"This wave of autumn gods reacted so quickly!"

"The ultimate move solves Meikoni's weakness in seconds, and Olaf is going to get irritable!"


on the route.

At this time, the three members of EDG were beating Olaf.

But now that Olaf has opened up, he has greatly increased his attack power in an instant, and with the bloodsucking of the W skill, it seems that it is not so easy to fight all of a sudden.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly lit up.

"Damn! This wave of autumn gods seems to be about to be operated, this axe is so handsome. "

"Mad dog Olaf, the Axe Gang is in charge!"

"Has the autumn god who descended from the gods to stand up again?"

"The familiar autumn god is back!"


Barrage area.

Many fans who supported Chen Yiqiu looked at the blood-red Olaf in the game, and they all became excited.

Previously, when the first tower on the lower road was targeted by the factory director in an instant, many Chen Yiqiu's fans still looked quite uncomfortable, and even felt that Chen Yiqiu in this scene was not quite right.

consciousness, not at all like the invincible autumn god in everyone's minds.

Even just now, they still had this suspicion.

Because the factory director was still there, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf actually dared to move forward.

It's like giving people heads.

But now, it doesn't seem to be what they imagined.

It seems to be giving away people's heads, but it is not.

LGD genius top single Cm. E-sports Zhuge Liang and E-sports Oscar Qiushen are in this summer finals that are about honor and world quotas.

This moment of him.

Start awakening!

I'm starting to get cranky!

Olaf fought bloodily, one person under the tower, directly 1V3.


on the field.

After opening the ultimate, Chen Yiqiu took a look.


Anne is bloody?

Before, he only had small soldiers in his eyes, so he only thought about making up for a few soldiers to eat experience, and he had never paid attention to the blood volume of the three EDG people, but at this time, Chen Yiqiu Olaf.

After driving a big grumpy, everyone wants to hammer, and it's uncomfortable not to hammer.

Mad dog Olaf, am I kidding you?

Just have hands!

Chop, chop, chop!

Olaf rushed straight at him and frantically punched Meiko's Anne.

Compared with the small soldiers, the head is obviously a little more fragrant, if you can hammer one to death, it will not be a loss, and even Chen Yiqiu feels that it is blood gain.


Axe picked up again?

At this time, Chen Yiqiu didn't know when he actually picked up an axe again, and he saw that the Q skill flashed, and the skill CD was reset.

Without hesitation, he threw it at Anne.


Reckless swing!

An E skill blast hammer hit meiko Annie's body, and the real damage hit little Annie's head, like a thunderous blow, and this moment was like a lightning explosion.

Meiko is desperate!

Not only was he slowed down, but he was also injured by the position he was in, and Olavka was dead standing on the left side.

Can't move at all!

Def and Ike are still fighting like crazy, but the more Olaf is a hero, the more terrifying his combat power becomes, and it will also bring a berserk attack speed bonus.

Passive Fury, which increases attack speed by 1% for every 1% health lost.


"This Poolaf is going to fight back!"

"Under the remnant blood of Olaf, the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes. "

Commentator Miller saw this scene and began to roar.


originally thought that this wave of EG would be nirvana, but I never thought that Olaf could still do it to such an extent at this time.

It's a little scary!

LGDmy killed EDGmeiko (Annie). "

The big screen of the game.

This will already be the beginning of the prompts.

Even if Deft gave a mouthful of blood, it was to no avail, and Meiko's Anne fell directly.

Chen Yiqiu's Olaf still has one-fifth of his blood left, and he has never been able to fight, which also makes the factory director and deft more and more anxious.

Another axe thrown!

Chen Yiqiu didn't know what skills he had pressed.

Anyway, QWE is a random press at this time, and I'm afraid that the skill CD will be turned into a good one, and I won't use it for a considerable blood loss.

Anne falls!

Seeing that the tower was attacking him, Def hurriedly retreated, not to mention that he was now smashed by Olaf's axe.

If you continue to play in this position, it is likely that the next person who dies will have to add oneself.

Chen Yiqiu's Olaf doesn't care so much.

Catch up and keep chopping!

As long as it hasn't fallen, the keyboard will never stop.


"It's over, it's over!"

"This wave of EDG has blown up!

"After Ike hit the first wave of damage, now he can only rely on a flat A, and the threat to Olaf is too small. "

"DFT's Jinx hurts, but he's a little stuck to it right now, and he can't afford Olaf's real hurt at all. "

Seeing the scene on the road, the doll at this time followed.

Olaf's momentum is too scary!

At this moment, Deft, as if remembering the Titan again, Deft's Jinx was forced to hand over the flash, and instantly opened up a little distance, but he reflexively continued to play output.

At this time.

The blood red on the mad dog Olaf dimmed, and the duration of the ultimate move was already over.


He hasn't fallen yet!

Olaf, the god of war, has not died even after fighting the remaining amount of blood.

Chen Yiqiu himself was a little surprised.

But there is only this bit of blood left, and I have been forced by the factory director to stick and beat.

Death is a certainty anyway.

The creeps don't know why there are few of them all of a sudden, and if there are no creeps, it's better to do a little more damage when they are dying.

It doesn't matter if you can't beat DEFT, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf reflexively beat up the factory director's Ike, forcing the factory director to hand over his big move.

Cannon curtain!

At this time, I saw the captain's move appear on my head.

Chen Yiqiu was speechless.


Fat general, are you still using big moves to grab people's heads, and they are still making last-minute shots.

It's just excessive!

Looking at the black screen of his computer screen, Chen Yiqiu left the keyboard with both hands.

Scratch your head.

Took a long breath.

Although it is a little uncomfortable, this wave does not seem to be a loss, just change a head, Chen Yiqiu can be regarded as very content.


Wait a minute!

How did Yasuo, who was a god of Wei, suddenly appear on the road?

Chen Yiqiu had already opened the Taobao store, ready to buy equipment, and then waited for the teleportation to continue to develop, but he didn't notice it.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shen came up from behind the river.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yiqiu's eyes suddenly glowed with gold, and he couldn't help but shout in his heart at this time.

"Wei Shen, come on!"


"This wave of EDG is really fried!"

"Jinx didn't flash and couldn't run away at all. "

The doll hasn't finished yet.

At this time, Wei Shen's Yasuo rushed up directly, and the dashing EQ hit Deft's Jinx in a row, and at this time, Deft also wanted to rely on the pawn move to slow down Yasuo slightly.

But it doesn't work.

Yasuo came up with EQ and Kahei A took away the deft in an instant.

Seeing this, the factory director hurriedly retreated.


Wei Shen's character, can he not chase it?

Ike, the director of the factory, has also been attacked by the defense tower, as well as Chen Yiqiu Olaf's blasting hammer, and his blood volume is also not healthy.

Plus the ultimate is gone.

Now being chased and cut by Yasuo of Wei Shen is really uncomfortable.

Chased from the top road to the river, the factory director had already flashed, but he still couldn't escape the pursuit of Wei Shen Yasuo, and he survived Yasuo's second E skill to break through to Ke.

only to get the head of the factory director.

"EDG, this wave has completely blown up. "

"The advantage that was established after killing Olaf in the lower lane in the early stage is now all sent back, but it has allowed Yasuo of Wei Shen to get two heads. "

"What's next?"

Seeing the final result, the dolls also sighed.

"This wave of Wei Shen arrived in a hurry, and the support was too timely. "

"But what I have to say is that Qiu Shen forcibly held on to such a long time under the tower alone and did not die, and finally let him hammer one to death. "

"Helped Wei Shen buy it long enough. "

Miller followed.

From God's point of view, they all saw the scene on the field clearly.

I have to say.

These two choices in LGD are really outrageous.

At this time, a lot of EDG fans have mixed tastes after seeing this result.

How so?

Obviously a wave of nirvana?

Why did EDG lose so badly in the end?


Some of the streamers who were still thinking about reviewing this game, they were stunned after watching it, and after Olaf of the Autumn God in the lower wave was killed, they had already given up their notes.

There are also recordings of key moments.

But now I didn't expect that the autumn god would show his might again.


on the game.

The director will start to replay the team battle just now.

Many people actually want to know at this time, how did Chen Yiqiu manage to be 1V3 under the tower just now, obviously his Olaf level is not high, and the equipment is poor enough.

Why did it last so long?

It's just so unscientific. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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