Dungeon Player

Chapter 543 Staff meeting before the public beta (Part 1)

As the king of the Kingdom of God, Tudou II has a tall figure and a strong body. When he was still young, like other royal nobles, he received cruel training in all aspects.

But these trainings obviously do not include how to control one's emotions. In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, Potato II has always been irritable.

Things made him angry every day, and today's thing made him particularly angry.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!?"

Tudou II roared angrily and smashed a vase on the ground angrily, causing broken glass to scatter on the ground.

In front of Tudou II, there is a crystal ball with a huge screen. On the periphery of the crystal ball, there is a circle of magicians wearing cloaks. These magicians are constantly using their own magic power to support the continuous flow of pictures in the crystal ball. are transferred in original image quality.

Magic was not mastered by humans a long time ago, but since the great demon Lokilankaimi of the underground world invaded the surface world with his army of demons, humans have gradually begun to master this completely different power from the Holy Light.

As for whether this power is evil or not, that is not within the scope of everyone's consideration. From the current point of view, the power of magic is still very easy to use. Of course, it is still not as good as the Holy Light.

The crystal ball in front of Tudou II showed the tired look on General Stan's face. Just now, General Stan told about his failure to attack Victoria and rescue Her Royal Highness the Goblin Princess, although he had already It was said very tactfully, and the number of casualties was kept as small as possible, but for Potato II, this was really too bad news.

War with Victoria? Tudou II was stunned and didn't understand when he ordered the army to go to war with Victoria?

You know, although the Victorians have disputes with the Kingdom of God, and even privately killed a duke, the Victorians are currently fighting those monsters in the underground world!

"Your Majesty, there is a reason why I fought with the Victorias. Those Victorias have betrayed us, and they are now together with the monsters in the underground world! I have witnesses here!"

General Stan in the crystal ball quickly shouted excitedly, and at the same time, an elf with a green character on his head was pulled over. The elf seemed quite excited and calm, and shouted to Potato II in the crystal ball road:

"I testify that General Stan is wholeheartedly serving the Kingdom of God and all mankind, but those Victorians have degenerated and turned to Eternal Pig! Especially these two guys, A Fei and Zhuo Genbao, actually helped Eternal Pig, I lost both sets of equipment in the Dark Portal! I’m really pissed off!”

It could be seen that the elf with the green characters on his head was very angry, but Potato II couldn't figure it out. Could it be that General Stan relied on the words of this elf to start a war against the Victorians?

"Of course it's more than that. Your Majesty, I can't finish describing the sins of these Victorians even in three days and three nights. I know that our attack on the Free City of Victoria will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the Holy Bishop, but please believe me, Your Majesty , you will definitely understand me after I personally explain it to the Holy Bishop’s Court, or they come to investigate in person.”

General Stan in the picture had a pious and respectful expression on his face, but Potato II did not simply "understand" him because of his expression and words.

"As for your merits, I think I will reward you well after you come back with the rest of my army."

Tudou II especially emphasized the word "surplus", but just when Tudou II was about to close the contact with General Stan, General Stan in the picture shouted in horror:

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I have one more thing to tell you!"

"What's going on? Are you trying to say that those goblins have declared war on us and are planning to attack us? Just because you were stupid enough to attack their princess?"

Tudou II said sarcastically, but General Stan did not pay much attention to Tudou II's sarcasm, but said to Tudou II:

"Your Majesty, I found the man who stole our dragon cub!"

"What did you say?"

Potato II turned his head in surprise and looked at General Stan in the crystal ball, who was saying seriously:

"That man is a Victorian named Zhuo Genbao!"


On both sides of the underground passage, there are vines that provide weak lighting, and there are also torches lit by players with kerosene.

Although magic lights for lighting have become quite common in the underground world, torches are still used in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon. Many employees have asked this question strangely, and the Eternal Kingdom Underground City Lord Sherlock, the city lord, responded this way:

"Isn't this great? It saves mana. Nowadays, mana pollution is so serious. If you use less mana, you can use less electricity. Returning to primitive life is good for your physical and mental health."

This kind of rhetoric is just short of saying the word perfunctory.

However, no matter what Lord Sherlock says, Moros will not care, because in Moros's heart, Lord Sherlock is the strongest and most powerful upper demon. He treats his enemies as harshly as the coldest winter in the north. Friends are half as cold as the desolation of late autumn.

All in all, Moros had never seen such a special and powerful high-level demon.

A person with a mysterious and powerful background who can instantly bring the people of his dungeon back from the brink of death. Even if he loses his body, he can instantly create a new one for them. As a novice trainer in the eternal kingdom dungeon, Moros I have witnessed the immortality of those people more than once.

To be honest, Moros came here at first to prove himself to his wife, and to find a stable job to subsidize the family's needs after being fired. But now, Moros is single-minded. He hopes to follow the great Lord Sherlock, and even hopes to sign a soul contract with Lord Sherlock.

In that case, Moros can have eternal life like those people of the eternal kingdom who follow Lord Sherlock!

After thinking about it, I finally understand why it is called the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon!

Moros was thinking wildly at his job. Because it has been several months since the third test, although there are still players returning to Moros to receive basic training, the number is already very small.

This is not to say that those players have mastered the fighting skills, but because the players themselves have developed a training system, or it is called a master-apprentice system.

Spend less money and get better training, because there are too many players in Moros!

"Moros! Come over and have a meeting!"

Black Dragon Goudan shouted from afar.

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