Dream Guide

Chapter 83 Hongyan expresses his old feelings, and strange people give advice and words.

Mei Yiqiu returned to the hotel suite, threw her coat on the hanger, and lay heavily on the sofa.

Three consecutive days of meetings made him exhausted. In addition to worrying about the difficult situation that mankind was about to face, he also deeply felt that he was getting old.

Mei Yiqiu felt sad when she recalled the days when she was young and worked hard in the laboratory for three to five days without rest.

It’s no longer possible now. It’s only been three days. In between, I not only rested for a few hours in the lounge of the Bella Center, but also enjoyed a massage from a professional physiotherapist. This was specially arranged by the conference organizing committee for the scientists.

In addition to the more than 60 scientists who were left in the second conference room on the third floor of the Bella Center from the beginning, several heavyweights from different countries joined in the middle of the meeting, including government officials, intelligence chiefs and senior military officers. This made an already very serious meeting even more tense, and also made the meeting beyond the control of these scientists.

Mei Yiqiu hated the involvement of politicians and military personnel. But he understood that this was inevitable.

Lester said: Humanity is being invaded.

Although there is no evidence so far to prove that what Mr. Lester said is true, and of course it cannot be falsified, even if it is just suspicion, it is beyond the scope of purely scientific discussion.

This is a war.

But the problem is that they can't find the enemy and can't organize effective resistance. If what Lester said is true, at least for now, there is no better way than to popularize Lester's signature across all mankind.

But, Leicester’s signature?

It is still not popular in the scientific community, let alone ordinary people!

Mei Yiqiu was sure that if he conducted experiments among the doctoral and master's students he had taught, not more than ten of them would be able to master it.

The Leicester Code not only requires learning relevant professional knowledge, but also requires long-term and arduous spiritual training to develop the potential of consciousness. This is a long and painful process.

Even, they couldn't complete a self-test of Leicester's signature during these three days of meetings. Because if you don’t understand the logical characteristics of this person’s thinking, you won’t be able to find his conscious positioning in the thinking matrix.

To locate consciousness, you must conduct an effective analysis of the signer's behavior in this life, including his thoughts, his writings, his behavioral habits, his hobbies and artistic level, etc. The more you study, the more accurate the positioning of consciousness you get.

Not everyone among these sixty scientists is familiar with each other.

At present, we can only select people who are sure to be safe from invasion based on Lester's last words and Dardova, Frank and others' judgment of the recent behavior and academic achievements of familiar subjects.

But even so, they cannot guarantee absolute "security."

As for the few non-academic representatives who came later, who were either dull or arrogant, Mei Yiqiu didn't know how to trust them.

They were dismissive of Lester's signature, and one guy even publicly shouted at the meeting that the rumors about consciousness invasion were caused by scientists looking for a sense of self-existence, in an attempt to attract the world's attention in this way and let the government and capitalists Give their labs additional funding.

Fortunately, at the end of the meeting, under the mediation of Frank and Frederick, everyone agreed to keep the matter secret. In principle, except for everyone here and the leaders of various countries, no one else would be told.

Mei Yiqiu has no confidence in this confidentiality agreement. Who knows who they will tell when they return? Will those politicians and capitalists use this to fan the flames? You know, they don't care about anything but votes and money.

Besides, who can guarantee that the president is still the same president living in his brain?

Mei Yiqiu felt helpless for the first time in her life. To a certain extent, he even hoped that the clamoring non-academics were right and that Lester simply suffered from schizophrenia in his later years.

But he knew this was very unlikely.

He understands Lester, the thinking matrix code and Lester's signature. If Lester is schizophrenic, what Dardova translates after searching for the coordinates of consciousness must be an incomprehensible gibberish.

Mei Yiqiu leaned on the sofa, her heavy eyelids fighting.

He hadn't had a good rest in three days and he wanted to take a nap. But the presence of that ghostly invading consciousness made him afraid to sleep. He was afraid that once he fell asleep, he would never wake up again, or that he would no longer be himself when he woke up.

Mei Ziqing came out of another room, looked at the clock on the wall, yawned, and said, "Oh, Professor, you are finally back!"

She first poured the professor a glass of lemonade, then opened the refrigerator and took out a few wrapped food boxes, and said, "Are you hungry? I'll heat up some food for you."

Mei Yiqiu said weakly: "Let the hotel deliver it."

Mei Ziqing insisted: "There is cheese everywhere in Copenhagen. Whether it is their sushi, barbecue or seafood sandwich, cheese will be put on it, as if the cheese here is free. I know you don't like cheese, so I went to order it. I made some dishes and snacks, and I added the condiments for you myself, but I don’t know when you will come back. Except for the frozen salmon, everything else has to be changed every day, which makes me fat!"

While talking, Mei Ziqing had already prepared a plate of chilled salmon, heated a roasted rabbit leg in the microwave, carefully cut the rabbit meat and put it on a plate.

"Do you want a drink?" Mei Ziqing asked, holding the red wine.

"No, just drink this." Mei Yiqiu picked up the lemonade and took a sip. "Tomorrow I will attend a party with some old friends. It will probably take several days. If you have nothing to do, you can go back to China first."

Mei Ziqing said: "That won't work. I'm going back. If something happens, who will take care of you?"

Mei Yiqiu didn't insist. He smiled and said, "Okay, then you can just go around and have fun. You don't have to do anything for me. I will call you if anything happens."

"Oh, by the way, there is a letter here for you." Mei Ziqing handed an envelope to Mei Yiqiu.

Mei Yiqiu looked at it doubtfully and asked, "Where did the letter come from?"

Mei Ziqing said: "Well, that day on the lawn outside the Bella Center, a very handsome man gave it to me and said that he wanted you to marry him personally."

"A very handsome man?" Mei Yiqiu said with a smile, "There are very few men that you can praise like that!"

Mei Ziqing blushed and said sheepishly, "Yes, he is indeed handsome."

"Didn't he say who he was?" Mei Yiqiu asked.

"He said his name is Xingzhi, you can also call him Situ, but I don't know what his name is." Mei Ziqing said.

Mei Yiqiu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that many years ago, when he had just left Princeton and returned to China to start a laboratory, a Chinese scientific genius appeared in the United States. In just a few years, he solved several recognized problems in the fields of mathematics and physics. problem, at that time it was generally believed that he would be Leicester's successor.

Even Lester himself had talked about this young man with Mei Yiqiu, saying he was very optimistic about him and hoped that he could become his student.

But this man never came to an end. He was at Stanford, at MIT, and at the Youth Forum in Cambridge. However, just when his reputation was just rising, he suddenly disappeared like a flash in the pan.

Most people are familiar with his English name - Arthur Stone, the same name as a late mathematician. Only a few people know his Chinese name - Situ Xingzhi.

At first, some people asked about him, including Lester who sent an email to May, asking whether this person was "protected" by the government.

Later, people gradually forgot about him. Mei Yiqiu had not heard from this person for a long time. Counting the days, it must have been at least five years.

He opened the envelope and flattened the folded ordinary letter paper. The first thing that caught his eye was a line of large characters:

Do not trust anyone!

Below this line of large words was written a small text in clean blue ink.

The more Mei Yiqiu read, the more shocked he became. What this passage describes is a strange scientific idea, the creation of something invisible. It's not a virtual game or anything, it can track people's consciousness, it's a... um... box?

Thanks to zhizujie and Thousand Years of Memory for the reward. Next week’s Sci-Fi Channel cover. Results are crucial. If not, there will probably be no recommendation slots in the future. So, please give me your support, vote and help.

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