Dream Guide

Chapter 57 Return to lucid dream and see old father again

What's going on? You fell asleep so quickly? She muttered and looked around the bar, but found neither Aoki nor the toilet.

Strange, how come there is no toilet in the bar?

She knew she wasn't looking in the right place, but she couldn't find the light switch in the bar. She could only rely on the faint street lights shining through the window to determine the direction.

Forget it, I won’t look for it anymore.

Wu Xing didn't want to continue searching in the dark, so she decided to go upstairs to get her cell phone to call Qingmu.

Back upstairs, she saw that there seemed to be a room on the other side of the corridor. Could it be the toilet? She thought about it and felt that she was so stupid. If she opened a studio, how could she not have a toilet?

She walked down the corridor to the end. As expected, there is a toilet there, the same kind as in a school dormitory, where you can wash and take a shower.

The bathroom was very dark, but fortunately it was clean and smelled of air freshener. After Hu Xing finished solving the problem, she washed her hands, then came out and walked back along the corridor.

She heard the sound of fighting landlords coming from the room, and wondered why they were playing cards again. She opened the door and went in, lying down on her bed. She remembered that the instructor taught her lucid dreaming today. The instructor was new, a bit handsome, but dressed strangely. He liked to wear a windbreaker and a pair of jeans that were only popular in the last century. The trouser legs were torn and torn.

Have another lucid dream and see how long you can hold on.

However, there was so much noise in the dormitory that she couldn't sleep at all.

Two game geeks clicked the mouse crazily in front of the computer, yelling. A few of the landlords were fighting with fours and twos at one moment, and the other two were playing with excitement, and their voices were extremely excited.

Hu Xing endured it for a long time, but couldn't bear it anymore. She stood up and yelled: "Are you going to let people sleep?"

The card player raised his hands in the air and turned to look at her. The scene became silent. Then he turned his head and smashed the cards in his hands on the table. Now he was making four twos, and now he was screaming loudly.

Hu Xing was helpless, so she rushed out the door, walked through the long and dark corridor, rushed into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and rinsed her face with cold water.

When I came out of the bathroom, I found that all the voice-activated lights in the corridor were broken. Fortunately, the corridor is not long, and the sound of playing cards in the room is loud, so you can't go wrong even in the dark.

Hu Xing listened to the sound and walked forward against the wall. As she walked, the sound of playing cards suddenly disappeared. The corridor that was noisy just now suddenly became quiet, leaving only darkness.

Overdone? Hu Xing felt strange that it was possible to go the wrong way even with her eyes closed, so why did she just walk through it? She took a few steps back, but there was still no sound, but there was the sound of running water behind her.

She remembered that she had forgotten to turn off the faucet after rinsing her face just now, but she had clearly turned around, and the voice should have been in front of her, so why was it still behind her?

She turned around and walked back, wanting to go back to the bathroom and turn off the faucet. She couldn't see her fingers, so she could only touch the wall and walk, but she couldn't reach the end no matter how hard she walked. The sound of the faucet running was always behind him. Fear arose spontaneously, and her steps began to become hurried.

The sound of the water became louder and louder, like a waterfall.

Her hand touching the wall felt sticky, as if something was flowing down the wall from the top of the corridor. I raised my hand and smelled it. It smelled a bit earthy, as if there were bug-like things crawling in the sticky liquid.

Hu Xing hurriedly threw her hands away, not daring to hold on to the wall anymore and walking around in the darkness like a headless fly. Thick liquid accumulated around my feet, feeling like it was up to my ankles. She staggered forward and hit the wall. Fortunately, the thick liquid made the wall soft, and it didn't hurt much if she hit her head.

Her hand touched the handle of a door, and her heart brightened. She thought she had found a life-saving straw, so she pushed the door open and saw that the room was dark, with only one computer still on.

She saw that her roommates were all lying on the bed, and only one of the two game geeks was still clicking the mouse hard in front of the computer. She wanted to tell them loudly that the roof of the corridor outside seemed to be leaking and to run away. But for some reason, she couldn't make any sound.

She wanted to shake everyone awake, but as soon as she stepped into the house, she was in vain. The dormitory has no floor, and bunk beds and computer desks are floating in the air. There was a hollow space under her feet, and there was no bottom, and the gloomy wind sucked her body down.

She wanted to shout but couldn't. She grabbed her hands in the air desperately, trying to catch something. Suddenly, as she wished, her wrist was grabbed by a strong hand.

The moment that hand came into contact with hers, her heart trembled. She climbed up with the help of the man's strength, and then saw her father's serious and kind face.

"Daddy..." she called.

"Why are you so careless?" Dad said, "You have to take care of yourself and never give up at any time!"

She nodded vigorously.

Her father sat opposite her and smiled at her.

The lights in the dormitory came on again. The roommates didn't know where they were. She and her father sat on the edge of the bed floating in mid-air, like a boat bobbing on the lake.

Her feet were hanging out of the boat, barefoot, and her lotus-like calves were immersed in the clear water, rippling out circles of water ripples.

"Dad..." Hu Xing raised her little face proudly, "I am already a qualified policeman."

"I know." Her father nodded and held her in his arms, "You are excellent, come on!"

Hu Xing's heart was as sweet as eating honey.

The wind from the lake blew and messed up my father's hair. She used her hands to help him tidy it up, but she couldn't do it cleanly. The mess became more and more messy, and it turned into a chicken coop after a while.

The chicken coop head smiled at her.

Hu Xing blinked her soft eyes, and a shy flower bloomed on her face. She squeaked out of Jiwotou's arms, sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the moonlight outside the window, her heart pounding.

She suddenly saw a pale face pressed against the glass of the window, looking in, eyes filled with flames of jealousy. The face looked familiar, as if she was the proprietress of the bar, but when she looked carefully, there was something vaguely visible outside the window, something that seemed to be there or not, and it was hard to see clearly.

She tried her best to look, but her eyes felt dry and painful, her head felt like it was going to explode, and her chest felt so tight that she felt nauseous.

At this moment, a glimmer of clarity finally flashed through her mind, and she knew she was in a dream. The hollow beneath her feet was trying to suck her in, and she knew she had to stay calm at this moment. If she fell, she would wake up from her dream.

She remembered that she had fallen just now and someone had pulled her up. She looked to the side and saw Aoki looking at him with a smile.

She finally determined that this was a dream, but she knew that the guy in the dream was not created by her own consciousness. He was an "intruder." Thinking of the scene in his arms just now, it was so real, her heart jumped again, and her face was burning.

"You finally woke up!" Aoki's voice sounded in her ears.

The abyss underfoot disappeared, the room was neat and clean, and the surrounding walls and ceiling glowed a blinding white.

Thanks to book friend 160316141432301 and me for the reward

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