Dream Guide

Chapter 78 The old street recalls the past, the fire has turned into smoke

Liu Huaian was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground, and then burst into tears: "I didn't mean it... I didn't expect... the fire was so big... I didn't know my dad was in it..."

At this time, many people had gathered outside, pointing towards the door of the consulting room, wondering what was going on.

Not long after, Director Liu separated from the crowd and came in, asking: "Oh, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Seeing Liu Huaian trembling on the ground and howling incessantly, Director Liu accused Qingmu and said: "I asked you to see if you can calm him down, but I didn't ask you to scare him! This will scare him... Sigh... , If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have brought him here.”

She pulled Liu Huaian up and cursed: "Why is such a big guy still crying? Okay, okay, stop crying, let's go home!"

In the afternoon, Director Liu came back again.

"Oh, Teacher Aoki, I'm sorry for that. I didn't expect him to do that, so don't mind!" Director Liu, probably afraid that Aoki would give up, kept apologizing.

Aoki smiled and said, "Is he okay?"

Director Liu said: "Who? Oh, you mean Huaian! It's okay! What can happen to him?"

"Director Liu, do you know the specific circumstances of the fire more than 20 years ago?" Aoki asked.

"I know, what's wrong?"

"Then tell me about the situation at that time."

"Ouch, I get flustered when I mention this. Let me think about it." Director Liu took a glass of pure water from the water dispenser and took a big gulp, as if the water could extinguish the fire, "Fire It started in an Internet cafe. That fire burned many people to death! At that time, your eldest sister and I were still young, and I occasionally went online. Fortunately, I wasn’t there that day. Oh, I’m scared just thinking about it!”

"Is the Internet cafe run by Liu Huaian?"

"How is that possible?" Director Liu looked disdainful, "At that time, Liu Huaian was only in his early twenties and a gangster. We called people like them 'rotten wood'. He was just a rotten wood. How could he open an Internet cafe? "

Aoki feels that the term "rotten wood" is quite appropriate. The so-called rotten wood cannot be carved, which is more vivid than the name of the gangster.

Director Liu added: "Liu Huaian's family is not in good condition. His parents have been laid off. His father sells sesame cakes in the alley. We all call him Wu Dalang. His mother is not a local, but she is quite handsome. Everyone also jokingly calls her Pan Jinlian. Son. His second uncle, on the other hand, worked abroad for a few years and came back to open a woolen mill, which was quite big. The Internet cafe is right next to the woolen factory. It seems that his second uncle also opened it in partnership with others. "

"What about Liu Huaian? Didn't he go out to work or something?" Qingmu asked.

"That rotten piece of wood was idle all day long. When he had no money to spend, he went to his second uncle's Internet cafe to eat, drink and play for free. He also made the little girl who was the cashier of the Internet cafe pregnant, and was severely beaten by his second uncle. ." After Director Liu finished speaking angrily, he sighed again, "But don't tell me, this person's fate is doomed. The fire burned down the Internet cafe and the woolen mill, but he didn't. If Liu Huaian is burned to death, do you think it’s his fate?”

"He wasn't there that day?"

"Here, he was surfing the Internet at the Internet cafe, but it just happened that when the fire broke out, he went out to buy supper." Director Liu said.

Aoki said "Oh" and roughly understood what was going on, so he asked Director Liu: "His second uncle was burned to death?"

"Not just his second uncle! His father, his mother, his aunt, his aunt, his uncle, and several of his cousins ​​are all dead!" Director Liu's teeth trembled and his face turned blue when he thought of this. "At that time, they were all working in the woolen textile factory and sleeping in the factory at night. For some reason, Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian also went there that day. Alas! They were all destined to die!"

Aoki asked: "Have you found out the cause of the fire?"

Director Liu said: "The fire department said the fire was caused by the wires in the Internet cafe. Anyway, since then, it has been difficult to get the license for the Internet cafe."

Liu Huaian is a patient with severe delusions. He doesn’t know why the hospital’s evaluation of him did not meet the standard of mental disability.

Qingmu can now conclude that Liu Huai set the fire.

Maybe he didn't mean it, maybe he just wanted to get revenge on his second uncle. He probably didn't expect that the fire would be so big that it would burn everyone in their family to death.

Since then, he has suffered a mental breakdown. He gave himself many reasons to set the fire, so as to make it seem less unconscionable.

He began to delusion that his mother was having an affair with his second uncle, and the legends about Pan Jinlian and Wu Er and his father's weak character gave him the basis for the delusion.

Liu Huaian mentioned "The Matrix", which was a movie in the late 1990s. Perhaps it was after watching this movie that he began to dream that his body was equipped with a chip. He imagined that the Internet was a huge intelligent network that connected computers and terminals around the world as his own nerve endings to monitor human beings. behavior that will eventually wipe out humanity.

He delusionally imagined that he had become a double agent between humans and the Internet, so his fire became a fire of justice. Although he sacrificed his family, he saved mankind. He became a hero who killed relatives just for justice.

Aoki thought a lot, but he did not tell Director Liu these speculations. He believed that some smart people must have thought of this, but there was no evidence.

Aoki has no evidence either.

But he doesn't need to.

He only needs to enter Liu Huaian's subconscious. No one can hide his thoughts in subconscious dreams. Unless the opponent's mental power is strong enough to resist his invasion. At least Aoki has not met such a person so far.

However, so what?

The police would not believe what he said, and would not be willing to overturn the case of an accident that was classified more than 20 years ago and change it to an arson case, not to mention that this guy who may be the murderer is also a well-known lunatic.

In the evening, Aoki did not return to Ruhua Bar after closing. In order to catch up with the progress, the decoration workers always left after dark.

He took Boss Mei out for a walk and ordered a bowl of fried fish noodles from a famous noodle restaurant in Liuying Lane, and asked Boss Mei for a portion of stir-fried shrimps.

There were a lot of people eating noodles, so they naturally looked at Aoki with cold eyes, especially since he was wearing a bird that was generally considered to be ominous.

Aoki, on the other hand, has the spirit of being cold-faced and cold-hearted, and has the cheerfulness to bow down and eat fried fish noodles. As long as the coal boss doesn't make any noise, most of the time, he won't attract too much criticism.

However, he knew that the crow's mouth wouldn't be able to stay closed for long, and it would be time to BBQ after eating the shrimps, so he finished the food as quickly as possible.

When paying, he asked casually: "The boss's noodle shop has been open for many years."

"It's been more than 20 years, and everyone in Old Wuzhong knows about it," the boss said.

"It's been more than twenty years..." Aoki sighed, "I heard that there used to be a woolen mill, but it burned down later."

"Oh, that's too early." The boss seemed to think of his eighteen-year-old youth, "At that time, my store had just opened, and the fire burned for a whole day and night, good guy!"

"A lot of people died, right?"

"That's not true!" The boss shook his head and sighed.

"Where is the factory?"

"It's not far from the alley at the entrance to the old farmer's market. It was originally planned to build a residential building, but the real estate company didn't build it because it was afraid of bad feng shui, so it was changed to a farmer's market."

"Oh, thanks."

Qingmu led the coal boss into the alley at the entrance of the alley.

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