Digital Death, really killed!

When the cyan light shining in the digital universe gradually fades! The huge body of the Digital Reaper burst into countless meteor-like data in the zombie, shattering the moment:

The White Dragon and the thirteen knights who successfully besieged the Digital Death did not stop at all, as if they had completed some kind of mission, and the bodies of nine of them began to blur, and then disappeared into the universe with nine streamers.

The other four knights, supporting the body of the white dragon in unison, also disappeared into the boundless darkness in an instant at an amazing speed:

The entire digital universe is still silent…

Even if Ao Guang and the Royal Knight who besieged the Digimon of Death had completely disappeared into the Digimmic without a trace, there was no existence that could recover from the terrifying scene just now.

How many years?

Since the birth of the Internet, since the first life form existed in the digital universe.

The horror of the digital death is always hanging over all digital life!

Tens of thousands of digital worlds and digital hosts live in fear of digital death all the time, and dare not let their digital world appear even the slightest hint of prosperity! Even like Igudrahir, he did not hesitate to kill the digital world he gave birth to! Just to keep your world from being targeted by the Digital Reaper!

But who likes to ruin a world that has been hard to form? Who doesn’t want their world to prosper and grow forever?

It’s just that the digital god of death is like a mountain that cannot be shaken, and it is dead on the top of the entire digital universe and all the digital worlds, and if you are a little careless, it is shattered, the whole world is restarted, and even the host cannot escape the hands of the digital god of death!

They’ve lived in the shadow of the Digital Grim Reaper for too long:

So long that they even thought . Digital Reaper is invincible!

Until now! Led by a white dragon, thirteen amazing knights actually rushed into the digital universe and besieged the digital god of death?

I can’t describe how incredible it is!

But what shocked them even more was… Those powerful Digimon actually succeeded in killing that calamitous god

That dazzling blue light, dense and crazy in. The mighty figures of the Digital Reaper at the time of the confrontation… All of them are deeply imprinted in the hearts of all the hosts who witnessed all this, and they are greatly shocked in their hearts!

“Who are they?”

“Can Digimon be this strong?!”

“What kind of digital world can give birth to such a terrifying warrior?”

“Royal Knights? The only information I can get is this title! ”

“Green-Eyed Chaos Dragon Beast, I saw the name of the terrifying dragon-type Digimon that gave the final blow of the Digimon is called the Green-Eyed Chaos Dragon Beast!!”

“Green-eyed Chaos Dragon Beast? Worthy of the name of chaos, this terrifying power definitely has the ability to turn a digital world into chaos! ”


Explosive information exchange, frantically flowing through the host of the major digital worlds.

Green-eyed Chaos Dragon Beast, Royal Knights!

These two names spread throughout countless digital worlds in an instant!

Not only that, the hosts of these digital worlds are still spreading this terrifying news to more hosts, and it won’t be long before the entire digital universe will begin to appear great legends about the green-eyed Chaos Dragon Beast and the Royal Knights!

Fame is sometimes so simple!

When the opponent is strong enough and well-known enough, he can easily step on the opponent’s head and climb to a higher peak:

How terrifying the previous Digimist was to the Digimmic, then how shocking is the current defeat of Digimon Ao Guang and the Royal Knight! Even if what they killed was just a doppelganger, but so what?

Compared to what results.

The destruction of the undefeated golden body of the Digital Reaper is the most important meaning for all digital hosts in the entire Digimon universe!

It turns out that the Digimon is not invincible, it turns out that Digimon can really be strong enough to fight against the cosmic program.

This courage to fight the Digital Reaper is more valuable than any victory!


Void Space:

Exhausted, Ao Guang sat weakly in front of the World Tree.

Ao Guang, who consumed ninety-nine percent of his health and physical strength, can now be described as hanging by a thread, but it is worth it, such a quick elimination of the Digital Reaper, nipping all accidents in the bud, without any sacrifice, is already the most perfect result.

“I’ll leave it to you next.” Ao Guang said weakly to the world tree: “In the new digital world, I hope to have a pure land isolated from the world, I am tired of fighting, and I am tired of strife, and for the rest of my life, I only hope to be able to stay away from the world and live in peace…”

“I promise you, dear friend.”

Silence for a moment.

The World Tree responded. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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