Dungeon Player

Chapter 497 Gathering

Eternal Realm Dungeon.

"Lord Sherlock, according to the information we have received from the players so far, the troops from the Kingdom of God are currently stationed outside Goldish Gold Town, and the players are already in close contact with them."

Blue said to Sherlock when he was sitting at the computer desk.

"Very good, continue to publish adventure missions, let the Victorians continue to contact them, and try to get more benefits from them, whether it is weapons, equipment or money."

Sherlock nodded and said.

"No problem at all, but Lord Sherlock, do you really plan to let those human kingdoms get involved in our dungeon management? I think it is better to take this opportunity to catch them all! Take our first step towards conquering the world. Let’s start from the Kingdom of God!”

Blue said excitedly, but just like before, Sherlock was not as excited as Blue:

"We'll talk about conquering the world later. Did those players go and ask for help as planned?"

"Lord Sherlock, I have followed your instructions and issued some adventure missions to those players to attract the attention of Winterfell. But please forgive me, there are too many weird things caused by those players. Even if someone heard their appeal, they would treat it as a joke or a prank." Blue said with some embarrassment:

"There are too few people who really pay attention to them and are willing to help them. In fact, what I can't understand is why you don't go to Nicholas in person? Based on your relationship with Nicholas, I believe that Nicholas is guiding you in the war with the ground world. I will definitely support you as soon as possible."

After Blue's suggestion, Sherlock thought for a moment and then answered:

"Because it's too troublesome. If I tell Nicholas about this matter, there will be various procedures that I need to do. The Merchant Alliance will also send commissioners to contact me, and even the Demon Committee will come over. How about I If we push everything to those players and let them take the initiative to contact us and look for support, there won't really be a fight anyway."

"But if Nicholas believes those players, he will still come to you for verification. The Business Alliance and the European Commission will still come to you. Besides, you have already started a war with the surface world, and those people will really sit back and watch. Ignore it? Judging from the recent period, there are still many ambitious people in the underground world. Maybe you can just provoke a war between the two camps, Lord Sherlock."

Blue's voice sounded excited and expectant. But Sherlock shook his head and said:

"I believe I won't really start a fight. The dungeon city owners in the underground world have no time to care about the people in the surface world, and they are not interested in conquering the world, especially the Demon Committee and the Merchant Alliance. As for that If they come to me with questions, I think they can’t find me.”

Sherlock said as he took out a ticket:

"I need to take a long trip to deal with Evelin's affairs. I will leave the underground city matters to you. You only need to follow what I said. There will never be a war between the underground world and the surface world."

"Really? Sir Sherlock, are you leaving the dungeon? At such a critical time?"

"Yes, after all, Evelin's matter is more important." Sherlock stood up as he said:

"Let's just follow the plan here."


Patrick Star recently received some incredible news. Humans and elves in the surface world who had not appeared for many years suddenly appeared in the underground world!

After hearing the news, Pai Daxing immediately made preparations and planned to verify the accuracy of the news.

When Patrick rushed to the Eternal Kingdom dungeon for the first time, he was surprised to see an unexpected person—Captain Cherry!

As a reporter for the Winterfell newspaper, Patrick came here to investigate the invasion of monsters from the surface world. As a journalist, even if it is such a dangerous matter, it is natural for him to be on the front line. things.

But Captain Cherry is not a journalist. Not only is he not, he is even a mid-level official in a terrorist organization affiliated with the Business Alliance.

This is the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon. Captain Cherry appears here. Is it because the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon asked the Merchant Alliance for help due to the invasion of monsters in the surface world?

If this is really the case, it would be unprecedented news.

The Eternal Kingdom Dungeon and the Merchant Alliance Winterfell, the two major dungeons join forces to fight against monsters from the surface world! For the civilization of the underground world!

Looking at this title, just thinking about it in my head, I can already feel my blood boiling. Even Patrick has the urge to rush to the front line and fight against the monsters in the surface world.

Of course this is impossible. He is still busy writing press releases.


Just when Patrick was thinking about what news headline to come up with, he suddenly heard the voice of Captain Cherry calling him.

When Patrick came back to his senses, he heard the voice of Captain Cherry calling him.

"Ah? Captain Cherry!"

Pai Daxing came back to his senses and looked at Captain Cherry who was walking over. He responded. Captain Cherry had a strange expression on his face:

"Why are you here? Is there any big news here?"

"Of course there is big news! Monsters from the surface world are attacking the Eternal Kingdom dungeon!"

After Patrick finished speaking excitedly, Captain Cherry had already covered his face with helplessness:

"You also came here after hearing the news. I knew this was what happened..."

"Um, what do you mean..."

As soon as Patrick finished speaking, Captain Cherry explained:

"That is to say, the talk about the invasion of monsters from the ground world is nonsense! I came here three days ago. Everyone said that there were monsters from the ground world, but I didn't see anything at all. There are no monsters in the surface world who come to attack the dungeon of the Eternal Kingdom, not even a dire wolf spider or anything like that.”

What Captain Cherry said seemed very angry. It is understandable if you think about it. As the captain of the Winterfell Guard, Cherry is usually very busy, but he was asked by Lord Nicholas to come to the Eternal Kingdom to assist in the investigation. He didn't even have time to go home, but he found nothing in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon where the conditions were very bad. If you think about it carefully, you might even have been tricked by the people in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon. No matter who you were, you would be very angry.

Although Captain Cherry said it categorically, Patrick still felt that the matter was not that simple. If it was really those people in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon who came up with the trick, it would be impossible for everyone in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon to People say so. Pai Daxing still has great trust in the people in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon. After all, in the previous ogre siege and the Black Volcano incident, he relied on these brave Eternal Kingdom Dungeon people. Only Daxing could save his life. Without their protection, he would probably have died when the ogres attacked the city.

Although Captain Cherry was steadfast in his words, Patrick decided to investigate on his own.

"I understand, Captain Cherry, thank you for your kindness, but as a journalist, discovering the truth in the fog is what I should do as a journalist!"

Captain Cherry heard what Patrick said and knew that this was his duty, so he said nothing more.

Captain Cherry's mission has been completed. During the three days in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon, he did not see any signs of an imminent war in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon. Even Sherlock, the lord of the Eternal Jelly Dungeon, disappeared. It sounded like Lord Sherlock was traveling.

If there were Korean dungeons and they really had to face the invasion of monsters lost on the ground, would their lords have the heart to travel?

Just when Captain Cherry was about to leave the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon, he saw a black dragon calling the people with a huge loudspeaker in the square of the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon:

"Gather, gather, the first counterattack battle in the surface world will start immediately. If you want to participate, hurry up and sign up!"

After the black dragon finished speaking, many players from the Eternal Kingdom dungeon quickly rushed over, and both Patrick Star and Captain Cherry knew that this black dragon was the famous Black Dragon Goudan who was next to Lord Sherlock.

Just by hearing this name, you can tell that this black dragon has a lot of background. What a domineering name!

Not only Patrick was stunned for a moment, but even Captain Cherry was stunned. He obviously didn't expect that the Goudan who became the Black Dragon would stand up and explain that he wanted to fight back against the surface world. Is it true that there are people from the surface world coming to attack? Eternal Kingdom dungeon?

"Wait for me, wait for me, I want to go with you too!"

Pai Daxing had the fastest reaction. After hearing Black Dragon Goudan's shouting, he immediately walked towards Black Dragon Goudan. He would never miss news like this.

Captain Cherry only hesitated for a moment after hearing Black Dragon Goudan's shouting, and followed closely behind Patrick Star. His mission was to investigate whether the Eternal Kingdom dungeon was attacked by monsters from the surface world. , and then decide on Winterfell's actions.

The players led by Black Dragon Goudan gathered very quickly, and before long thousands of troops had gathered. Then, under the command of Black Dragon Goudan, an army of thousands of players headed towards the crossroads stronghold from the portal.

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