Dungeon Player

Chapter 576 General Stan’s Ambition

"...In this way, the entire aristocratic coalition was defeated by the people of the Free City of Victoria!"

In the capital of the Kingdom of God, a bard in a tavern was telling the civilians who knew nothing about the war he had witnessed.

The civilians in the royal capital are still very interested in the stories of these wars, especially when they hear that the nobles beat up the people from the free city of Victoria in the forest.

"So those nobles are no match for the Victorians!"

"Of course, each of those warriors in the Free City of Victoria is a warrior who is not afraid of death. They will not retreat at all in the battle with the nobles, but those nobles are different. , when the war becomes unfavorable to them, they will turn around and run away!"

The bard said this, and soon another civilian asked:

"Then how will those Victorians treat the civilians in the territory after they occupy the territory of the nobles?"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard they kill civilians, right?"

"And they will rob them wantonly."

"They didn't even spare the old man's three-year-old daughter. It's really terrifying."

When the civilians were discussing this, the troubadour seemed very angry and punched the table and said loudly:

"How is it possible? We are a disciplined team, how could there be a copper smelter appearing!"


Some people heard what the bard said, and they asked strangely. After all, for those people in the free cities of Victoria, they still regarded them as outsiders and not as their own people.

"The matter has come to this, and I can no longer hide it."

The bard sighed, and then said:

"Yes, I have joined those glorious eternal kingdoms, no, it is the camp of the Free City of Victoria! Only the warriors of the Free City of Victoria can lead the world to a peaceful and bright future!"

The troubadour said in a tone full of fanaticism. Many civilians had expressions of fear on their faces, and some even planned to leave the table, but the man suddenly took out a large piece of paper and then shouted:

"We promise that every civilian who follows Victoria's Free City will be allocated farmland according to their capita. Not only that, our warriors also strictly abide by the Eight Great Disciples..."

Before the man with privacy had finished speaking, a crossbow arrow suddenly flew towards his head. Na Lujian wiped his hat and flew over, knocking his tall hat to the ground.

After the hat fell to the ground, the green characters on his head were revealed. Soon someone shouted in panic:

"This man is from the Free City of Victoria!"

"Oh my god, it's so scary. Has the Free City of Victoria already arrived here? This is the royal capital!"

The civilians shouted in panic, but their shouts were quickly drowned out by the sound of fighting. A large number of soldiers rushed into the tavern, and the troubadour with the green head pulled out his sword, laughed loudly and said:

"Come on, you cowardly soldiers of the Kingdom of God, long live Victoria!"

The result of the battle is self-evident. The Victorian was quickly killed on the spot. These soldiers originally wanted to capture him alive, but the Victorian fought so bravely that there was no way to find him alive.

After all, they can't play with their lives.

It turns out that this is not the first time that something like this has happened in the Royal Capital. It has happened several times in this month. Those Victorians sneaked into the Royal Capital at some point and used various identities to promote their war. of justice.

Outside the royal capital, those towns and villages have been infiltrated into a sieve by the ubiquitous Victorians. Even in many remote places, the people's support for the Victorians exceeds the support of the Kingdom of God.

General Stan sat in his office, looking at the report sent by Chen, with a splitting headache.

Generally speaking, after experiencing such a failure, it would not be surprising for General Stan to be killed, but after all, he is a general with considerable achievements in the Kingdom of God.

After thinking for a long time, King Tudou II of the Kingdom of God still did not execute him, and so many nobles were interceding for General Stan.

Although General Stan does not need to be executed, he is still punished. All his military ranks have been wiped out. Not only that, now he can only hold a position similar to the captain of the guard in the King of Gods.

His daily job is to maintain law and order in the city, but even so, his job is not easy. All this is because of those people who are everywhere in the free city of Victoria.

After the noble neighbors were defeated by the Victoria Free City, the Kingdom of God's army arrived more than ten days later, and this time the leading general did not perform better than General Stan. He was not as good as General Stan. Instead, he ordered the soldiers to charge, but the result was predictable.

Tens of thousands of the Kingdom of God army were once again destroyed on the battlefield. This time, the result was almost the same as last time. A large number of soldiers were captured, and the fate of these soldiers was to be sent to the underground city of the Eternal Kingdom. Of course, these things Let’s not mention it for now.

After their huge advantage on the frontal battlefield, the Victorians spread like a virus, infiltrating every town and village and showing unprecedented unity and organization.

Of course, the unity and organization here are only compared to their previous performance, and are still much worse than the regular army.

But the quality gap is not a big problem. Quality is not enough to make up for quantity.

A general has made statistics on how many Victorians there are. On the frontal battlefield alone, it can be counted that nearly 2 million Victorians were killed.

In other words, nearly every soldier of the Kingdom of God will kill one or two hundred Victorians before being killed in battle. Such battle losses will definitely destroy the country in any kingdom.

But the Victorians acted like it was no big deal.

They were still everywhere, like fleas.

It has even begun to head towards the capital of the Kingdom of God from the direction of Victoria Forest.

General Stan slammed the table angrily again. If he still had a military rank, he would definitely lead the troops to defeat those arrogant Victorians on the battlefield.

As for the last failure, it was just the result of the collusion between the Victorians and the demons in the eternal kingdom.

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