Dungeon Player

Chapter 263 Good luck eating chicken tonight (please vote for me)

"Lord Sherlock! It's such a pleasure for you to be here!"

Du Ren, the boss of the arena with a big belly, warmly received Sherlock in his office.

"The competition is about to start. Sir Sherlock, your plan to win chicken is really great. Everyone's expectations are very high. Today's attendance rate has reached more than 50%. I have already exceeded 100%." I haven’t seen such a high attendance rate in years.”

"Of course the old business concepts from the past are not suitable for use in the new era." Sherlock sat on the chair and said with a smile.

"That's what you said!" The poisonous man took out a uranium rod, heated it, put it on his mouth, and said while making a sizzling sound:

"Lord Sherlock, let's see how your gladiators perform next."

"Don't worry, they are ready."

Sherlock nodded and said confidently.


In the dim rest room, a ceiling fan driven by magic was rotating above the heads of a group of goblins, kobolds, and even goblins.

Each of these people has a strange green symbol on their head. Unlike ordinary gladiators waiting on the scene, this group of people is not reciting lines or relaxing their muscles in preparation for the next gladiator.

They get together and chat like crazy.

"Sell and sell hangings, fairy hangings, walk through walls, self-aim, and the whole picture can fly into the sky."

"****, sell Nimabi!"

"Why do you curse?"

"I will scold anyone who cheats."

"We'll all come together later. Please don't be afraid when we have a head-on confrontation."

"I'm Miss Luo Liyin, can you please stop killing me later? I want to eat chicken."

"Lonimabi, I think you look like a goblin and sound like a rough man."

"Good luck having chicken tonight."


In addition to the sounds of talking, there were many people squatting down, standing up, squatting down and standing up, repeating such actions, and there were also people jumping up and down, climbing up and down in the lounge.

Zhu Genbao didn't talk or yell or jump around. All his weapons and armor were taken away like the others.

The gladiatorial gameplay that is waiting for you is to use the portal to randomly transport everyone to a huge scene that takes an hour to walk around. All players have no equipment and only wear their underpants, in a Look for weapons and equipment in various abandoned buildings or scenes. At the same time, comatose magic gas will appear in the large scene every fifteen minutes. All the players need to do is to persist in the shrinking coma circle. at last.

The only remaining gladiator can eat roast chicken.

Players were delighted when they heard it. Isn’t this the dungeon version of Peace Elite?

How could you miss this kind of gameplay?

However, for the sake of program effectiveness, there are only 100 people in one game, and only three games can be played every day.

The reason why only three games can be played is partly because of Sherlock's request, hoping to control the number of people. The reason is of course that the number of gladiators is limited.

On the other hand, this is because the underground world arena in the north has just started to carry out this type of combat. It only takes a month to prepare, and there is only one venue. In addition to preparations for cleaning, etc., three games a day is already the limit. .

If conditions permit, I would love to have 100 games a day in the arena!

Zhuogenbao was lucky and received a response quickly after signing up.

It just so happened that the group version failed to open up wasteland. They didn't even push half of the dungeon to Genbao, so the time ran out. After spending a whole day pushing the dungeon, the guild members unanimously decided to take a day off before starting to open up wasteland. Genbao Genbao was just in time to play with the new dungeon. It’s time to play.

"Ah? Capture Genbao?"

While Zhuo Genbao was waiting for the start, a goblin came over and called him.

Zhuo Genbao looked back and saw the words "Burning Chest Hair" written on the top of the goblin's head.

"Brother Chest Hair." Zhuo Genbao quickly stood up and said politely.

Zhuo Genbao downloaded a dungeon with Arthur and the others once, but Burning Chest Hair was not there at the time due to personal matters, so Zhuo Genbao took his place.

The title "Brother Chest Hair" was what I heard at that time, and the burning chest hair was also called this on the forum.

"I didn't expect to have a round with you. Last time I saw you fight Arthur, you were quite good!"

Burning Chest Hair said with a smile.

"No, no, Arthur let me."

Zhuo Genbao quickly shook his head and said.

Although the chest hair in front of me is not as famous as Arthur, his overall strength and richness are close to Arthur. It is a pity that in the last Black Knight Competition, he was directly shot to death by Sylvanas with a bow and arrow from a long distance. Otherwise, maybe, You can also fight with Zhuo Genbao or Arthur.

"If he lets you go, how many minutes will it take for you to be beaten to death? Haha, I'm not mocking you. You are very strong. It's just that the equipment gap between us and Arthur was too big last time." Burning Chest Hair followed up and said:

"Arthur and I are about the same strength. Let's try it later."

"Well, I may not be able to see you alive, Brother Chest Hair."

Zhuo Genbao was stunned for a moment and said, then the burning chest hair patted his shoulder and said:

"If you survive to the finals, won't you be able to meet him? Come on, I'm still very optimistic about you!"

"All gladiators prepare to enter."

Outside the noisy lounge, a goblin held a magic loudspeaker and shouted to the players:

"Everyone line up and come out. There are ten portals in total. Enter according to the number at the beginning of the number plate. The number at the beginning of the single digit is 0. Please hurry up."

After the man finished shouting, he seemed to remember something and shouted:

"Weapons and equipment are not allowed to be brought in. There is a checker at the door of the portal. If any contraband is found, you will be disqualified from the competition!"

The players lined up and walked out one by one.

Zhuo Genbao naturally followed the team. His number plate was 66. He quickly found the portal No. 6. Following other players, he walked through the arch-like contraband transmission device.

The so-called contraband is weapons and equipment.

Naturally, there is no big problem in grabbing the root treasure to pass. It is unlikely that other players will hide any weapons and equipment secretly. After all, it is meaningless.

But when he walked to the portal, he saw the player from Gate 8 who was walking side by side with him. His crotch was a little abnormally bulging. He was stunned when he grabbed the Genbao. What the hell, that place can be pinched. Do you control your size when you are a human?

The player at Gate 8 also noticed Zhugenbao. He smiled indulgently, with the corners of his mouth raised at 45 degrees. With an expression like "I bloom in the killing, just like the flowers in the dawn.jpg", he silently said with his mouth Speaking of:

"Don't panic, it's just a bladder bomb."

Damn it, bladder bombs are not considered weapons?

Zhuo Genbao was stunned. Before he had time to think about it, he had already been pushed into the portal by the NPC.

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