Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 241 Strength and Price

Chapter 241 Strength and Price

In one day, the world-class behemoth SHIELD fell apart.

With the assassination of Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, which had been destroyed for seventy years, revived...

No, it should be said that it is the resurrection of the dead, reappearing in front of the world.

And its leader, Alexander Pierce, the director of SHIELD, has actually lurked into the World Security Council, only half a step away from subverting the world.

The legendary hero who once destroyed Hydra, the Avenger Captain America revealed the terrible fact that Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Avenger Black Widow released all the classified information that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra have been associated with over the years to the Internet.

The Avengers Druid teamed up with Agent Peggy Carter, the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., to dig out another leader of Hydra, Dr. Daniel Whitehall, and expose a series of illegal research projects led by him.

As for Pierce and Whitehall, there is no chance of going to jail.

Pierce was better, leaving a whole body.

As for Whitehall, in order to prevent his body from being used by the American military who came to take over, Oakes and Peggy Carter directly reduced it to ashes together with his laboratory.

Together with those experimental data that should not be made public.

A week has passed since Nick Fury entrusted the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to Coulson, who was still in a daze. He went to sweep his own grave and feigned death to escape.

Natasha's identity was exposed, and she needed to arrange a new identity while dealing with inquiries from the U.S. Congress and the military.

But Peggy Carter stepped forward and shared a lot of the pressure for her.

Of course, she used a camouflage mask and turned into an old man, but her legs and feet were more agile than many young people, which did not attract too much attention from the US government.

Especially the U.S. government is aware of the relationship between her, Captain America and Oakes.

"Ms. Carter, do you really not regret it?"

In the biological laboratory of the Nature Guardian, Oakes looked at the calm Peggy Carter with a serious face, and beside her stood Steve who had rushed back.

Although there are still many things that need to be dealt with in the collapse of SHIELD, the situation of Peggy Carter is the top priority for him now.

"of course not."

Peggy Carter smiled mildly and shook her head:

"That kind of vitality is full of sin and misery... just thinking about it makes me shudder, I can never let it enter my body!"

A flash of memory flashed in her eyes:

"I personally destroyed Steve's last vial of serum samples back then, just to prevent something like this from happening.

You know, I am a traditional old British woman, maybe... this is my 'cleanliness', right? "

Speaking of this, she couldn't help giving Oakes a blank look:

"Aren't you the same, Dr. Oakes, and your 'cleanliness' is heavier than mine, let alone humans, you can't even extract the vitality of animals...

There is no need to continue to test, I don't want to lose you as a friend yet. "

"Oh, as expected of Ms. Carter."

Oakes coughed lightly, rubbed his stiff face, and laughed:

"So you really decided to pay the price to accept the power?"


Peggy Carter's expression also became serious:

"For seventy years, S.H.I.E.L.D. has only been Hydra's largest lair, and destroying the lair does not mean eradicating them.

Seventy years ago I made this mistake, but not this time.

For the rest of the time, I need strength to find out all these lingering guys! "

"But Peggy," Steve's face was full of worry, he hesitated for a long time before finally speaking:

"Ochs said there was still a chance for us to stay... stay..."


Peggy gently covered his mouth:

"I'm 93 years old, Oakes also said, my original life expectancy is two years at most.

And at some cost, I can live another twenty years in good health—

Twenty years from now, after Hydra is completely destroyed, maybe we can still enjoy some time together. "

Her face was slightly red, and she gently stroked her lower abdomen:

"...Steve, I'm sorry, but this is my privilege as a woman, I can't let Hydra live for so long because of selfishness!"

"...I will always support you, Paige."

Steve looked at Peggy affectionately:

"I will cherish you in front of me."



"Cough cough cough cough..."

A heart-piercing cough interrupted Steve and Peggy's inhuman behavior of dog food, making the faces of the two elderly people in their nineties flush, and they immediately sat apart in embarrassment.

Oakes curled his lips, wanting to burp.

"Then, first of all, let me repeat the principle of this plan."

He waved his hand, and a holographic image appeared among the three, which was a virtual image of a human body.

"As I said before, the principle of the Restoration Potion and the Spring of Vitality Potion temporarily 'rejuvenates' people is to supplement the loss of vitality, so that the body functions temporarily recover from the old and weak state."

He pointed to the human body image:

"Energy from nature and the universe can have a positive impact on the human body.

For example, the supreme mage, she is hundreds of years old, can't you tell? "

Steve and Peggy's eyes widened in surprise—

They knew that the supreme mage was very strong, and they also had a little understanding of the matter of the mage's hermitage, but this group of people was too mysterious, and they could only understand it to a limited extent.

But the Supreme Master is actually hundreds of years old, and this is the first time they know.

"But the impact of this energy is limited to the user himself.

As strong as the Supreme Sorcerer, and will not imbue others with mana to prolong life--

This is against the laws of nature, will lead to unknowable consequences, and will not have any good results for the infused person. "

Oakes took another serious look at Steve and Peggy, and they nodded in understanding before he continued:

"But with proper power blessing, it can still be done-you should have seen such examples."

"Have we met?"

Steve and Carter were taken aback for a moment, and after a while, Steve reacted:

"It's... Moco and Coco?"

"That's right, a cat that can become invisible, and a dog that can heal, this is the result of my early infusion of power into them."

Oakes nodded:

"But the nature of my power is nature. As animals, cats and dogs are much closer to nature than humans...

So if the same method works on them, how it will work on humans, I am not sure, and I will not conduct human experiments.

But for Ms. Carter who has adapted to the Fountain of Vitality potion, I can use it as a target and infuse the power of nature to achieve a similar effect——

The success rate is 100%. "

He points to the abdominal area of ​​human influence:

"It is indeed a woman's privilege, and the womb, the cradle of life, certainly fits the bill very well."

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