The superpowers of netizens who eat melons are always beyond your imagination. It didn't take long for Mo Wanggui's "talent show" video to spread all over the Internet...

[Singing and dancing talents are no longer available, right? ? ? 】

[It's the first time I've witnessed Mr. Mo's financial ability. Is there anything else this man doesn't know? ! 】

[Today is also a lemon essence, you can't have a man, at least let me have money! These little bastards are making a lot of money now! 】

[He is so handsome, so handsome! 】

[Yan Gou's carnival feast, the video has been downloaded, forwarded and favorited one-stop, I want to watch this video repeatedly, and keep it as a permanent favorite! 】

[Why can he even predict the situation of the stock in advance? I want to make love with a man, please don't be too stuck on the sex thing...]

[Male +1, in fact, it's not a matter of money or not, the main reason is that Mr. Mo feels that he is too tall and lacks a blue-faced confidant, I can do it! 】

[Something is wrong upstairs, the chrysanthemums are broken, and the floor is full of injuries? ? 】

As the first video went out, more and more videos followed.

It's like Li Qinian admitting that he is a fan of Whisper in front of everyone! !

Because of Li Qinian being wronged last time and being blackmailed all over the Internet, the number of fans on "Li Dangdang" Weibo has skyrocketed by more than 400,000. Now that it has stabilized, it has a total of 710,000.

710,000 doesn't sound like a lot, but the problem is that these are live fans, without any water content. When hundreds of thousands of people condense into a powerful fighting force, the scene is unprecedentedly spectacular.

And there are more than 400,000 fans of Whisper's family.

Because of this hot search, the two fans pinched again on Weibo.

700,000 fans of fandom vs. 400,000 fans of gamers, no one is willing to back down! !

[Father fan: Last time, I said that Li Qinian's operation is like my stupid son, and now he is making trouble again? Can the rightful owner of your family be more peaceful and don't touch porcelain casually! 】

[Grumpy mom fan: What's the matter, your whisper is the most precious, and you can't even have a black fan? ! 】

[Father fan: Shit, I didn't mean that! 】

[Mom fan: Then what do you mean? Don't beep beep, shut up! If you have this spare time, why not reflect on why your son has black fans! ! 】

[Father fan: I understand, Li Qinian's fans just like to touch porcelain, right? My son is doing very well. It is the master of your family who has eye problems. If he is sick, he should be treated as soon as possible. Don't shy away from seeking medical treatment! 】

[Mom fan: roll]

【Father fan: get out】

The fans on both sides were arguing, and as the party involved, Li Qinian fell into a strange silence facing the phone screen.

The two groups of people are not easy to mess with, and when they scold people, they have a shadow of her back then.


She sighed heavily.


Jiang Lu, who was reading at the side, was attracted by her sentimental sigh, and turned his head slightly to look at her.

Li Qinian showed a look of "you don't understand", patted Jiang Lun's shoulder, and said rather annoyed:

"This guy, sometimes he just can't be too handsome..."

Jiang Lu: "??"

Li Qinian shook his head: "Brother Wang, you won't understand."

Jiang Lu: "..."

Li Qinian touched his face: "Sure enough, he is too charismatic, and it may not be a good thing."

Jiang Lu: "..."

He seemed to see a peacock spreading its tail everywhere.

"Forget it, don't care about them, anyway, they will break up after arguing."

Li Qinian finally made a decision.

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