Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 407 Earth-199999-616

Chapter 407 Earth-199999-616

The three supreme mages were quite puzzled that the time stone could not see the result of the collision event.

But Oakes has some awareness——

This probably has something to do with the scope of the Infinity Gems.

"Infinity stones can control a rule of this universe, but it is temporarily unknown to what extent the infinite stones can do it outside of this universe."

Oakes has been in contact with the Mind Stone for the longest time, and once held all six Infinity Stones, he probably has an understanding of the power range of these cosmic treasures.

If the authority of the infinite gems to the single universe is compared to the authority of the dimensional lord to the dimensional space, then things are easy to explain.

To put it simply, I have the final say on matters within my territory.

But outside the territory... the situation is unclear, and we will only find out after a fight.

There are Dimension Lords, such as Nightmare and Mephisto, whose power will be weakened when they leave the dimension space, and there are also Oakes, who are basically unaffected.

So, let's look at the worst-case scenario first, assuming that the infinite gems can't work outside this universe at all.

When the "collision" occurs, the two universes will start to superimpose reality at the cosmic level with the earth as the collision center.

When the superposition starts, the point of the earth will be the special position with two universe rules at the same time.

This kind of cosmic-level reality disorder may make the Infinity Stone's control over this area the weakest. The Time Stone can only peek at the beginning of the collision, but cannot cross this point in time.

This shows that, at the beginning of the "collision", the time flow of the single universe is cut off.

Whether two universes perish together, or one survives, what happens next must be beyond the control of the Infinity Stones.

After all, if the universe were destroyed, so would the Infinity Stones within it.

Oakes' guess was approved by the ancient one and the two Stranges.

"At present, this is the most likely explanation, so we are completely unable to use the time gem as a means of finding a solution."

The ancient face is dignified. In the past hundreds of years, she relied on the cheat of the time gem to solve all the major events that put the earth into crisis.

But now that the time gem doesn't work, she seems to have returned to the time when she peeked at the fate of herself and Strange.

One that cannot be peeped at, and one that is infinitely possible.

Then the self who could not be peeked back then is still standing here, and Strange, who has infinite possibilities, has become the fuse of the "collision" event at the cosmic level.

Fate really likes to joke.

"Perhaps, as Master Ancient One said before, avoiding too much misfortune in advance may cause an uncontrollable catastrophe."

Oakes sighed, the current situation was something he never expected.

Although it is commonplace to hear that the Marvel world blows up the earth and destroys the universe, but at that time, wouldn't a cosmic-level boss come out to turn the tide, or is there a sign of some guy doing something crazy?

Now there is no big boss like that, and there is no sign that Strange from another universe will do something...

Just like that, my own universe is about to collide with another one?

I haven't figured out the things in this universe yet, so such a big event happened...

However, Oakes seems to vaguely remember the universe number.

Moreover, according to the self-recovering original universe Strange, the Illuminati of the opposite universe has several recognizable names!

Not to mention the black Captain Marvel, whether it is "Mr. Fantastic" Reed, "Professor X" Charles, or "Black Bolt" Blackcard, they are all legendary figures.

What is even more difficult is the forces behind them.

The Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and the Inhumans.

Well, what Black Bolt represents should be different from the legacy of the Inhuman race on the earth where Daisy is, and is the truly powerful Inhuman royal family.

Even Captain Carter, who seems to have the weakest personal combat power, has a special name.

"The First Avenger".

In other words, Captain Carter also has an unknown version of the Avengers behind him!

Among them, the most dangerous X-Men made Oakes almost scratch his head.

Because the time now is 2022.

We are still a year away from the X-Men event "Days of Future Past".

But according to Strange's dream in this universe, Strange's world in the other universe is still a peaceful and peaceful scene, and there are no large-scale conflicts between humans and mutants, and there are no sentinel robots——

Only the Ultron robot guarding the earth.

That is to say, in the worst case, if that universe is really the X-Men universe that Oakes understands, it must be the timeline modified by "Days of Future Past".

Even according to the multiverse theory, it is very likely that it is a parallel universe created by the "reversal of the future" event——

A universe where powerful mutants still exist!

But having said that, with such a lineup, do they still have to find "The Book of Emperor Weishan" to deal with Thanos with four or five gems?

【Hmm... Maybe their strength was used to deal with Thanos' Star Annihilation Legion, just like I did everything possible to save Asgard...

That's why Thanos' actions have been delayed for so many years. The Infinity War, which was supposed to have a result four years ago, has been delayed in his universe until now.

But they really don't understand what decapitation is?

Several Omega-level mutants and the Inhuman royal family took action, plus Mister Fantastic's black technology, Thanos will be set on fire before he can use the Infinity Gauntlet, right?

Also, are the times in parallel universes really synchronized?

Maybe I'm too sensitive... But it's never wrong to make more preparations. Things have developed to this point, who knows what outrageous situations will happen. 】

Oakes no longer has the advantage of the prophet, although the universe he is in seems to be almost exactly the same as the history of the development of the MCU universe...

But he also understood that from the moment he appeared, this was probably already another parallel universe!


I'm afraid, after this 199999, there will be another -N!

Wait, then maybe... Infinity Stones might work in the multiverse derived from the same Earth-199999!

【Worth a try……】

Oakes collected his chaotic thoughts, and now there is nothing to say.

In the face of the crisis of the destruction of the universe, he must be rescued to prove that he did not come to this universe for a formality!

"It's the first official meeting. I'm Oaks Lin, a Druid. I have some research on dreams, so please come and discuss things with us in this form for the time being."

Oakes turned to Strange from another universe with a cloudy face, without too much nonsense, he directly asked what he had been thinking just now:

"You have done some research on the multiverse... so do you have any means of numbering to distinguish each multiverse?"


Strange in the different universe was silent for a moment. There was nothing to hide about this matter. He glanced at Strange in this universe and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Christine helped me with this work, and our universe number is 838."


In this universe, Strange was taken aback, and frowned slightly:

"Okay...but Christine knows that you have caused such a big disaster with dream travel, and you still plan to destroy our universe?"

"No, she doesn't know...she's too kind, I'm the only one who can do this kind of thing myself."

838 When Strange said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"No matter which universe we are in, our Christine is so kind, isn't he?"

Strange in this universe was silent, before shaking his head and sighing after a while:

"So we're not with her in any universe, are we?"


838 Strange showed a hint of sadness in his eyes, and then became firm again, looking at Oakes:

"You are the person who asked me before the ancient one... I never thought that a person whose name I have never heard of in my universe would actually have such abilities here."

"Under current circumstances, at first I just wanted to be a low-key owner of a green plant shop."

Oakes coughed lightly, because both Gu Yi and Strange looked at him strangely.

He had to change the subject immediately:

"Then what is the number of our universe in your place?"

"Your universe..."

838 Strange hesitated a bit, but he still opened his mouth and said:

"I'm sorry, your universe, I used Dream Walk just after I discovered it, because this is one of the few universes where I found clues to the "Book of Weishandi" and the Time Stone at the same time, so I haven't had time to number it."


Oakes raised his eyebrows, and things were a little closer to his estimate:

"You...how much do you know about the 616 universe?"

"616? Why do you ask this?"

838 Strange looked at Oakes strangely, and the other party guessed that he had numbered the universe, which is not a strange thing.

But at present, their position is still an enemy. 838 Strange became a little vigilant, and the other party specifically asked 616 what the universe meant?

"Hmm...this is my lucky number, right?

So since you are 838, there must be 616 before this. I want to see what enlightenment this lucky number can bring me? "

Oakes rubbed his chin, if things are as he thought, then the universe of 616...

"...Although I have confirmed the existence of the 616 universe through other methods, I cannot enter that universe through dream travel..."

838 Strange's eyes are a bit strange:

"That is to say, the me in the 616 universe, at least now, at this point in 2022, does not exist, so I have no way of knowing about the 616 universe."


Oakes fell silent.

What Strange said in 838 completely confirms that this universe is not the 616 universe.

If the 616 universe he knows is really "Earth-199999-616", that is, the MCU main universe, then first, the timelines of 616, 838 and this universe are the same, and they are both in 2022 now.

Second, at this point in time, the 616 universe is still in the five-year "flickering" of Thanos snapping his fingers.

Next year, the 616 universe will start the "infinite reversal" event, and only then will 616 Strange return.


Infinity gems may really be useful outside of this universe!

"Have you received any revelation, Master Oaks?"

838 Strange's voice is a bit awkward, but Oakes is used to it——

Because Strange's voice in this universe is so embarrassing.

"Of course, Master Strange of the Illuminati..."

"I'm not a master! Call me a doctor!"


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