Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 90 - : Ding Gong Panpo

   There is a reason why Qing Yang can see the opponent’s strength at a glance.

   If a cultivator wants to judge the strength of a stranger, he generally needs to rely on his own spiritual sense to detect it, because the cultivator has powerful spiritual sense and amazing perception. But doing so is offensive to others, and it is easy to cause other disgust. Under normal circumstances, no one will do it casually, unless you are strong and are not afraid to offend the other party, or the two are already hostile.

Of course, it’s not that you can see through the other person’s cultivation base if you look at it with divine minds. If the other’s cultivation base is too higher than your own, or if there is a way to cover up the cultivation base in the practice, then it’s hard to say, you can see through nature. Yes, if you can’t break it, you can only be misled by the other party.

As for the martial artist who wants to judge the opponent’s strength, it is relatively difficult, because the martial artist has no spiritual mind and cannot compare with the immortal cultivator. Generally, he must personally fight against each other and use his own experience to judge a rough idea based on the power of the opponent’s fist. the result of.

   But whether it is a cultivator or a warrior, there is another way to know the strength of the opponent without actively spying. Some masters will deliberately reveal their realm and strength, release some aura, reveal some means, let the other party know their own cultivation base, but also give the other side a shock. At this time, knowing the other party’s cultivation base is very easy.

   This is the case for the couple. They seem to want to give everyone present to show their strength deliberately. Others only thought that the couple were very powerful, but Qing Yang, as a cultivator, was able to judge their cultivation level at once.

Since there are other immortal cultivators present, I can’t act rashly for the time being. I am still a pink and tender newcomer on the road of cultivating immortals, and I don’t know anything. The gain is not worth the loss.

   As soon as the couple released their momentum, they immediately calmed everyone present. Even Hu Zhentai’s complexion changed suddenly, looking at each other in surprise, and said, “Who are you?”

The middle-aged man seemed to be very satisfied with the effect of his appearance, and said with a smile: “My husband and wife’s name is not as loud as the Tigers. Because of their desire for truth, they are just unknown in Kaiyuan Mansion. Others call us Ding Gongpan. Mother. This time I heard that the Tiger Gang got the order to knock the immortal, so I came here to pay homage.”

   Paying respects? Qing Yang couldn’t help but sneer at what this person said. That is a pass to join the Cultivation School, so it is needless to say how important it is to casual cultivators. How could the couple just come to pay their respects? This Hu Xiaozhong and Baimatang people actually asked the immortal cultivator to be their helpers, this time I am afraid they are going to lead the wolf into the room.

“You… are you a fairy master?” Hu Zhentai couldn’t help but gasp, his face even more ugly. He had expected that Hu Xiaozhong and Bai Matang would find helpers, but he didn’t expect that the helpers they were looking for turned out to be. Immortal master, immortal master, how can ordinary people easily resist?

Ding Gong smiled and said, “It’s good if Hallmaster Tiger knows. My husband and I are here for the Young Gang’s main platform this time. If Hallmaster Tiger is willing to give up the order of the immortal, then everything is easy to discuss, if you don’t know it. Current affairs, then don’t blame my husband and wife for being impolite.”

  Hu Zhentai hasn’t been threatened in person like this for many years, but this time he faced the immortal master, even if he was angry in his heart, he didn’t dare to vent casually. Although judging from each other’s aura, the couple is far from the original Xiping and Xining Immortal Master, but they are definitely better than themselves anyway, one may be able to fight, and two fights are useless.

Hu Zhentai’s face changed and seemed to be relying on countermeasures. After a long time, he said, “Master, no matter what benefits Baimatang has given you, I am willing to give you twice. I only ask you not to help each other. ,it’s OK?”

Hu Zhentai doesn’t know what price Baimatang paid, but what Baimatang can pay, the Tigers can certainly afford it, and his own requirements are very low, just let the other two not help each other, such conditions are almost not loose Calculate the conditions, the other party will definitely make the right choice.

Who knows that Ding Ding shook his head, and said: “You are not yours for the position of the leader? What benefits can you give to Hall Master Tiger? Could it be that you can still take the initiative to give us the Order of the Immortal? You give it to us. What’s the difference between it and your nephew gave it to us?”

   “Bai Ma Tang is going to give you the celestial order?” Hu Zhentai exclaimed.

   He didn’t expect that Hu Xiaozhong would be so generous, and he even dared to send it out. In order to help the lord, he did not scrutinize any means. This prodigal son was completely taking the interests of the Tigers gang into consideration.

   But I didn’t know that Hu Xiaozhong was more dazed than Hu Zhentai, turned his head and said: “Two immortals, the terms we have negotiated are gold and silver. When did I say that I would give you the immortal order?”

   There was a tricky smile on Na Ding’s face ~www.wuxiax.com~ and said: “You haven’t said it, but now we have changed our minds. This immortal order is sure to win.”

   Tiger filial piety was anxious, and said: “The conditions that were discussed at the beginning were not like this, why did you turn your back on it?”

Na Ding said: “What is the urgency of the lesser helper? You are your helper, we ask for our way, we also get what we need. Our husband and wife have been practicing for decades, and it can be regarded as a slight achievement. Let’s use it. It’s better than someone you’ve never seen before, right? You’re still young, and our husband and wife have no children. what.”

Hu Xiaozhong is completely deceived. When things have reached this point, he doesn’t know how to choose. If he continues to unite with them, he can only get the position of helper, and the order of the immortal will be gone; if he is with Hu Zhentai Lianhe, let alone knocking the immortal order, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get the position of the leader, no matter how it is done, there will be gains and losses.

After thinking about it, it seems that it is more beneficial to cooperate with the fairy master. First of all, even if you unite with your second uncle, you may not be able to beat the two fairy masters, and the fairy masters here also gave themselves a promise that in the future Maybe you can really lead yourself to the fairy road.

   After making a decision, Hu Xiaozhong retreated to the side and stopped talking.

  Public Nading calmed down Hu Xiaozhong, and said to Hu Zhentai: “Hall Master Tiger, how are you thinking about it? Now that the immortal knocking order is mine, what other conditions can move us?”

Hu Zhentai turned his head and looked at Hu Xiaozhong, trying to unite him with the same enemy, but the big nephew did not look at him at all. Hu Zhentai was very angry, and finally said angrily: “Okay, okay, okay, since neither of you Taking the interests of the Tiger Gang seriously, what is my little hall master still doing so persistently? Knock the immortal order if you want to take it.”

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