Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 681: Don't let anyone take advantage of this!

Chapter 681 Don’t let anyone take advantage of the loophole!

The village chief uncle has a habit of getting up every morning and walking around the village first to make sure the village is safe last night before going home for breakfast.

 He is like a toothless tiger. Although he is old, he still firmly protects his territory.

The villagers who were in charge of patrolling last night were walking home, breathing white air, and greeted the village chief when they saw him.

The village chief asked: "Was it quiet last night? Did you make two more trips to the pig house?"

“At this time, the big beasts on the mountain are hungry. Be careful they are thinking about our New Year Pig!”

"Don't worry, village chief. We'll go there for a walk in half an hour. We also went to look nearby at dawn. There aren't even any paw prints of wild beasts." A villager responded.

The village chief nodded, and when he saw that his nose was red from the cold, he smiled and cursed: "Didn't I ask you all to wear masks? You know how to throw them away all day long.

"Be careful if your nose falls off due to the cold. If your wife doesn't care about you, just be a bachelor!"

Everyone burst out laughing, causing the villager to pat the snowflakes on his hat and say, "I was so anxious to come out last night that I really forgot about it.

“However, this sheepskin jacket from our village is very warm. It protects my neck. When I put on the hat, I don’t feel cold at all.”

“Of course,” the village chief raised his chin proudly, “it only takes two sheepskins to make a big coat, and a layer of cotton is added, and one piece costs a full two taels of silver!

“Our village has a hot spring valley, we make money every day, and we sell jade melons and fruits, otherwise we would be reluctant to buy them.

“It’s really easy for you guys! Keep patrolling from now on, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, be careful if someone is jealous of our good life and comes to cause trouble.”

The villagers responded one after another, and someone asked with a smile: "Village chief, when will we distribute the dividends?

“It’s time to buy new year’s goods in a few days, and the ladies at home are so excited. I added salt to the stew twice yesterday, and it almost killed me!”

Hearing these words, everyone held their breath and stared, obviously very concerned.

The village chief raised his hand and slapped the man who asked the question, and laughed and scolded: "Don't use the old ladies at home as a cover, you are just worried! You are really worried in vain, the village can still lose you?!

“Just wait patiently, my uncle has been a little busy recently, so I’m going to ask today. It’s probably like last year, when the New Year’s Eve comes, the scales will be opened and the money will be divided!”

 “Oh! Great! I’ve been waiting for a year and finally got the money!”

“I’m going home right away and telling my parents.”

 “And me, let’s go together.”

The villagers cheered and ran away in the blink of an eye, leaving the village chief smiling and shaking his head, wandering home for dinner.

 After dinner, he actually went to the Li family courtyard.

 As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he met Shui Ling and walked out.

Shui Ling shouted in surprise: "Grandpa, village chief, our lady asked me to invite you to speak, and you just happened to be here!"

"Princess, do you have anything to say?" The village chief quickly quickened his pace.

Jiayin was looking through the roster of people in the village. When he saw the village chief coming in, he gave up his seat and handed over tea, and then brought a plate of oranges to the old man.

The village chief was in a bad temper and asked without eating anything: "Princess, do you need anything from the villagers?"

“That’s right, Grandpa Village Chief, I can’t hide anything from you.” Jiayin smiled and complimented the old man, making him smile, and then she talked about the snack shop.

At the end, she added: "I thought, instead of helping others to open a branch, we should make the money ourselves.

“I would like to ask the village chief to ask the girls and boys over ten years old in each family if they want to learn how to bake snacks?

“If there is, he will be sent to Baiyunjian to be an apprentice for half a year, and then next summer he will go to another state capital to open a branch. Of course, he must have some talent and be able to endure hardships away from home.

“If you don’t want to, it doesn’t matter. I will need some people to help prepare the medicine next year.

"In short, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, there is a way out for everyone. But it is best to choose something you like, so that it is easier to get started." The village chief uncle was happy to hear this and responded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, this is a great thing! In the village, The girls and boys have all been studying for a long time now, so literacy and accounting are no problem.

“If they are good at studying, their families will naturally be willing to allow them to take the exam. If a young scholar emerges, it will bring glory to the village.

“But it’s not the material for studying. If you continue to study, it will be a waste of time. It’s best to learn some skills and support your family in the future.”

As he spoke, he stood up directly and said, "Just wait, I will go to the village to ask, and finally give you an accurate number."

 Before the words were spoken, the old man went out, and it was too late for Jiayin to keep him for a cup of hot tea...

Mrs. Li came out of the backyard with her sewing basket. When she saw the village chief’s back from a distance, she asked her granddaughter, “Why did the village chief leave just after he came?”

Jiayin peeled an orange, brought it to grandma's mouth, gave it a few words, and then she took the car into the city.

 Because on the Longevity Festival, the emperor personally "endorsed" the birthday cake, which made Baiyunjian completely popular.

 There are more than a dozen people who come to order birthday cakes every day.

Other customers came into the store out of curiosity even if they didn't order cakes.

And it’s impossible to go out empty-handed when you come in. There are all kinds of snacks with novel and delicious tastes.

Buy a little of this, a handful of that, put it all together, and you won’t be able to get out of the store without leaving a tael and a half of silver behind!

When the good news came in through the back door, the yard was bustling with activity, and the aroma in the kitchen was fragrant.

 Everyone bowed to their master when they saw him.

Jiayin waved her hand, indicating that they should continue working, and then talked to Chen Xi and shopkeeper Peng.

Shopkeeper Peng was so excited that he announced the good news repeatedly, "Boss, business has been very good these days. The shop is already working in two shifts day and night, but I still can't take care of it."

Jiayin nodded, "I saw it just now. You all have worked hard. This month, everyone will receive half of their wages.

“In addition, I have started to look for recruits. They are all girls and boys from the new village. Please teach them well.

“Next year, when they have almost learned enough, they will be released to open branches.”

open a branch?

Shopkeeper Peng and Chen Xi's eyes lit up when they heard this. Although they didn't plan to go out, of course they were happy that the shop would become bigger and better.

However, when talking about the first branch, Jiayin still feels as disgusting as swallowing a fly.

She said a few words briefly, and finally gave instructions: "You don't have to think too much, just think of this branch as a customer who buys a lot of goods.

“The people in the shop pay close attention to the skills and recipes, and the rest is just a trivial matter.

"The branch has just been prepared, and it won't open in seven or eight days at the earliest. When they come to pick up the goods, I will set the rules. You can just follow the rules in the future."

 Shopkeeper Peng and Chen Xi both looked bad. They had put a lot of effort into this shop.

No one will be happy if someone is eyeing you now.

Moreover, the princess’s boss behaves generously and has clear rewards and punishments. They feel relieved and convinced to follow such a boss.

If it were the third princess, I'm afraid her hard work would be lost and she would have to be beaten and scolded all day long!

The two of them looked at each other and made up their minds to take good care of the shop and not let anyone take advantage of it!

 (End of this chapter)

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