The most terrifying thing was that when the Red Lotus Knight Beast elaborated on these pasts, that fiery feeling was completely from the heart of the Red Lotus Knight Beast!

Digimon are especially sensitive to emotions! In the face of such a passionate praise of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, and sincere reverence from the heart! Coupled with the infectious power of that extremely strong emotion! In one fell swoop, Ao Guang’s great image was smashed into the hearts of all Longyuan Digimon!


The Digimon on the Dragon Yuan Continent believed the words of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, and felt extremely ashamed because of the previous misunderstanding of Ao Guang, facing Ao Guang, the silent greatness and guardian, the feelings of the Dragon Yuan Digimon for Ao Guang who doubled down on it instantly reached an incredible level!!

Just like when people really understand the change in attitude towards Qin Shi Huang after Qin Shi Huang, how afraid of Ao Guang they were before, after whitewashing, they will double their respect for Ao Guang!

Not to mention, Ao Guang’s influence on the Longyuan Digital Continent was so huge!

But this quiet transformation still could not be transmitted to Ao Guang’s heart.

Because Ao Guang would not appear in front of the Longyuan Digimon at all, and the thick Chaos Dragon Power on Ao Guang’s body also made those Digimon who knew that Ao Guang would not harm them, unable to express their hearts in front of Ao Guang.

Although the Red Lotus Knight Beast presided over Ao Guangmian a few times.

But Ao Guang, who could not resonate and bond with the Longyuan Continent at all, was also indifferent to things on the Longyuan Continent, and the response that the Red Lotus Knight Beast received was only Ao Guang’s perfunctory and ‘lonely’, which made the Red Lotus Knight Beast realize that Ao Guang had been hurt for too long, and words alone could not make Ao Guang believe…

The Red Lotus Knight Beast that was tingling in his heart only felt that Ao Guang really had endured too much.. It was once sealed by the Cherubi Beast in the Red Rock Forbidden Area for three hundred years! Understanding the pain of the empty people around him, he even empathized with Ao Guang’s ‘pain!’

In order to make Ao Guang’s pain no longer painful!

The Red Lotus Knight Beast made an amazing decision that made Ao Guang feel humiliated so far!

That is—- to establish the Dragon Empire!!

Gather all the dragon treasures on the entire Longyuan Continent! Based on the leaders of the dragon-type Digimon at that time – the Green Dragon Beast, the Divine Dragon Beast and the Holy Dragon Beast, plus the Red Lotus Knight Beast Buddha, they of the Great Dragon formed a huge empire — the empire! Always Ao Guangsheng!

And the way to speak is to inexplicably push Ao Guang to the position of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Empire! Every day and every day, all the dragon-type Digimon will form a group to sing the ‘Song of the Empire’ compiled by the Holy Dragon Beast and the Divine Dragon Beast— the Dragon Emperor is roaring, and some dragon-type numbers with relatively large voices also form the ‘Dragon Emperor Song Group’, running to the bottom of the mountain where Ao Guang lives on time and singing ‘The Dragon Emperor is roaring’:

Although the musical attainments of the Holy Dragon Beast and the Divine Dragon Beast are really amazing.

Although the ‘Dragon Emperor is Roaring’ created by them is magnificent, just the intro music can make people feel pride and pride from the depths of their souls…

But! When Ao Guang’s name was also among them, there was a strong sense of shame, and even Ao Guang, a former middle school second disease, felt overwhelmed!

If it was just the song of the empire, it would not affect Ao Guang for so many years.

The four dragons of ‘gifted and intelligent’ have also established countless ‘imperial schools’ in the entire Dragon Empire in accordance with the way Ao Guang once educated Long Yuan, combined with the human teaching system, and a dragon-type Digimon will begin to receive ‘pre-education education’ from the beginning of breaking out of the shell, and then to the ‘preschool education’ in the growth period, the ‘warrior education’ in the mature period, and finally the ‘imperial education’ that even the complete body cannot escape, instilling Ao Guang’s ‘great concept’ in an all-round way without dead ends! Feel the ‘glory’ of the Dragon Emperor all the time…


Of course it was a success! Even if he is lying on the mountain peak, Ao Guang’s ears can always hear the love of the Dragon Empire for him at 6:30 every morning, and with a sweep of his super gaze, all he can see is the densely packed Ao Guang’s ‘portrait!’

And the four dragons seem to be more and more enthusiastic about doing this kind of thing, and the scale is getting more and more terrifying:

If it weren’t for Ao Guang’s timely control, it would be impossible to imagine how far Longyuan Continent would be played by this group of guys..



Take a long breath.

Ao Guang, who returned to the peak without risk, nodded to the monarch beast that saluted him, and was just about to climb down into the old nest where he had been lying for an unknown number of years, and the guy that Ao Guang didn’t want to see the last thing in all these years— the Red Lotus Knight Beast rushed up with an excited face.

Without waiting for Ao Guang to close his eyes and pretend to be dead.

The Red Lotus Knight Beast snapped and knelt on the ground, shouting, “Your Majesty! The trial of the four dragons has been completed! From now on, all the complete warriors of the Dragon Empire can obtain extreme power by challenging the four dragon trials! Batch birth for the empire for the strongest warrior — dragon beast!! ”

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