Earth, changed!!

This is something that none of the Digimon expected.

The Ten Fighters symbolize the ten elements that make up the digital world! Their lives not only represent themselves, but also maintain the stability of the digital world.

But in this battle, they forcibly evolved advanced Extreme Digimon that did not exist in this world! Although they eventually succeeded in defeating the Light Beast, similarly, as non-existent Digimon, they also dissipated directly after completing the mission of sealing the Light Beast…

The dissipation of the Ten Fighters caused the collapse of the Ten Elements.

The environment of the entire digital world has also changed amazingly because of this! In the chaos, I don’t know how many Digimon have suffered because of this, a large number of ancient Digimon cannot withstand the collapse of the world and degraded or simply perished, and the majestic Palace of the Gods has been completely buried in the junkyard — dark area of the Digital World with the fallen land.

And the few remaining digimon in the God’s Formation, some of which perished in this mutation.

Some simply fell into darkness in the collapsed energy and became a new race— Fallen Angel Digimon and Demon Digimon!

Everything in the digital world is changing at an alarming rate.

The previous continent has completely become the past, part of it has been swept into the depths of the endless sea with the huge waves, forming a large number of islands, and part of the plateau area has barely survived, becoming a new continent full of holes and rivers, but only one-tenth the size of the previous digital continent.

But until now, the collapse of the digital world has not stopped!

When the entire digital world is about to be destroyed and the entire digital world is in a new desperate situation.

A data ray descended from the sky, claiming to be the existence of ‘dynamic balance’, condensing the core data of the deceased ten fighters into ten spirits, and fell into the hands of the only heavenly beast present with ‘high moral character’.

The Celestial Beast held aloft the spirit of the Ten Fighters, and the dazzling ten-colored light shone on the entire digital world, and the collapse of the digital world stopped…

Ten Fighters, once again saved the digital world.

But all this has nothing to do with Ao Guang at the moment…

In the midst of a sudden collapse of the digital world.

No Digimon could take care of Ao Guang who was so large.

With the collapse of the digital world, Ao Guang also flows to unknown places with the shattered continent.

The remaining Digimon who survived the disaster try to find Ao Guang’s whereabouts.

But in the face of a digital world that is completely different from the past, these Digimon don’t even know where they are, and finding Ao Guang is no less difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Soon, the vast majority of Digimon gave up on the search.

After all, this mutation is too terrifying, I don’t know how many ancient Digimon can not adapt to the current world and die, Ao Guang, as an iconic existence of the ancient dragon type, the possibility of surviving in the new environment is extremely low…

However, in order to remember Ao Guang’s contribution, some Digimon recorded information about Ao Guang in the historical documents of the Digital Continent.

‘Cyan eyes, platinum-gold dragons, able to unleash the cyan light of the power of destroying the world and the earth, the strongest Digimon when the Digital Alliance is fighting the Gods’ formation! In the final battle with the fallen Light Beast, in order to help the Ten Fighters gain time to obtain the power of Extreme Darkness and Aurora, he fought alone against the Light Beast, and finally died in the final mutation.

Its name is — Ao Guang (blue-eyed white dragon beast). ’

However, not all Digimon have given up on Ao Guang.

“Pterosaur beast! What are you doing? The Celestial Beast asked.

“I’m going to look for it! Go and find the vast number of people! I don’t believe it, I definitely don’t believe that such a strong Ao vast number of people will fall into the midst of changes! ”

The remaining ancient pterosaur beasts ignored the dissuasion, forcibly dragged their bodies that were incompatible with today’s world, and constantly flew around the digital world…


“Ao Guang, Ao Guang… Wake up quickly, wake up. ”

In the haze.

Ao Guang seemed to hear the call of some voice.

But at the moment, Ao Guang, who was physically and mentally exhausted, did not pay attention to the idea of that voice at all.

Tired, he just wanted to continue sleeping, because the feeling of sleeping was really too comfortable.


PS: Everyone, pause flowers.

Plus hit 1 !!! less

According to the calculation of 500 flowers plus 1 change, now it is necessary to add 5 more.

It’s not enough to cast anymore, pause first, don’t throw flowers again!!

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 25th to June 27th)

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