Dungeon Player

Chapter 573 What a good lord! (Typos have been fixed)

The blond George walked on the streets of Victoria Free City. When he last came, most of the streets in Victoria Free City were still dirt roads, and they would become muddy after it rained.

But now those soil roads have turned into very beautiful stone roads. Not only that, there are also some paths, even paved with gravel.

Although the floor of my feet hurts a bit when I walk on it, in terms of aesthetics, it is much better than most urban roads, and those in Victoria are still paving roads or beautifying their urban environment.

It can be seen that the Queen of the Free City of Victoria is a person who likes cleanliness very much, otherwise she would not hire so many workers to perform city cleaning work.

He thought so at first, but when he saw a large number of goblins and elves doing these jobs, the blond George couldn't help but fell deeply into thought.

Shouldn't these goblins and elves do some work that is more in line with their racial characteristics, such as enchanting or potion work? Isn't it a bit wasteful to let them do the hard work?

It’s not just limited to urban greening, the goblins and elves even serve as porters, lumberjacks, etc. They can be seen in many labor and workplace situations.

This completely overturned the cognition of the blond George. The last time he stayed in the Free City of Victoria was not particularly long, but the longer he stayed in the Free City of Victoria this time, the more he found that this Free City was very weird. .

Those races that claim to be noble are not what they should be.

For example, an elf was able to kneel down to another human for a piece of equipment, and he was still calling daddy.

In the past, blond George would not have believed that such a thing would happen, but he had seen it with his own eyes, but that was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that an elf came to find him, hoping to make him The blond George helped introduce the marriage of the nobles.

The so-called noble marriage is to hope that the blond George can introduce a female noble with inheritance rights to be her wife.

Yes it's her.

When the blond George clearly rejected this based on her gender, the elf looked very disappointed and said to himself:

"What the hell, if I had known earlier I would have picked a male number!"

At first, the blond George didn't pay attention, but this matter seemed to turn on some kind of switch, and more and more Victorians began to find him and ask for the same thing.

The blond George was also forced to help them introduce their partners. In a vague way, the blond George seemed to have become Victoria's matchmaker.

As a noble, he still has some connections. Although he has joined the Free City of Victoria, he has only made the leadership of the Kingdom of God dissatisfied. What should the nobles below have to do with him? , there are still some contacts, these will not change in any way.

Those fairies, elves or humans are very handsome and beautiful.

For those human nobles, it would be very honorable to marry an elf wife, while for those women who are marginalized by their families, they may only be the heirs of a dozen or so families.

Basically, it is impossible to inherit a noble title in this life, and women like this are very happy to find a handsome husband.

Of course, it would be best if it were an elf.

Within a few days, the blond George helped the handsome men and women of the elves to introduce several noble husbands, noble wives, and so on.

As for the reward, the blond George did not receive any reward. He is now a noble of the Free City of Victoria, and those who found him also claimed to be the nobles of the Free City of Victoria and took him to their territory.

Those who owned the territory were of course nobles, and the blond George did not have any doubts about their identities.

But then, something happened that gave the blond George a very headache.

After those Victorians married into a noble family, the heirs of that noble family began to die mysteriously one after another.

Not only that, their husbands or wives will become unusually taciturn. Whenever someone asks about their wedding night, they will become very irritable, frustrated, angry, and even break down and cry.

No one else knew what happened, and they didn't dare to ask.

If it were just a few examples, it could be said to be an accident, but this happened to every Victorian marriage.

That just means it's a problem for the Victorians.

The nobles quickly cut off all contact with the Victorians, and not only that, small-scale conflicts soon broke out.

Knights loyal to the noble families took up their weapons and killed the Victorians.

What followed was the revenge of the Victorians.

Killing and being killed are going on constantly.

Most of the noble families who attacked the Victorians met with very tragic consequences.

Those Victorians would continuously pour into their territory and kill all the nobles who resisted. If they did not resist, they would be tied up and taken back to their own territory as their own subjects.

Who dares to believe that these Victorians would arrest their enemies as subjects without any scruples? They even let them work openly and then collected taxes.

In the eyes of the blond George, this kind of operation is simply - no one else is more sexy.

In any case, the reputation of blond George was completely ruined among these nobles, and it was basically impossible for him to continue to help introduce partners.

The same goes for those Victorians. Now the nobles around them hate those Victorians like flies.

But in contrast, it is the local ordinary people.

As the hedonists of the upper class, the nobles certainly need to rely on oppressing the common people to obtain the materials they need.

Although the people usually don't say much, they are still very disgusted with the domineering behavior of the nobles.

Look at Victoria next door. The aristocrats there are as warm as the spring breeze. They collect taxes from the common people in strict accordance with the rules. But if any family is really in difficulty, they will generously exempt taxes.

Not only that, the taxes they collect are not used for their own enjoyment, but for the construction of their territory. If any house's house is unsafe or unsightly, they will use the money to build that person's house. The house needs to be renovated or even rebuilt.

What a good lord!

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