The complete digital world is vast!

The scale is so large that it is almost not inferior to the area of the earth in the real world, and in this huge area, almost all the land hits the very center of the digital world, forming a continent that is larger than any other realm in the real world!

Flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The thick clouds could not block Ao Guang’s sharp vision of cyan eyes at all, and everything that happened on the vast continent entered Ao Guang’s eyes.

It’s really tragic…

Ao Guang could only use the word ‘miserable’ to describe everything that happened in the Digital Continent below!

On the huge front that stretches for thousands of kilometers, there are almost all the god formations and digital alliances that are fighting! He saw the ancient Garuru beasts and ancient tyrannosaurus beasts among the ten fighters, and also saw the sword angels, key angels, assault angels and many other angelic polar bodies in the god array, behind them, thousands of Digimon fought fiercely with them and each other, just like the humanoid and beast-type war more than a hundred years ago, a large number of Digimon died without waves, turning into a large group of data and returning to the digital world, only a very small number of Digimon can be lucky to save their digital core, Get a chance to respawn as a Digimon.

In the midst of this endless war.

With the powerful power of the Ten Fighters and the two Archangels, as well as the support of almost all Digimon in the entire Digital Continent, although the God’s Formation has a more stable structure and organization than the Digital Alliance, the Digital Alliance still has a hard time gaining the upper hand in the war! The fronts stretching thousands of miles are constantly shrinking with the advance of the digital alliance, and the righteous division that resists the atrocities of the light beast is gradually approaching the Palace of Gods located in the center of the continent.

It seems that victory is in sight.

But the only ones who think like this are the terrifying ordinary Digimon who don’t understand the Light Beast! As the true combat power of the Digital Alliance, the Ten Fighters and Archangels clearly understood that the formation of Gods was just an insignificant pawn under the Light Beast! Even if they defeated the God Array, they only got the ticket to challenge the Light Beast! Once the Light Beast makes a move, it seems that all the good situations that are now will collapse in an instant!

After all, even the God Formation under the Light Beast fought so hard. The possibility that they can defeat the Light Beast is really low, very low…

“Could it be that without the Divine Heavenly Female Beast, they really have no possibility of defeating the Light Beast?”

Ao Guang couldn’t believe that an extreme body would have such an important force in a war of this magnitude.

But then it seems really not surprising to think that this is an idealistic world.

In this idealistic world, inner power can often cause incredible miracles! The Divine Celestial Beast may not have the ability to influence the battlefield in terms of combat effectiveness, but the benevolent nature of its control can greatly stimulate the hidden power in the Digimon’s heart, eliminate their fear, and thus help them break through the predicament and obtain explosive growth power!

But even with the encouragement of the Divine Heavenly Female Beast, the ten fighters broke out in the small universe together, and the ten fighters in the plot successfully sealed the light beast at the cost of their lives….

“Do you expect the Digital Alliance to create a miracle stronger than in the story to defeat the Light Beast?”

This thought only flashed in Ao Guang’s mind, and then it was immediately nipped in the bud by Ao Guang.

Because this probability is so low, so low that it is almost zero! Ao Guang simply could not afford the consequences of defeat, let alone such a slim chance of victory.

His expression hovered above the sky uncertainly.

Ao Guang knew that he might have to face danger again…

He hated this feeling of necessity, because no one can guarantee winning every time in this kind of gambling thing.


That’s it.

Although Ao Guang was ready to be drawn into the dispute, he did not act immediately.

On the one hand, the all-out war between the Digital Alliance and the Divine Formation has just begun, and in this long war that is destined to be fought for several years, the seemingly bitter battle now is actually just an appetizer, and Ao Guang does not need to intervene in this dispute so early.

On the other hand, Ao Guang still had the luxury of hoping that the digital alliance could produce some qualitative changes in the middle, so that Ao Guang could see the possibility of them defeating the Light Beast.

The result was extremely disappointing for Ao Guang, for three days in a row, the battle situation in the Digital Continent was so tragic and scorched, there was no tendency to open the situation by half a point.

Pointing to the digital alliance to defeat the light beast with its own strength, it is estimated that it is impossible.

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 25th to June 27th)

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