Green Eyes White Dragon!

Compared with the slightly shabby and realistic appearance of the dragon, the green-eyed white dragon is undoubtedly more like a monster that appeared from the imagination! Whether it is the blue-white bone armor on the outside, or the extremely rare body shape in the mature stage, or the two pairs of huge wings on the back that symbolize the ability to fly! All kinds of hideous and domineering shapes superimposed on them all show the powerful power and deterrent power of the green-eyed white dragon!

But why, isn’t the green-eyed white dragon a card monster among Yu-Gi-Oh? Can card monsters be included in the Dragon Evolution Tree?

“Dragon evolutionary tree, covering all dragon species in all dimensions and planes!” The system replied lightly

In the tone, there was an indescribable pride.

“Awesome!” Ao Guang exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: “But why does the green-eyed white dragon need twenty evolution points, while the dragon only needs ten evolution points?” ”

“Because the blue-eyed white dragon is a legendary dragon type, that is, a completely fantasyd dragon that is set to be legendary! There are too many places that are powerful and unreasonable, so if you want to evolve into this dragon, you must pay double the evolution points! Moreover, once you choose to light up the legendary dragon class, before you completely evolve to the end of the legendary dragon class, you can only evolve in the direction of the legendary dragon system, and you can no longer choose other dragon systems! In other words, each evolution you will need to pay twice as many evolution points as other dragons! But as long as you’re confident that you’ll get enough evolution points, it’s all worth it! Because legend has it that the power of the dragon type is completely beyond common sense. The only drawback is that they themselves are limited by legends and cannot increase their combat ability through their own cultivation. ”

“This is also why I pushed you to choose the Shenlong lineage, the Shenlong system is the most special line among all dragons, they have a complete evolutionary chain, five hundred years into jiao, jiao thousand years into dragons, dragons five hundred years as horned dragons, and thousand years as ying dragons!” Even without the help of evolution points, it is possible to gradually evolve to the top. ”

“However, if you want to pursue the strongest combat power, it is still the dragon species of the legendary dragon system that is the most powerful! No matter what stage it is. But the price is extremely dependent on evolution points, and can only rely on evolution to obtain stronger power! If you can’t get Evolution Points, it’s equivalent to cutting off the ascending channel. ”

The system said with some regret.

Evolution points are difficult to obtain, from Ao Guang’s two hundred years of only obtained twenty-one evolution points, most of which is still from the power of the blue diamond, legend has it that no matter how powerful the dragon type is, but in the face of the difficult to obtain evolution points, it is definitely the most difficult development direction among all dragon species, far from the insurance of other dragon species such as the dragon system, after all, even if they do not have evolution points, they can also light up higher evolution in other ways.

But the legendary dragon type, only relying on evolution points can continue to light up the evolution tree.

“Please choose carefully, if you pursue fast and powerful, in fact, the magic dragon system is also good.” The system reminds again.

“Nope! I’m going to legend the dragon line! ”

But it’s a pity that he is facing Ao Guang, who has a very low degree of ideals!

Five hundred years? Who knows if they can live that long in this digital world that will be destroyed at every turn? Too dependent on evolution points, what is wrong with no ascending channel? He, Ao Guang, a man who has been for two hundred years, has never thought of further evolution!

Wouldn’t it be happy to pick up a powerful form completely for nothing and survive this catastrophe of the battle between the Ten Fighters and the Light Beast? Why climb what ultimate evolution, what future peak?

But in the face of the system, Ao Guang looked like he was giving up his own: “A hundred years without sound, a blockbuster shocks the world!” Either don’t do it, do it, do the strongest!! Legend of the dragon line? Evolution points? Under my burning ambition, all difficulties are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and they can’t stop me at all! ”

“Sap! Come on! Let me become the strongest legendary dragon type— green-eyed white dragon!! ”


A system that was shocked by Ao Guang’s incredible blood.

After a long time…

“The blue-eyed white dragon is only the strongest dragon type in the mature stage, and the legendary dragon type with a complete body is even more powerful.”

Geng Zhi’s system tried to correct the errors in Ao Guang’s words.



“May I ask the host, are you sure that the basic form of the legendary dragon system — the green-eyed white dragon?”

The beautiful system voice sounded solemnly in Ao Guang’s mind.

“I’m sure!”

And Ao Guang, in the same extremely firm tone, confirmed so.

“I feel your will, although I don’t think the legendary dragon line is the best choice… But, great host, expect you to create legendary dragon-type miracles! Perhaps, you will become the first dragon inheritor in history to light up the final form of the legendary dragon type! ”

The system was deeply touched by the tone.

Then in the next moment, a full twenty points of light containing astonishing data energy suddenly came out of Ao Guang’s body!

As soon as these twenty points of light appeared, they immediately rotated, rotated, and rotated around Ao Guang!

The spin is getting faster and faster, faster and faster! Until a hurricane was formed that completely enveloped Ao Guang!

“Evolve — green-eyed white dragon!”

Accompanied by a mechanical prompt.

‘Boom~~! ‘Bang!

A blue-white thunderbolt slammed down!

Countless data frantically poured into the hurricane from all directions in an instant, and in just a blink of an eye, the scale of the hurricane increased by nearly ten times!!


The tooth-biting grinding sound is intertwined with the crackling sound of the arc flowing.

With the expanding hurricane, a huge figure ten meters away slowly appeared in the data hurricane…

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 25th to June 27th)

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