Dungeon Player

Chapter 435 Injured NPC? (Third update, please recommend monthly tickets)

"Have you heard? The Duke of York is going to attack the Free City of Victoria!"

"What? Victoria Free City? I've never heard of it!"

"Have you never heard of them? They are the group of savages in the Victoria Forest. They are the ones who run over excitedly when they see people."

"It's that kind of... that kind of thing that's very rare."

"Ah, I understand."


Conversations like this are what the residents of Gold Shine Town talk about the most these days.

After all, in such a remote place, three thousand knight masters came to attack a group of savages in the forest. The topic was really high.

Not only that, everyone also had deep sympathy for the Free City of Victoria. After all, most of the people who were enemies of the Duke of York did not end well.

In Goldish Town, there was a slender man wearing a cloak. After hearing everyone's discussion, he held his cloak tightly and turned around to leave.

The thin man left the golden town and ran towards the Victoria Forest in the distance.


In the lush woods, several people were walking quickly among the trees.

The leader is Zhugenbao holding the Crimson Blade.

He kept his body short and quickly passed through the trees, staring sharply at the thing in front of him, his expression serious and scary.


Behind him, Ou Chimao was about to speak, but his mouth was suddenly covered by Ruanruan beside him. Ruanruan made a silencing gesture, with an expression as serious as that of Zhu Genbao.

Zhuo Genbao turned around and took a look, without saying anything, and continued to look forward intently.

Almost at the next second, there was a movement in front, and Zhuo Genbao shouted:

"It's now!"

Zhuogenbao rushed out suddenly, and slashed at the bushes in front of him with the crimson sword in his hand. The sharp sword edge flashed past, but it was missed. A little rabbit nimbly dodged the attack. Then he rushed towards the next bush, but just when the little rabbit was about to rush into the bush, an arrow flew over.

Ruanruan drew the bow and shot an arrow behind Zhuogenbao. The arrow flew past Zhuogenbao's ear and pointed directly at the little rabbit, but it still missed and landed in the grass on the side.

"I was so scared that I almost thought I was going to catch Brother Genbao!"

Ruanruan made a frightened expression, but the grasping root treasure below had stopped. He looked carefully into the grass, then turned back and shouted to Ruanruan:

"You hit someone! No, you hit an NPC!"


Lancelot walked quickly on the streets of Victoria. The rain that had started to fall at some point made the dirt road extremely muddy.

Although the work of laying stone roads has been put on the agenda, there are still too many things for players to do. The most important thing is that the number of stones supported by the Eternal Kingdom dungeon is limited, and the stones in the surface world require players to spend money. A lot of effort went into mining, resulting in delays in paving roads.

The main reason is that instead of building roads, the first thing players want to complete is building houses.

Lancelot's target is a house.

To him, it was a private residence, but to those players, it was a guild stronghold.

Although Lancelot doesn't know what this guild does, its name is [For Lao Xia's Night], is it a labor union? Or a chamber of commerce or something? I can’t see it at all!

Lancelot walked to the door and knocked.

Several players were already watching behind him, and the players were always very enthusiastic about this kind of plot.


The wooden door opened quickly, and several people walked out. They looked around for a while:

"Aren't we shouting so hard that the elves can't be offended? Why is Lancelot here? Do you know how to heal?"

One of the players looked at Lancelot confused and asked.

"Let me go in and take a look. I'll know some simple first aid knowledge."

Lancelot opened the door directly and walked in.

The room was full of people, and the air was extremely turbid, which even made Lancelot a little breathless. The mixture of various smells was simply unbearable.

But he still frowned and walked in, and then saw the injured lying on a dirty bed.

The wounded man had an arrow in his chest, which was still intact. His chest was soaked in blood. Obviously, the players did not do anything to deal with the wound.

The injured person was also wearing a black cloak, with a pale face and fair skin. She looked like a girl of not very high grade.

"How long has she been injured?"

Lancelot took off his armor and walked towards the basin on the side. However, when he saw the black water in the basin, he was stunned and still did not put his hand in to clean it.

"About half an hour."

"Wow, can you do it? Don't kill the rest of our props?"

"How do you know it's a chance encounter? Maybe it's a coincidence?"

"This must be an adventure! Have you ever shot an NPC?"

"Someone in the underground city shot Xue Ba and Lao Xia."

"Wocao, who is such a dick and a braggart?"

The sounds of cheerful and crazy chatting came from the players in the entire room.

Lancelot is somewhat used to these guys. As long as they seize any opportunity or topic, they can chat endlessly, regardless of any occasion.

It's not that they are cold-blooded, Lancelot has been saved by these guys several times. They used their bodies to stick Lancelot to resist attacks.

It's just that he was weird.

Lancelot nodded. He definitely couldn't wait any longer. If the bleeding didn't stop, the girl would probably die of excessive blood loss. She had to hurry up.

Lancelot walked to the girl's side, and then said to the person next to him:

"You guys should go out first. She is a woman after all. With so many people watching, she will be in trouble in the future."

As soon as Lancelot finished speaking, the players immediately started an uproar:

"What the hell? You can see it yourself, but we can't see it?!"

"Wocao! 18R?!"

"Can this game still have this function?"

"Really or not, is it so exciting?"

"I think she's very plain. What's so good about her?"

"Hurry up! I haven't seen any GAL before! No matter how realistic you are, you are nothing!"

Having said that, most of the players still obeyed the command and started to go out. Those who were unwilling to go out were also pulled out by their companions. After all, most people were still very concerned about encountering NPCs, especially Ruanruan.

After everyone went out in a clatter, Lancelot left a few women behind to help.

The players who were not selected immediately shouted again:

"Wocao! I should have known I was playing the female role!"

"Trash, if you don't play a female account in the game, why don't you play a male account?"

"I just like men's numbers. I want to raise him as my son!"

"When the marriage system is opened in the future, you will cry!"

But why are the looks in those women's eyes a bit strange, and they look a bit expectant? !

What are they expecting?

Lancelot was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it.

"Help me catch her."

Lancelot said that the first thing he had to do was to pull out the arrow, then clean the wound, and then stop the bleeding.

The rest has to be left to the elf who can't be offended. He is the only one in Victoria who can heal magic, or the Duchess of Victoria, no, she should be called the queen now. She might also be able to do it, but let a queen come to heal an unknown person. It is really inappropriate for people to treat wounds.

The first thing to do was to take off the girl's clothes. Lancelot muttered a few words of apology silently, and then roughly tore off her clothes.


This was the only thought in Lancelot's mind.

He shook his head, put aside the distracting thoughts, and then began to treat the young girl with all his strength.

Soon, he completed several basic first aid steps. The rest, he could only wait for the elf to perform, and then wait for the person to wake up, and then ask her:

Why approach Victoria? Can’t see the private property warning sign?

(Third update, please recommend monthly tickets!!!!)

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