Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 665: To cut weeds, we need to get rid of the roots.

Chapter 665: To cut the weeds, we need to get rid of the roots!

“In addition to Mr. Li, we have just raided the lair of this gang of thieves. Fortunately, we have fulfilled our mission and captured three other liar accomplices, and there is also an unexpected harvest!

"This group of thieves is running around, not only cheating, but also kidnapping and selling children. We just found two children in the cellar. They are the same two children who reported missing to the Yamen yesterday. Now, we have solved the case together."

Perhaps it was because of the unusual status of these two children that Wang Baotou smiled so hard that his lips reached to his ears.

Li Zhensheng was also happy when he heard this. In this way, the government office will benefit and it will be easier to manage.

He quickly stood up, returned the salute with his hands, and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the king for arresting the head. This is a great achievement. Your promotion and promotion are just around the corner."

“Same joy, same joy.” Wang Captou said very politely, “It’s all thanks to a few young masters, these thieves are quite capable.

“If the young masters hadn’t defeated the four most powerful ones, it would have been difficult for us to catch them.”

Li Zhensheng invited him to sit down and drink tea. After listening to him talk about the entire arrest process, he felt that nothing was missing, so he asked, "These thieves have entered the government prison. How will they be punished?"

Wang Baotou wanted to make friends, and it was no secret. He said, "According to Tianwu law, the minimum sentence is twenty years of hard labor. If there is another trial, if there are other cases, he may be sentenced to beheading." "

 Li Zhensheng's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "Tianwu's laws are still too merciful. Such evil thieves only need to do hard labor? If I tell you, only beheading can make the people truly feel at ease and live and work in peace and contentment.

“Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep peacefully at night, and my children won’t dare to go out and play at will.”

Wang Captou understood and immediately responded, "The officer is right, the matter has not been finalized for the time being. It has to wait for the county magistrate's interrogation. No one knows the outcome."

Li Zhensheng said, "This time we passed by and caused trouble for you. If you have the opportunity, you should really pay a visit to the county magistrate and thank him in person."

 “You’re welcome, Yuanwai, there must be this opportunity.” Wang Captou smiled and handed over his hand again.

Jiaren and others have been standing by, listening quietly.

 Brother Cat was young and couldn't hold his temper. He couldn't help but interrupt and said, "Dad, our arrows have been taken away. My sister made them!"

Li Zhensheng glared at his son, and then said to Wang Captou, "Wang Captou, please forgive me, the child is young and immature. However, no wonder the child is reluctant to part with these arrows.

“When they left home, my niece, the princess, was concerned about the safety of her brothers outside, so she specially found good iron and entrusted the craftsmen of Xintinghou Mansion to make these arrowheads, which are really rare.

“If the investigation at the Yamen is over, can this arrow be returned?”

Wang Captou was surprised when he heard this, and quickly responded, "Oh, it turns out those arrowheads are so valuable, and they were prepared by the princess for the brothers! Don't worry, I will have someone deliver them to you when you get back soon."

 “Thank you, Mr. Wang!” Brother Cat saluted and thanked him, which made Mr. Wang very happy.

After saying a few more words, Wang Captou was about to go back.

Li Zhensheng sent him to the door and, needless to say, stuffed a banknote without leaving any trace.

So, after everyone had breakfast and rested for a while, someone came from the Yamen and politely invited Li Zhensheng to come over.

Li Zhensheng took Jiaren with him, prepared a generous gift, and went to see the county magistrate. He also talked about what happened last night.

The county magistrate's family is also in Xindu, and he has heard a little bit about the Li family's affairs.

 I'm not familiar with anything else, but the corn and potatoes that will be planted next year were obtained by the Li family from Fan people, so he always knows.

There is also Xintinghou, the backer of the Li family, who is now the protector of the entire Tianwu.

 Even if he had great courage, he would not dare not be polite to the Li family.

So the two parties had a good chat, drank two cups of tea, and the incident last night was over.

On the way back, Li Zhensheng went to the inn again and gave money to the shopkeeper.

 The shopkeeper originally wanted to transfer the business back to his hometown to farm because the business was not doing well. After experiencing this incident, I was even more frightened and was already at the Zhangluo Inn.

 Getting this money was an unexpected gain. Not only did I stop complaining, I was also very grateful.

These things were so busy that the fleet had to stay at the dock for an extra day.

On the other side of the passenger ship, the gentlemen heard a few words and restricted the students not to get off the ship.

 The students thought that the Li family was delayed because of unloading goods, so they didn't complain.

 Early on the next morning, the fleet finally set off.

Lu Zong and Jia Xu were called by the gentlemen and spoke a few words carefully.

When he came out, the young man of the Lu family came close to his master and whispered, "Sir, those fellow swindlers committed suicide in prison yesterday out of fear of crime. No one is left alive."

Lu Zong was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand to signal the boy to step back.

Jia Xu reacted slowly for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he shouted, "Is this... eradicating the roots?!"

Lu Zong gave him a tug, looked at the cargo ships ahead, and said softly, "They deserve it! If it were me, I would do the same."

Jia Xu took a deep breath and responded, "Yes, he deserves it. But I just thought Mr. Li looked gentle, but I didn't expect his methods to be so ruthless."

Lu Zong nodded, "If you think about it carefully, how could the Li family have grown from a small farm to where they are now without any ability and means?

“Brother Li, none of them are simple, and that one... Princess Kangle, she is already very experienced at a young age.

“Earlier, I wrote a letter back and told my father how to rescue him. My father also taught the doctors in the mansion and the military doctors in the camp.

“It happened that someone got stuck eating a date and was rescued. This method is really miraculous and unheard of.

“The Li family announced it directly without asking for anything in return. Their magnanimity is beyond the reach of ordinary people.”

He thought for a moment and then said, "I have a feeling that following our trip to Quanzhou and following the Li family may be more rewarding than following the academy."

"You want to..." Jia Xu guessed what he was thinking and resisted a little. The danger last night was still vivid in his mind.

Lu Zong smiled, "Yes, it's what you think. But I have to prepare a generous gift, firstly to make amends for what happened before, and secondly, to be enough to seduce the Li family and let us practice with the Li brothers."

Jia Xu sighed inwardly. He could no longer persuade him, so he could only risk his life to accompany the gentleman...

Not talking about the fleet, all the way to Quanzhou, the boys of the Li family stumbled and struggled in this world, and the beatings made them stronger.

 Let’s just talk about the weather in the winter months in Broken Gold Beach. It’s getting colder and colder due to several heavy snowfalls. Those who can do it will start to do it honestly.

Of course, the noodle workshop in Ercun is still as lively as ever.

 Because of the cold weather, the meat sauce noodles are not afraid of spoiling, so we can increase production.

 So, here in Xincun, idle villagers occasionally go to do odd jobs when the workshops are too busy.

Of course, most of them are women.

Men have to join the patrol team, maintain the fruit trees on the mountain during the winter, clean the cellars frequently, make sure the "pork bellies" running all over the pig house are fed and sleep well, cut corn stalks with guillotines, and feed the cattle and horses...

 In short, hard-working farmers can find work every moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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