.

In an instant, Ao Guang seemed to hear the clanging sound of the legendary dragon-type factor growing in his body.

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 25th to June 27th)

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