Dream Guide

Chapter 53 The light is always there, art has figured it out

Um...did you admit the wrong person?

Aoki carefully identified the person in the photo again, yes!

He was sure that he had seen the right person, but he still returned the photo to Wu Lixia. Maybe there really are people who look exactly the same in the world!

Xia Wenyuan was confused and asked: "Is there something wrong with this painting? And does it have something to do with my daughter?"

Aoki thought for a while and said: "When an artist creates, he will pour his own thoughts into it. When we face a work of art, we must not only appreciate it from its external shape, but also observe its inner part to experience the creation. The greater the artist's thoughts when creating, the greater the power it contains to directly touch people's hearts. In our Eastern culture, we call it 'Charm'."

"Sometimes we find that when we appreciate the original work, we can feel something special that touches us, but when we look at its reproduction or online pictures, we don't have such a feeling. With today's technology, photography and other art reproduction methods have been able to restore any detail of the artwork within the range of human eye resolution, but we still need to see the original work to feel its special charm. This is what the artist put into his creation."

"I once discussed this issue with Professor Mei. The professor called this 'spiritual residue', which can also be called 'soul residue'. This is what makes art unrepeatable, and it is also the greatness of art."

"This painting by Picasso uses a method of separation and combination, dividing a woman into two people, and then combining the two people together to form two sides of one body. They are the same person but not the same person. The painter When he painted this work, his heart must have been full of contradictions and pain, not love and sensuality as the so-called art critics said. His split spiritual consciousness was poured into the painting and remains to this day. "

"Haha——" Hu Xing couldn't help but exclaimed softly, "I really underestimate you!"

In her impression, Aoki's studio was as messy as a junkyard, and he didn't look like a person who knew how to appreciate art. However, Aoki's words directly overturned the image he had left in Wu Xing's mind. .

Wu Lixia nodded frequently. Compared to Xia Wenyuan, she had higher attainments in art.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Aoki and Professor Mei are also unique in the field of art appreciation!" Wu Lixia sighed.

Peter didn't have much interest in art and asked: "You want to say that the 'spiritual residue' left by Picasso in the painting became the second consciousness in Mr. Xia's mind? So, Picasso wanted to kill Mr. Xia? Hahaha... ..." He laughed wildly.

Xia Wenyuan also found it incredible that Picasso's paintings had been seen by countless people, and weren't they all good to others?

Aoki said: "Of course not! The existence of 'spiritual residue' only depends on this work. It will not leave the work and cannot become a complete independent consciousness. However, if someone had planted a spirit in Xia Lao's body a long time ago, If a seed of consciousness enters, then it is most appropriate to use the 'spiritual residue' in such a painting that is 'destined' to him to activate this seed and make it germinate."

"After talking for a long time, you still haven't explained clearly how the shadow in Xia Lao's dream that wanted to kill him came from!" Peter accused.

Aoki's mouth went dry as he spoke, and he didn't want to argue with Peter anymore. You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep, and you can never convince someone who doesn't believe in you. What's more, he didn't need to prove anything to Peter. He was only responsible to Xia Wenyuan.

He picked up the tea cup on the coffee table, lazily leaned on the sofa and drank tea, looking like you would believe it or not.

Xia Wenyuan knew that Aoki had already said everything he needed to say. Although many things were too mysterious, he had no doubt. Only those who have actually experienced that kind of dream will know how terrifying that dream is.

"Anyway, that thing has been eliminated by Mr. Aoki. I think I can sleep peacefully tonight." Xia Wenyuan said.

"Well... this... I'm afraid it's not there yet!" Aoki said, "The one I helped you eliminate is not its true body. Because it has become a shadow in your heart and is symbiotic with you, so it is difficult to get rid of it. It is now It just becomes weaker. As long as you still have a shadow in your dream, it will become stronger again. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Xia Wenyuan asked.

"Do you still remember what Shadow once yelled at you in your dream?"

Xia Wenyuan thought for a while and said, "It's impossible for me to get rid of my own shadow, unless I lock myself in darkness forever?"

"Yes, only in complete darkness are there no shadows."

"No! I can't let darkness cover my heart. Rather than that, it's better to die happily!" Xia Wenyuan said.

Aoki was a little surprised, but also a little appreciative, so he said: "Actually, there is another way..."

"What?" Xia Wenyuan asked.

Aoki said: "If light is everywhere, shadow will be nowhere to hide."

Xia Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "This is more difficult to achieve than the previous one, but I'll try my best."

Aoki nodded and said: "Even if you can't get rid of it, don't let it grow too fast. When it doesn't work, let Li Wei come to Ruhua Bar to find me. As for the root of the problem, I will wait for Professor Mei to come back and discuss it with him to see if there is any problem. There is no other way.”

"Okay, I just don't know when Professor Mei will come back?"

When Mei Ziqing just walked out of Copenhagen Airport, she felt dizzy due to jet lag, but Professor Mei Yiqiu looked in high spirits and had a lively chat with Mr. Hans, a professor of biology at the University of Copenhagen who came to pick them up.

Mei Yiqiu smiled and said that young people today are too weak in physical strength, and asked Mei Ziqing to have a good sleep after arriving at the hotel to get rid of the jet lag. But Mei Ziqing was quickly attracted by the fairy tale world of Copenhagen, and the fatigue of more than ten hours of travel was gone in an instant.

Zealandia has beautiful scenery and fresh air. The trees in the city look taller than the houses, and there are green spaces everywhere. The smooth roads are not as congested as in China, and people can ride bicycles freely.

When the car turned into a small road, Mei Ziqing saw someone setting up a tent in the woods on the roadside, and children were picking mushrooms around them.

"It's really a world like a fairy tale!" Mei Ziqing sighed.

Mei Yiqiu said: "Now you know why many international conferences choose to be held here."

Mei Ziqing nodded. She had already decided. She would go back to the hotel, put down her luggage, and go out for fun. With two days left before the meeting, she would travel all over Zealandia.

But unfortunately, her wish came true. The organizing committee hurriedly informed them that the meeting had been brought forward.

Mei Ziqing followed Professor Mei, who was still jet-lagged, to the Bella International Conference Center.

One of the organizers of the conference and the host of this conference, Professor Frederick, announced that the agenda of the conference had changed. The International Genetics Conference, which was originally held at the end, would be moved to the beginning, but he did not mention a word in his speech. Content related to pyramids.

Reporters flocked to the site to ask what the new discovery about the pyramids was and why it was suddenly cancelled.

After answering more than a dozen questions in succession, Frederick got really tired and said loudly: "There are no new discoveries! There are no pyramids! Everything is a rumor! The pyramids are in Egypt, why should we hold a conference on the pyramids in Copenhagen?" "

Then, the reporters were expelled to wait outside the central hall.

Frederick said apologetically: "Next, the people whose names I read, please go to the second conference center on the third floor for a private meeting. Others, including these people's assistants and companions, please go back to the hotel to rest."

Mei Ziqing heard the names of internationally renowned scholars read out from Professor Frederick's mouth. She had seen or heard the names of these people in many places in the past, but only now did she realize that Westerners' names are really long. , especially when you hear the host read their full name on an extremely solemn occasion.

Among a string of long names, Mei Ziqing suddenly heard a very short name. Due to the pronunciation, she almost didn't recognize it:

“Professor Mei Yiqiu…”

Thanks to Zhuji Xiaolu and Zha Cheng for the reward.

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